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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Hanging Out in San Francisco

Friday, October 19th, 2012

I am having a wonderful time in San Francisco. You can see that Paige looks pretty cute in her hoody. She likes to chew on the buttons. And, she has room to grow so she can wear it for a while.

Yesterday, after I arrived, Lisa took me to downtown SF so that I could do some shopping at Macy’s which has a huge selection fo Eileen Fisher fashions. I bought several things and had them sent to my house to avoid paying the enormous sales tax. Then, we went to Nordstrom where she bought boots that she has been dreaming about, and I bought shoes that I love.

Lisa and Clay took me out to dinner at The Plant Cafe in the Embarcadero. We sat outside by the bay. It was a beautiful evening.  Then, they dropped me off at Mark and Jayme’s. Paige was already down for the night so I had to wait until this morning to see her. I got to spend the better part of the day with her, by myself. Here she is having some rice cereal for lunch.

Paige and her Daddy are best buds. Her face lights up when either parent comes into the room.

I managed to get one 3 x 3 done before I came down here so it will be  catch up when I get home, next week.



A Quick Check-in

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

I missed the debate tonight because I was at a High Fiber Diet meeting. I hear it was a good one! Terry did a great presentation on the design elements – figure, mass and space. We spent a long time talking about a new meeting space. It is difficult because our members come from Vancouver, WA in the north to Eugene, in the south.

I finished Paige’s sweater!! Can’t wait to see her wearing it.

And that is all I have to say tonight.


Rain and Stuff

Monday, October 15th, 2012

The rain is back, but it has been a weird day — warm and muggy with the rain. We even had thunder and lightening. A tree on the street below the back of our house came down across the street and caused a bit of excitement tonight.

I braved the elements and went out to get some errands done. I took my desk top computer, a Mac Mini, in for an upgrade of ram and memory. They called tonight and it is ready to pick up tomorrow. I will be so happy to have it all zippy again.

Then, I went to get my flu shot at the Kaiser clinic near me. Then across the street to the Kaiser Vision facility. I was going to get some new red glasses to replace the ones I lost last September, but they informed me that I have to have an eye exam since I had the cataract surgery a year ago. So I will have to wait until November.

I did a little retail therapy at the mall and picked up some skinny black jeans, some new jammies and a cool chartreuse sweater, on sale.

Tonight, I worked on Paige’s sweater. It is almost assembled. I just have to stitch the sleeves and add the buttons. Can’t wait to see her in it in a few days.

Exciting news! I got the proofs for my two articles for Art Quilting Studio magazine. I am blown away with how cool my quilts. look. They have one of my aspen quilts in a full page looking as if it is hanging in an aspen grove. I love it.  I have to read the article carefully – in my first check, I found a couple of spelling errors.


Knit One, Purl One

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Some of my readers may remember when I started this sweater for Paige, months ago, before she was born! I used to knit – a lot! Now, I can knit for just so long and my hand gets numb so it has taken be a while to finish this. I hope that she will be able to wear it for a couple of months, at least. I just have to assemble it, wash and block it before I fly down to visit her on Thursday. I ran out of yarn when I was binding off the hood. Fortunately, I was at a meeting near the yarn shop so I stopped and bought another skein.

I think these baby Ughs and the leg warmers will look cute with the sweater.

I had a fun day with M & M yesterday. Miles had to leave early to go to a birthday party so Mia and I had lunch and went shopping at Target before I took her home.

Today, I had a Trinity Arts strategy session from 9 until 1:30. It was great to just share ideas and sort of dream of what could be and feel good about what we are doing well.

Tonight we went to the symphony. The conductor was a 24 year old adorable guy from Uzbekistan. He was very good, especially with the Tchaikovsky piece.

I did manage to keep up with my 3 X 3’s

I received yet another birthday gift from Judy Carpenter yesterday, a signed copy of Lisa Kirpoe’s book, Visual Texture of Fabric. Can’t wait to use it.

You Are Here

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

I am here and happy! I had an impromptu early birthday dinner for myself, Mr C, M & M and their dad, Jack. Stephanie has been working in Brooklyn all week – she comes home tomorrow night. We had grilled salmon, steamed broccoli, roasted potatoes and carrots and cupcakes.

M & M brought me some pretty flowers.

M & M are spending the night, and they have been having a ball with my Wii Fit Plus.

I received a package from my friend Judy Carpenter. Inside was this beautiful silk scarf which she dyed using a sugar syrup resist. It is gorgeous.

I couldn’t move forward on my organ piece because I didn’t have a piece of batting large enough. I did some shopping at Mill Ends, near my house. I bought a large piece of luscious charcoal gray felt, some cotton batting and some thick dark gray felt – not sure what I will do with that – maybe back some quilts to hang using Jane Dunnewold’s method.

I decided to use the charcoal gray felt for the organ piece. I have drawn a grid on it to help me free cut the pieces based on a gridded photo.

And today’s 3 x 3 – made on the fly!