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Archive for the ‘M & M’ Category

Good Times with My Peeps

Friday, November 21st, 2008

If the early part of the week found me lonely, the last two days have been a great antidote. Yesterday, was miserably chilly and rainy. The STASH group met at Reva’s where it was toasty and the chatter was endless. Here is my sofa buddy, Stella Luna or possibly her sister, China Rose, playing the part of a stuffed antimicaster.

Reva treated us to all sorts of home cooked goodies. We had home baked cookies when we arrived. For lunch we had two soups, great cheese and bread and apple cake with ice cream.

Last night we celebrated Miles’ seventh birthday at one of those sushi restaurants where the sushi travles around on a conveyor belt and you grab plates as they go by. M & M loved it. It was fun because they enjoyed it so much. Then we went back to Steph’s for the opening of presents and a Ben and Jerry ice cream cake.

Today was crit group at my house. Two of our group didn’t make it, but the other four of us had a good time. I showed by sunrise piece and received some great feedback. We went out for Thai food.

I took a nice long walk since the sun decided to make an appearance today. Then I had to do some SDA website stuff. I finally got into the studio at 4 pm. I did a my usual cleanup and putting away of stuff to start a new piece tomorrow. I am going to make an abstract piece based on the colors of the dead sea which contains many minerals, particularly salt. Much of the fabric that I dyed is for this piece. I am playing around with some cheesecloth for the salty deposits.

Saturday Stuff

Saturday, November 15th, 2008

I am going to do a rare Saturday post. I have veggies roasting in the oven. Mr C is going to grill some turkey breast loins. M & M are arriving soon to have dinner with us and spend the night. Steph was worried that she was wearing out her babysitting time. I told her there is no limit, as long as I do not have plans. I always love to have them come by for some quality time with us.

I scored a great 12 X 12 quilt from the SAQA auction today. This is by Cathy Kleeman. I love her work. She got into Quilt National this year. I have a piece that will be in the third week of the auction. Here is the piece that I am adding to my collection:

I started quilting the hillside houses today. First, I fused it to the batting:

Then I sewed the back to this, right side facings and prepared it for the pillowcase turn. I add a length of wonder under to the wrong side of the backing along the top edge where the rod pocket will go. I cut a slit through the center of the paper and start turning.

Here it is turned and ready for quilting. Whoops, I just got a comment from Terry. She thinks I should have done a solid sky. Too late now! I considered it, but I really liked using the square in a square.

To complement this wonky quilt, I am doing wonky quilting.

I hope to finish this tomorrow and move on to another piece that is running around in my brain.

Mental Health Break

Monday, November 10th, 2008

I am here. I am not getting much done. Catching up on blog reading. Shopping for food for the week. Sketching a new piece I will start working on, very soon. Doing my homework for my class tonight. We are leaving the dreaded Middle Ages behind tonight and moving into the Reformation and the Renaissance. (Did you know that Renaissance is Michelle Obama’s moniker for the Secret Service. Obama is Renegade!!)

Taking care of M & M is not so much a physical strain as a mental/stress kind of strain. You always have them on  your mind, even when they are at school. That kind of stress really wreaks havoc on an old body like mine!!

I have a hint for other Grandmas. Do you know about Hoops and YoYo? This is a Hallmark sponsored site where  you can send cards, etc. But there are these two animated characters who have little animated videos of their antics. It will amuse a child for at least half an hour.

All in all, it was a fun time. I picked up a couple of gems from Mia. She told me that McCain did not want Palin for  his VP, that he wanted Lieberman. Keeping my composure, I asked how she knew – well, she heard it on TV, of course. When we were at the Rhodie Garden on Saturday, she saw a large tree that had fallen across the stream and a fence, onto the golf course. She said this would come in handy for the golfers to come into the garden to join their wives for tea!! Miles entertained me by falling into the stream – fortunately, it was in a very shallow area and near our exit for out walk back to the house.

Didn’t you just love seeing the photos of the Obamas visiting the White House today. Wow, it is really true.

I love Andrew Sullivan’s  political blog. He had this video on under the heading – mental health break – today. I just had to share it.

Time Management

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

I am feeling a great deal of empathy for women who have school age children and attempt to have some creative time for themselves. This morning, I fed everyone breakfast, supervised getting dressed for school, packed the lunches and started out the door – wait a minute – Grandma needs her coffee. It was about 9 when we returned so I caught up on the computer, sending SDA bulk mailings, reading blogs, etc. Worked in the studio for about an hour, took a walk with Mr C and Maggie, ate lunch, did some SDA website work, spent some more time in the studio. Then, off to school for pick up, went to Steph’s to feed the cat, back to our house, snack and talking time with the M & M, half hour in the studio, made dinner, helped with homework, supervised bedtime. Whew. I worked in the studio for another 2 hours tonight.

All that said, having M & M here is really a treat. They are so much fun and so inquisitive. There is never a dull moment. We just looked at Mia’s math homework. She had to make up her own story problem and give the answer. I have 3 bags of Obama buttons. There are 9 buttons in each bag. How many buttons do I have!! Yep, that would be my granddaughter. Today, she wore my big Obama button to school. It has a photo of Obama’s family and says, “America’s Next First Family.”

This is what I accomplished today:

I was going to try to have the colors cascade across the quilt in a rainbow, but it wasn’t working so I am going to make it scrappy. It is nice to have something like this to work on when you have bits and pieces of time.

Tomorrow, in addition to the M & M schedule, I am going to go to WW and get my hair cut and colored. Won’t be much time in the studio.

Settling Down

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Today was cleaning day. I also had to shop for M & M food for the next few days. Jack left for Portland, ME this morning to join Steph for the festivities on the other coast. Mr C and I picked the kids up at school this afternoon. Here is a clue that they have arrived.

Mr C picked up some books at the library for them. This is instant entertainment for these two. They settled down with hot chocolate and a book. The photo of Miles is totally out of focus.

So, we will see how I do in the morning – make breakfasts, get them dressed for school, pack lunches and make the 20 minute drive!! Steph sent their outfits for each day all bundled and ready for them to put on — a great idea!

During the excitement of the last few days, I finished the sunrise piece. I had a problem with the sun streaks. Now that it is too late, I wish I had not tried to do them at all, but I did and I have to live with that decision. So I added another layer of organza in vertical strips and stitched down. It looks less random.

I still have to sew on the facings and then I am on to the next piece.