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Food for the Soul

Monday, October 14th, 2013


I am checking in from our cabin in the Deschutes National Forest in central Oregon. I have never been here in the fall, and I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the Aspen Trees wearing their golden fall color. It is glorious for an Aspen lover such as myself to see these groves of Aspens in shades of gold and green.

Our cabin is in the Lake Creek Resort.


Here is the view from our porch. You can see the Lake Creek which flows from Suttle Lake.


To get to the main lodge, we walk over this quaint bridge.


We have Scooter with us and we are all enjoying walks in the cool, crisp air. I am so glad that I brought my puffy green down jacket.


When we got here yesterday, about 4 pm, we took Scooter on a 2 mile walk. We wanted to pick up some things at the Camp Sherman store, unfortunately, it closed at 4 and would not open again until Friday. This true of many places around here, we have found. The summer season is over and they are on a week-end schedule. We did get to have dinner at the Black Butte Ranch Lodge. However, they were out of just about everything on the menu – poor planning, I guess. I was so disappointed, but since it was my birthday, they comped me my steak dinner and dessert and he gave me a double poor of wine!

This morning, we took a hike through the forest to find the beautiful Metolius River. We walked from our cabin to the stocked fishing pond on the lodge property where I was able to get some close up photos of Aspen leaves.





We did not see another soul on our hike, just a couple of deer, until we got to the river. Here are some photos I took.





Here is the Metolius which has a very melodic sound.




On the hike back we stopped to rest and take in the beauty by the fishing pond and I snapped these Aspen saplings reflected in the pond.


We went into Sisters for lunch and picked up some food for dinner tonight. I worked on the sweater I am knitting for Paige and then we took another walk. This time, we followed the path that circumvents the resort property. A shorter walk, but beautiful, too.

Mr C found this indigo blue Aspen leaf. I love it.




We are heading home tomorrow, feeling rested and satiated with the beautiful surroundings of Central Oregon.





Seventy-five , but Who is Counting?

Saturday, October 12th, 2013


Here is my cake – a delicious gluten and diary free Irish oatmeal spice cake. Steph made little flags out of silk shibori that we dyed together.

It was a nice, uneventful day. We are beginning to get some fall color. Makes our daily walks very enjoyable.

2013fallcolorI saw this pile of pumpkins on my shopping trip yesterday.


My present to myslef was a clean-up from the recent creativy and bobbin hunt. I got my Janome back yesterday and this afternoon, I got the pet postcards ready for their backing.


These two are on some deconstructed print fabric.


These are done on whitish fabrics – I think the Scooter motif shows up better.

Here are my Maggie cards.



The yellow and green ones are from a print I did with a masking paper resist on a silk screen. I used green paint on yellow fabric. I am glad I finally found a use for it.


Tonight we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant that specializes in tasty small plates. It was very yummy. Miles dressed very nicely for the event. I love that he likes to get dressed up.


As we left the restaurant, we saw this tree illuminated by red lights from the restaurant and the moon. Awesome sight.


So that was my birthday. We are extending it a few days with a trip to Camp Sherman in the mountains of Central Oregon on the Metolius. We have a cabin for two nights and can take Scooter with us. I will try to post some photos from there.


And Then the Lights Went Out

Sunday, August 25th, 2013


I had a fairly productive day yesterday. I took some photos to share and was ready to blog about my progress after dinner. In the middle of dinner prep, the lights went out. This is a rare occurrence. We have lived here for more than 7 years and we have had very few power interrupts. Apparently, a tree was down in the neighborhood. First it was to be back at 9 and then 11. We finally went to bed at 10:30. I think it came back on at 1:30 this morning.

Anyway, I went back to stitching the organza to the wool pre-felt. It has such a luxurious tactility. I just love touching it. This is why I work in textiles.


I think I can finish stitching it today and do the shrinking. The Barnes’ are coming over for pizza so I may not get totally done.

I also made a quick trip to Mill Ends to get some yarn to make a chemo hat for my friend Judy who starts chemo this week for breast cancer. She is so upbeat and positive about this whole experience — she makes me smile when I want to cry about it. I promised her a chartreuse hat and I found this yummy mohair:


But, in the end, she is such a colorful person, I had to go with this:


It is really soft. I think it will look great. I was going to start knitting last night, but that didn’t happen!!

While I was at Mill Ends, I saw this colorful burlap. Have been wondering what I could do with some of this.


Home Sweet Home

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013



I am exhausted and on sensory overload. I have managed to get mostly unpacked. I couldn’t do laundry until this afternoon because Mr C had a plumber here putting in a new water line. The old one sprung a leak and lots of money later, we have higher water pressure and no leak. At least there is something to show for it. I also stocked up on some food as Mr C, on his own, had eaten just about everything in the house!

I had an extremely busy time at the conference. Not much down time at all. I will try to share some highlights. Jane Dunnewold is president of the board. Here she is with Marci Rae McDade, journal editor, talking about the SDA website.


Speakers: Janet Echelman who does these amazing giant rope structures is a phenomenal force. She was our keynote speaker. If you can, visit her website and watch her TED talk.


