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Archive for the ‘M & M’ Category

Saturday Fun

Saturday, June 27th, 2009


Here is the almost new microwave I got for five bucks today. Every June, our neighborhood has a huge garage sale. This is going into my studio for silk dyeing.  People come from far and wide. I have been suffering from one of those horrendous sinus headaches that I get. Yesterday, I didn’t do much except burn a CD to enter a fiber show with pieces that have photography in them. I got out a few pieces of fabric to start a new Aspen themed piece.

I was not sure how I would feel this morning. I was just finishing breakfast when M & M and their parents arrived to head out to the garage sales. I put on my shoes, put my coffee in a thermos and with Mr C and Scooter in tow, off we went.

I picked up a roll of heavy weight plastic in a free pile. I also got these big buckets for shibori dyeing for a dollar.


I couldn’t resist this sweet little print for five dollars.


We spent 5 hours, stopping for lunch along the way. Miles had saved up some money and got some great bargains. M & M selected some puzzles and games for us to have at out house.

After I recovered, I decided to head over to Reed College and check out the Art Fiberfest that has bee happening there the past few days. I found Nikki Wheeler who is one of the Twelves of 12 X Twelve. She was having a great time, having escaped the daily life as super mom.


I also got to meet Alma Stoller who was here teaching. She was delightful and I wish I had had more time to chat with her. Someone in the class wanted to know if I was the mother of the two famous sisters. Ha! Yes, my claim to fame — Lisa and Steph’s mom.


And so it was fitting that when I went to New Seasons to pick up take out for dinner, I saw this display of Lisa’s designs on prominent display!. This was taken with my iPhone and is not that great.


This photo taken of Mia with my iPhone, however, is quite good. She is growing up too fast.


I am whooped. Off to bed. G’night.

Kicking Back and Getting Connected

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009


It is summer and this blog will occasionally succumb to gratuitous photos and posts about the grandkids. They came to spend the day. Here they are lunching al fresco on the deck and in the sun.

Here is Mia with a mouth full of watermelon.


Mr C and Miles made a couple of trips to the Dollar Tree. I think Miles is beginning to understand the tenuous quality of their merchandise, if you know what I mean. Mia and I took Scooter for a walk around Reed College campus and then pulled weeds in the garden.

This afternoon, we had a rousing game of Go Fish for Art, using the Impressionist deck. Mia said she liked learning to pronounce the names. I used my best French accent for them!!

Yesterday, I went shopping to spend some of the money I made as registrar for the conference. I upgraded to Leopard on my desktop computer and also got the maximum memory. I also bought this:


Oops, wrong side:


And here are the apps:


Yes, I got an iPhone and I am loving it and I don’t even have the bubble wrap app, Terry!! (sorry for the lousy photos!) I have spent quite a bit of time today adding my contacts and learning the ins and outs. The keyboard makes texting so much easier. I must say, I have quite mastered the little thing. And don’t you love the lime green case that I got? I also love that wallpaper in the second photo. As a senior citizen, I got a way better deal on the monthly service, too.

Fiberfest is going on over at Reed College. I think it used to be Art & Soul and was in another location. Kathyanne White, an SDA friend, is teaching a couple of classes. They have a vendor’s night open to the public on Friday night. I’m planning to go over. I have invited Kathyanne to come over for a glass of wine tomorrow night. I guess I better get the studio cleaned up.

Loving the Long Days of Summer

Monday, June 22nd, 2009


We have not had perfect weather, but we have had pretty great weather — a little rain and a lot of sun breaks. The family came over yesterday for a Dad’s day barbecue. Miles and Mia have so much fun playing with Scooter, and he loves the vigorous play that they provide.


When I went down to my office today, I found this created from my magnetic words.


I suspect Mia did this, but I don’t know for sure. I love it.

I spent a lot of time working on the SAQA auction quilt. I haven’t been doing a lot of free motion quilting, and felt a bit inept. At one point I had a huge thread nest on the back of the quilt which I had to rip out. Mr C was helping Jack and Steph put drywall on their kitchen ceiling so there was no one around but the dogs to hear my frustration.

In the end, I am saisfied with the result. I think the fabric makes this piece and I was afraid of mucking it up with stitching. Here it is. I have titled it Mystical Forest.


Wandering in the Wilderness

Friday, June 12th, 2009

It has been so long since I have been in my studio that I wonder if I can remember how to do anything. My house is in dire need of a spring housecleaning. I really miss Maryama. I hate doing that dirty work. Having Scooter in and out has only added to the messiness. Here is the thing. I love a clean house; I just don’t want to do it. Anyway, I am spending way too much time diddling on the computer, playing games and reading QA and FB posts. I missed another show deadline that I was really hoping to make this year as the show is near my hometown back in NYS.

I need to get back on a schedule and get off the computer. I have used up all my excuses — new puppy, resting up from the conference, its raining, the sun is shining, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

OK that is off my chest.

Yesterday, I had M & M here because their Mom is in San Francisco doing a photo shoot for friend and hanging out with her sister. After breakfast, we took Scooter to the groomer’s for a summer hair cut. He is so cute. We can see his big brown eyes now. And a bonus, he does not slobber as much water and track in as much dirt and stuff.



Back at the house, Mia asked if she could use my sewing machine. Miles became very intriged by it. She very proudly showed him how it works and let him push the button to select the stitches.



They went home with their Dad last night and he took the day off to spend with them.

Mr C and Mark are making great progress on the steps to my garden.



Today, I went to WW ( lost!) and then took the dogs for a long walk. It was a pretty nice day. Basically, I vegged out for the rest of the day. Well, I cleaned up from the mayhem of having two children around and took Scooter for a walk in the Rhodie Garden. I really have to shake this “being in limbo” attitude I have. Somebody light a fire under me!!

Guess Who Came to Dinner

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009


…and is staying for awhile. It is my handsome son, Mark. He arrived yesterday afternoon to help Mr C install some new steps down to the garden from the front yard.


Here is a closeup!!


Tonight, we had a big family dinner. I made the roasted veggies up there and some other good stuff. Stephanie is flying to San Francisco in the morning to do a photo shoot for her friend Lorena’s catalog of things she sells. So M & M are here over night and tomorrow. They haven’t stayed overnight in a while so I am very happy to have them here.


Today was the last day of school and Mia is showing Grandpa her third grade yearbook.


Miles was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism. I love it when I can catch him in a happy, animated way.




Oops, he caught me.Wow, is he ever growing, right in front of my eyes.

I also had a lovely lunch with Terry, June and a couple of SAQA members who were visiting the area – Sheila and Joanelle.

Here are Terry and Sheila, who is from Sand Point, ID. I love this photo of Terry.


And this is June and Joanelle. I was sitting next to Joanelle, who is from Huntington Beach, CA, so I only have a profile.


They all went on to the Portland Art Museum to see the Escher exhibit and I came home to go to the Farmer’s Market and prepare dinner for tonight. I am going to take Mia next week.

Here are my couch potatoes taken while Mr C was walking Scooter, who had an exhausting day helping in the yard and playing with kids. They are watching Mythbusters, one of their favorite shows.


In case you are interested, here is a before picture of the area where new steps are going in. The new steps will be on the right and the old steps will be removed.
