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Archive for the ‘M & M’ Category

Finding My Groove

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

For too long, my sense of well-being has been marginal, to say the least. I feel as if I have lost my sense of direction. I want so much to have my vim and vigor back — to relish going for long walks and to find joy in doing the mundane tasks. But most of all, I feel a need to find my way artistically — doing what I love most.

On Sunday, we finally had the long awaited get together of Terry’s extended family with mine. Her son-in-law, Cayo, moved here last year with her daughter, Emily, from Ecuador. He is an architect and wants to figure out how he can get in to the filed here in Portland. My son-in-law, Jack, is an architect. So, we wanted to get them together with the possibility of Jack providing some help and encouragement for Cayo. Cayo and Emily have a 2 month old beautiful baby, Sofia. I had planned to get pictures, but I was having so much fun holding the baby and visiting — I neglected to get any photos.

I did get these photos of the salads that I made. The first is one of my favorites: black bean, corn, tomato and avocado.

And a pesto pasta salad with grape tomatoes.


Here are M & M engrossed in their mini-litebrites that I bought for them. Mia is wearing the vest that I knitted for her with the tie dye skirt I bought to go with it. Don’t you love Milo’s summer haircut?


Yesterday, I had to catch up on 3 weeks of homework for my EFM class – whew!

So, today, I thought I would get in to the studio and do something very creative — not! But, I just couldn’t get in the groove. I did some work on the SDA web site. Played some computer solitaire. I shortened the sleeves on a new shirt and added some elastic to a new pair of pants that don’t want to stay up. Played some more solitaire. Arranged an art date with Terry and June for Thursday.

Then, I decided to do a little thread doodling ala Kristin. She is posting one every day and is improving her technique. So here is my only creative endeavor for the day or the last two weeks, actually!


I guess you can tell what these items are, but I have a long way to go so I shall join the doodle a day, maybe!

Sunday Potpourri

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

I owe lots of e-mails to so many of you. I just have not been feeling very well. The crappy virus is the lingering type. Mr C and I have both been suffering from coughing and sniffling and sinus headaches. It has taken all my energy to do what I have to do.

I have been working on Passages for a show that opens next week here in Portland. I am quite happy with it. I did some handstitching with perle cotton. I was struck by the beauty and the necessity of the quilted markings on fabric to give texture, depth and definition. Here is a sneak peak:magicstitch.jpg

And look at this quilty cuteness. Viola finally received her quilt today and her mom sent me these photos.



Isn’t she the cutest? Look at her checking out my quilting!

Yesterday, I found these gorgeous cookies that look as if they are dye-painted.


I took them for our snack today. We went on a hike to one of the many waterfalls in the Columbia Gorge. We went with M & M and their mom and dad. Here are M & M sliding down a lovely boulder.


Here is the watery display:



Mr C and Miles entertained themselves a la Andy Goldsworthy, building a stone cairn.


I have uploaded a few more photos to the Virtual Iraq War Protest. Just click on the bumper sticker in my side bar. I am still sending out bumper stickers so if you want one, let me know by sending me your snail mail in the contact form at the top of this page.

Thursday This and That

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

I am so proud of my daughters. Stephanie flew off to San Francisco to spend the week-end with Lisa. They will be hanging and setting up their joint show at Doe. They have put together an amazing show of art and craft, titled Lovely, Dark and Deep. You can see Steph’s work here and Lisa’s work here. A few of the pieces are a collaboration. Tomorrow night is their opening from 7 – 10. If you are in or around San Francisco, stop by and say hi! I love you, Steph and Lili!!

Last night, I finished Viola’s Garden so that Stephanie could take it with her. She will be seeing Viola and her mom and dad on Sunday. Here it is:


In the borders, I quilted some garden critters and flora.


Today, I had an appointment at Nordstrom to be fitted for new bras and a new prosthesis. I was two inches smaller around my chest than I was two years ago – that was surprising! I feel so perky with my new boob and bras.

I did some shopping for M & M. I bought Mia a shirt and skirt to go with the vest that I knitted her. I picked them both up from school and I wanted to take a photo of her in the outfit, but before I knew it, her Dad was here to pick them up. If she wears the outfit to school tomorrow, I can get a photo. I hope.

I have an art show and sale at the Cathedral and a fiber show at a gallery with Columbia Stitchery Guild coming up this month. I have to get busy and finish up some pieces and make some small items for sale in art bins and in the gallery shop. Tomorrow, Miles is out of school at 12:30 so I won’t get much done after lunch. I am going to work on some silk scarves in the morning, do some soy wax batik and some shibori.

VIRTUAL END THE WAR IN IRAQ PROTEST: endthiswar.jpg Thank you to everyone who sent me their address for a bumper sticker. I do not want any postage for this. I just want you to send me a photo for my virtual protest on Flickr. I have more bumper stickers so don’t be shy! I need many more photos if this is going to be a successful protest!! Use the contact form at the top of the page. The contact form goes only to my e-mail. No one else has access to your addresses. So please, please join us!

Knock, Knock…

Sunday, April 8th, 2007

Who’s there?

Wooden shoe.

Wooden shoe who?

Wooden shoe like to go to a tulip festival?


Since we partake in the Easter Vigil service on Saturday night, we leave our seats in the pews for those who only come to church for the special occasions. We had planned to take M & M to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival yesterday, but this is Portland, and it rained!

This morning the sun was shining so off we went, leaving their mom and dad home to get some work done.

There was a definite wooden shoe theme:



They participated in many fun activities. Here are Miles and Mr C taking a ride on a school bus.


We saw fields and row upon row of beautiful tulips.





And there was a spectacular view of the often elusive Mt. Hood.


You can see more of the Tulip Festival here on my Flckr page.

Later, we dined on Greek marinated butterflied leg of lamb, rosemary roasted potatoes, Spanikopita, salad with toasted pine nuts, feta and olives and strawberry rhubarb crisp and vanilla ice cream. Yum! And thanks to Steph for making the salad and Spanikopita.

I’m worn out. Time to call it a day.

Birthday Wrap-up

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

Here is a birthday card I whipped up for Steph. Mia liked it because it was “all silk.”


Stephanie loves coconut and chocolate. I found this recipe for a very decadent Deep Dark Chocolate Coconut Cake. First, you make a roll of coconut mixed with sweetened condensed milk and an egg white and put it in the fridge to chill.


The batter has two types of chocolate.


After the batter is in the bundt pan, the coconut roll is made in to a circle and placed in the batter and buried.



After it bakes and is cooled, a chocolate glaze is poured over.


This is what it looks like when you cut it — a tunnel of coconut – yum!


And this is what my grandchildren looked like at the end of spring break. I think their Mom is ready to have them back in school!


This afternoon, I was not feeling well, so I sprawled on the sofa and watched Marie Antoinette – what a visual feast! I also took a couple of Aleve and I feel better. I think I have one of those achy viruses. Hope you are having a great week-end.