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Archive for the ‘M & M’ Category

Demolition Derby

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

I just checked in with Steph. Chester had his leg amputated today, but he can’t come home until tomorrow. She took M & M to visit, but he was quite out of it from pain meds. Did you know that they use patches for kitties, too. Mia is struggling with this, but Steph thinks she will be fine once he his home, and she can see that he is still going to be Chester. Thanks for all your good wishes.

This morning Hans and his demo crew arrived to deconstruct our bathroom and closets. Here is the before:

The shower is an enclosure to the right of the tub. It was a bit noisy, but they were very meticulous about sealing off our bedroom area.

Here are the sinks and the tub waiting for a new home, perhaps with Habitat for Humanity:

And the pink tile is in the dumpster:

So, I keep waiting for the day that my life gets back to normal, whatever that is. But, not so far. Yesterday was spent moving out of the bathroom to the guest bathroom. Today, I was just in a state of suspended animation as I dealt with the reality of having men in and out of the most private area of my home!!

I did make it to Weight Watchers. I forgot to report that I only gained between 2 and 3 pounds on the trip. I was back down more than a pound today so I trudge on towards my 70th birthday, hoping to lose at least 10 more.  I walked in the door from WW and found a package from Kristin containing lots of German chocolate — fortunately, I have found a way to incorporate chocolate into my diet!!

I think the best way to deal with the work crew is to hideout in my studio so. tomorrow, I am planning a clean up day. Then I can get to work messing it up again.

Gratuitous Grandchild Photos

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

This afternoon, I was finally going to get down to the studio to do some work. Then, these wonderful beings showed up.


They get out of school early on Wednesday so their mom brought them over for a visit and to take possession of her birthday present, a new lens for her camera.

After a snack of apple champagne, molasses cookies and almonds, we enjoyed some time in the front yard. It was not the greatest weather, but nice enough to do some chalk drawings and hang out with Grandma.






Mia drew this kitten:


Miles drew this International Don’t sign for girls!! Argh – he is that age.


Maggie loves when they come over, but she is getting so old, she can hardly keep up with them. She is wondering which direction they went! Notice the lovely Portland film of moss.


I had a good weigh-in day at WW. I was down 1.2 pounds and I feel that I am in control of this again. Whew!!

Good Family Times

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

I have been busy hanging out with Jayme and Mark, who arrived on Sunday. We had a nice Easter dinner on Sunday night. On Monday night, we ventured out to Le Pigeon, a newish and much talked about new restaurant in SE Portland. The chef has a big imagination and a quirky food sense. He loves to use organ meats in strange ways. We had four starters – one was foie gras on banana bread with grilled banana and peanuts. It sounds bizarre, but it was quite delicious. My favorite was grilled scallops with tongue and a slaw. For my main course, I had grilled Arctic Char, celeriac slaw and oysters. One of the desserts was a cornbread cake with maple ice cream and caramelized bacon bits. It was fun and adventurous, but I don’t plan to go back any time soon.

Yesterday, Mark did some planning for my my backyard kitchen garden. The plans look fantastic. I can’t wait for it to happen. I will take a photo of the plans tomorrow and post it. It is too late tonight. I went to the airport to pick up Steph, Jack and M & M, back from North Carolina. They were tired from a long travel day so I just dropped them at home.

I am feeling like such the computer geek. I have spent a lot of time this week updating my website. I still have more to do. I also want to update my blog links. They are very out of date. I also had a lot of other web work to do for SDA and the church youth web pages. So my day was spent in front of the computer. All I needed was a bag of
Skittles and I would not have had to come upstairs!!

The rest of the family had more fun than me. First, there was a scavenger hunt. Here are the lists of things to find.



Mark took photos of the excursion for me.




Mark & Jayme gave the kids some books. One was a cook book and so they decided to make a chocolate cake.




Enjoying the fruits of their labors.


To top off the day, everyone pitched in and made pizzas for our supper.




It was a great day. I got lots of work done and still had my family around to entertain me.


Saturday, March 8th, 2008

I am going to show you all Indigo Construction which is in the Good to be Green show. Larkin’s husband did the photography and I think has shown the quilt in its best light, so to speak. My take on the good to be green is tied to the indigo dyeing procedure. With indigo dyeing, you must dip the fabric in the dye vat, take it out, let it oxidize, dip it again, etc. When it first comes out of the dye, it is green and then after oxidation, it turns blue – so, it is good to be green.



It has been a busy day around here. Milo wanted pancakes for breakfast.


Here is Milo in his new glasses. Didn’t I tell you he was really cute?


After lunch, Steph and Jack came and picked them up. I took Maggie for a walk and then made a mad dash to the grocery store to get the fixings for dinner. I made beef, brown rice and cremini mushroom stew, rosemary roasted potatoes, spinach, grapefruit and avocado salad. Steph made a delicious lemon cheese cake with a ginger crust, served with raspberry coulis.

Here are the girls who have been having a great time together in Portland. They are all Indie designer/artists and it is so much fun to hang out with them.


Left to right: My daughter Stephanie, my daughter Lisa, Lisa’s friend, Lorena, and slightly hidden by the flowers, Trish, who lives here in Portland. Lorena is from Argentina. Her husband is a clothes designer for Gap – boys. She is such a lovely young woman – I could adopt her!! Trish is an untrained artist who has amazing drawing skills. She moved here from Texas and started painting and has made a great life for herself as an artist. She brought her chihuahua, Pablo, and Maggie was not too happy.

Now, I must get to sleep early so that I will get to Tillamook on time for my video interview. I will post photos tomorrow night.

This and That

Friday, March 7th, 2008

The Kimono Collage is getting there. I finished the circle layer and am now playing with the red lines. I need to do some more work on this.


This afternoon, Mr C and I went shopping. First, we checked out some bathroom sinks and cabinets at a couple of showrooms. I am liking this simple look.


Or something like this:


We then did some clothes shopping, and we each got some cool stuff for the changing seasons. I love Eileen Fisher clothes as they are very forgiving to the aging body. I was able to select some items in smaller sizes that fit a bit snug, but that will fit for a while as I continue to lose the lbs.

Then it was off to the reception for Lisa’s mixed media show. I took my camera, but did I take any photos? No! We brought M & M home with us. After they got into their jammies, they had some ice cream and a bed time story.



Miles now wears glasses for reading. I will try to get a photo of him tomorrow. They are blue wire rims, from France. He looks so darn cute.