Yesterday was a lovely day. Not perfect, weather-wise, but a nice day to head out to the Hood River Fruit Loop for some apple and pear picking.
Before we left, the UPS guy brought me a package from one of my fave blogger friends, Dee. it contained not one, but two birthday cards, one silly and one sublime. She made me this beautiful table topper which she calls Very Gerrie Lime! Look how gorgeous it looks with my lime green bowl filled with fall gourds.
I love that leaf fabric.
Thank you, Dee!!
Then, Steph and M & M picked me up and we headed out to Hood River, the fruit mecca of Oregon. At the STASH meeting, Beth gave me a coupon for free apples and pears at the Mt. View Orchard so we had a destination and a purpose.
Here are M & M in the van on the way.
The scenery was beautiful.
Here are some pics from the orchard – all clickable to see larger.
During our lunch, this brown lab took a liking to Steph.
I bought one of these big sunflowers to hang on my fence for the birds.
Here are some of the Red Delicious Apples and Red D’Anjou Pears that I got for free. We picked 44 pounds of apples and pears which only cost us 25 cents a pound – what a bargain!
Last night Mr C took me to one of my fave restaurants, Caprials. I had grilled Romaine salad, grilled tuna on a butternut squash cakes and pound cake with pears — all yummy. I had to use some of my extra WW points, but it was worth it.
Today, I have been getting ready for my class with Wendy Huhn. I had to get some laser color prints made. I hope to have some fun images to share as I go through the next few days. I also am still uploading cds to my IPod. I got a thing for playing the Nano in my car. I love having all my music at my finger tips. Now, I have to figure out how to get it to work with our stereo system. I will have to go to Radio Shack and get a cable then I will be in business.