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Archive for the ‘M & M’ Category

And They Call It

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

….Puppy Love.


Today, was my play date with Mia, except that Scooter got all of the attention. We took a walk to the Rhodie garden.


I think Scooter likes his new pack.


The Rhodies are beautiful right now.


I especially love this creamy Rhodie with tinges of peach.


The baby ducks are making their debut in the reservoir.


Scooter was so tuckered out, he made a bee line for his crate:


I received some great mail today. The first of my Collage Mania pieces arrived. This one is “Nevermore” by Pat Dolan. It is beautifully mounted. I love it. The photo does not do it justice.


Oh, Happy Day

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Got out early, in the sunshine, and planted my garden. Felt so good. I save space for tomatoes. I might plant some corn, too. Today I planted lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, chard, sweet peas and strawberries plus several herbs. I planted carrot, radish and green bean seeds.

This bed has herbs and lettuce and the strawberries.


Another view. My beds are triangular because of the weird shape of the yard.


Here is the tumbler composter which is cooking away.


Look, I already have a strawberry.


I was also excited to find several buds on the peony I planted last year.


Miss Mia came by after school to hang out with me. We practiced sewing on the Janome sewing machine. She loves to do the fancy stitches. Look how grown up she is becoming.


I cooked a delicious pork tenderloin with pineapple and Asian seasonings in the crockpot and the whole family had dinner here.

It was such a beautiful, bright day, so I took advantage and photographed a bunch of quilts that I want to get on my website. I also have to send better photos of the two quilts going to Sacred threads in June.

While Mia was sewing, I started a second scrap piece, but didn’t have time to finish it.

Tomorrow, I finally get to have my eye exam and select new glass frames. Woo hoo!

That is about all there is to report from my happy day.

On the Menu, Today…

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

And we continue with the cooking and eating!! Hope you had a great day, too.

Our weather was quite rainy, so an indoor egg hunt was in order. Lisa and Clay bought all the goodies and hid them.


I couldn’t wait to bite the ears off my rabbit.


Mr C went berserk over his Easter basket. Maybe it was all the ham slicing he did at Trinity this morning, preparing for the outreach dinner.


Lisa and Clay were leaving this afternoon to fly back to SF, so we didn’t have our usual Easter dinner feast. Instead, I prepared a brunch.

A cheese/broccoli/egg casserole — a family favorite:


A fabulous Paula Dean French Toast Casserole:


And sausage and bacon:


Steph made a beautiful plate of fruit and I mixed up another batch of Blissinis:


For dessert, a delectable assortment of Moonstruck truffles and chicks:


I think I am done cooking and entertaining for now. I am looking forward to working in the garden and the studio this week.

Good Things

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Thanks for the commiseration over my recent state of mind. Today was much better (even though I turned myself into WW and was up 4 pounds!! eek!!), and I think it proves the old adage that sharing our misery helps to dilute it.

I spent an hour with a charming Comcast tech who straightened out our connections so that our phone, Internet and TV will all operate more efficiently. He fell in love with Maggie and might have absconded with her if I had allowed it.

M and M arrived early afternoon (no school). We took a walk in the Rhodie Garden and fed the ducks. There were many signs of spring.






The mail came very late today, but it had two large envelopes that made me very happy.  Early in February, I won a pressie when I commented on Regina’s Mostly Turquoise blog. Regina is a talented artist who lives on the Dutch West Indies island of St. Martins (Sint Maartin). My gift arrived today and it is so much more than I expected. It is a beautiful art quilt with some hand painted fabric and of course, some turquoise.


And some more Regina Art:


Thank you so much, Regina!

The other envelope was the acceptance of two of my quilts into the Sacred Threads exhibit. This happens every two years, in June, in Ohio. The two quilts are the Galilee Sunrise and the Wailing wall with the Dome of the Rock, both of which were in my show and sold. The new owners have graciously agreed to let them travel. They can be seen on my Flickr set, Holy Land Pilgrimage, A Quilter’s Journey.

M and M brought some much needed energy and fun to my life.

Feelin’ Fine

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Thank God for the miracle of antibiotics. I felt better by Friday. I made it back to WW after a month of being snowed in, show stuff and car repairs. I was up 4 ounces – not bad. I also gave up on growing out my hair and went in to see Joseph and got it cut. Here is my latest I-book Photo-booth self portrait.  Oops, no earrings – naked ears!!


I said I wouldn’t post again until I had something creative to show. This afternoon, I started a piece titled “Somewhere, Over the Rainbow.” Here is a sneak peek. I have enjoyed doing some seed stitching with rainbow perle cotton.


Yesterday, we had a family birthday dinner for Mr C. He finished the painting of my office so that he could show it off. I still have some reorganizing to do, but here is a sneak peek. I really love the way the room is shaping up — so fresh and light and airy. It no longer feels like a dungeon.


M & M settled down to watch Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel.


We found out that two bull myths are false. They are not angered by the color red and they walked daintily through a china shop. Mia says the show should be called Myth Blowups!!

The Barnes family gifted Mr C with this beautiful succulent.


I made a delicious dinner of salmon roasted on a bed of potatoes, parsnips and peas and Mr C’s favorite — Carrot Cake.

Today was cold. We awoke to snow covering everything, but this afternoon, the sun came out. Maggie loves to sleep in the sun as it streams in the living room windows.


Finally, I just want to say that I am loving the changes that are coming from the Obama White House. What a difference. He has such a big job on his hands, but I think he is off to a great start. I took this photo on the TV when he was making his inaugural speech.