Another favorite of mine was Otto von Busch, a Swedish clothing designer,  who wants to release us from being slaves to the fashion industry through “hacktivism” or transforming your clothes into original works of art. One of his projects is to invite people to bring a stained piece of clothing and paint it with a black motif – he says black is always in fashion.

Other great speakers were Natalie Miebach, who uses the graphs and numbers of tides, weather and other natural phenomena, to create her baskets and installations and Elissa Auther, who spoke to us about fiber in the contemporary art world. I really enjoyed listening to Michael James talk about his textile journey and the difficulty of having his wife diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers and the resulting grief and how it has effected his work.

It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones. Judith Trager, who is on the SAQA board, was at the conference and we spent a lot of time together. Leslie Tucker Jennison, lives in San Antonio, and was at the conference and graciously, took Judith and I and other friends away from the hotel to enjoy some of the better food of the city. Here are Leslie on the right and Judith in the center, at the pre-fashion show fundraiser. The hostess, Robin Early, is reflected in the mirror.




The fashion show, always a big hit, was held at the University of The Incarnate Word. Those of us who attended the cocktail party had front row seats on the runway.



I managed to spend some time with the vendors and bidding in the silent auction. I will get some photos of my loot tomorrow to share with you. I saw these carved stamps, but I didn’t buy any.



I did spend some money at this booth. I bought the top that is hanging there.




The conference closed on Sunday around noon. One of the highlights for me was seeing Jane Dunnewold’s new studio. She has a house with a kitchen and several rooms for “dry” work — designing, critiquing, etc. She built a brand new wet studio. Here are some shots of that.







I would love to spend a week dyeing, discharging and/or printing in this place. Several San Antonio artists share the space with Jane and had there work displayed. I especially liked the prayer flags by Sharon Rowley. Here is a closeup of them.



We had a party at the studio for all of our great volunteers. Most of them were from San Antonio or Austin. Jane arranged for a Mariachi band to serenade them at the end.



I was back at work on Monday, checking in Post-conference workshop participants and attending a board/staff meeting. I left Monday afternoon for a long trip home via Las Vegas and that turned into a longer than anticipated layover because a flight was delayed coming in from Orlando. By the time I got home, I only wanted to get into my own bed and sleep for 12 hours. I only managed 7.

Needless to say the last month has been a whirlwind for me from Artists Among Us to the wedding and then the SDA conference. I survived and enjoyed myself through it all. We are all still smiling about the beautiful wedding. I am waiting for the official photo release!!

Getting in My Conference Groove

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013



Today was a much better day. After 8 hours of sleep and maximum Aleve dosage, my pinched nerve has gotten better and I had a pretty good day. I promised to tell you about my workshop with Kerr Grabowski. She has developed a new design class. The first two days of the workshop we are only allowed to work in black and white so that we are not influenced by color and textures.

The workshop is at the Southwest School of Art.


The first floor of our building has two galleries with some beautiful work to ogle. Michael James has an exhibit in the first gallery.


He is doing an artist talk on Friday night of the conference. The other gallery has fascinating work by a Kenyan woman, Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga. Her work repurposes disposed materials and incorporates stitching, twisting, crocheting and weaving. She did an artist talk tonight that was really interesting — she is a great story teller. I will show some images later. It always makes me happy to walk into a building with beautiful art every where you look.

Kerr started us out in the morning doing contour drawings where you look at an object and draw it without looking at the paper or lifting your pen. My object was a school glue bottle.



Here are my drawings on the right side of this shot. First, I did my thumb and then the bottle.



Next, we picked up scissors and freehand cut the bottle shapes and collaged them. Here was my first.



I decided to work larger and did a second.



After we completed our collages we went through each one and critiqued it, turned it, removed things, or added things, as a group exercise. Mine ended up with a better orientation and the removal of one item.



Last night, we went to a really nice Mexican restaurant on the River Walk. I had a super margarita with the sugar syrup on the side so that I could control the sweetness. This ceviche was so good.



I followed that with shrimp tacos, beans and rice. I had trouble finishing my plate of food.

Back in class this morning, we started out by loosening up and drawing on paper on the floor with a bamboo stick with string attached, using India Ink.



Here is mine:



Our next exercise was to show depth just by using black construction paper cutouts. I got to fancy for my britches and was not happy with what I did so no photo.

This afternoon, we were to show aggression by using shapes. We could use our india ink drawing if we wanted to, and I did. I isolated one area and cut out a rectangle. We could also use one color.



I did various things using big  black X’s, zig zaggy lines, red spirals, etc. Kerr told me she would not allow me to do something so easy. She wanted me to explain why I wanted to use this background. I said it looked scary, like a place where you could get caught or a raging storm. She suggested I figure out a way to expand on that idea. So, I went where I don’t usually like to go! I put the hint of a body caught in the brambles. I added black lines over the top to simulate being caught in the mess.



I won’t be able to take the last day of class because I have to start handling registration for the conference in the morning.

Here are some images of Naomi’s work.






I had dinner with some SDA folks after the artist talk. We took a long walk on the river walk and it was quite comfortable even though it had  been in the 90’s earlier in the day.