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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Starting Something New

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

I finished the edges of the Kelp Dance piece and it is ready to photograph and submit to PAQA South Artquiltswater.

Trinity has one of the best organs in the country, from the Rosales Organ company. It is 25 years old, and we are having lots of celebrations over the coming year. One event is a juried art show with the theme, A Lively Wind That Woke Creation. Artists can go with the wind theme or create some aspect of the organ. I decided to do a piece using the organ pipes as a design element.

I took this photo with my iPhone.

I then played around with different crops and came up with this one that I like.

I played around with the photo in Photoshop Elements.

Here are the fabrics that I have pulled out to work with.

I want to play with the shapes in the photo and not be realistic with the colors. I am looking forward to having some fun with this.


A Coasting Kind of Day

Monday, October 8th, 2012

I am having fun with my Wii Fit Plus. I seem to improve each day that I get on the balance board and do the activities. I am trying to conquer walking the tightrope. I have only been able to get 2 yards before falling off. I am pretty good at the hula hoop, now. LOL! My body is feeling it tonight. It is a good kind of work out achiness. I ordered some games for the Wii for Mia and Miles and a Zumba workout tape.

I finished the flatty breast cancer pockets for Melanie Testa’s project and will put them in the mail tomorrow.

I trimmed the dancing kelp piece and will finish the edges tomorrow. I have another project I need to get busy with.

The Quilt National 2012 exhibitors were announced today. It seems like there are a lot of new people in the show which I am happy to see. There are a few who are usually in that didn’t make it this year. I can’t wait to see the final exhibit. I think I might try to do some work worthy of entering next time. I think I have about a year and a half to do it.

Here is today’s 3 x 3.

A Busy Week-end

Saturday, October 6th, 2012

Last night, I helped host an opening reception at Trinity for our latest exhibit of political art, titled Occupy Politics, 2012. The artist is Allen Schmertzler. He is a gifted story teller through his art.

This one is titled Tea Party and you can stand and gaze at it for a long time and see many different things going on. Identifying the characters is fun. He has several caricatures done in acrylic ink that are fantastic. I particularly liked this one.


Yesterday, I got an early birthday present —a wii and a wii fit plus. I spent a lot of time getting it configured down in my office and then doing a fitness assessment. I had to create an avatar and when it assessed my weight and BMI, the avatar got fatter, too. Yikes! One good thing is that I got a wii fitness age of 56! I guess I am fat and fit. Next, I have to figure out how to do the exercises.

Tonight we went downtown to a lovely apartment on the 13th floor of a new building. It was very sleek and modern. I loved it and especially the views from up there.

I finished two more breast pockets for Melly Testa’s project. If you are interested making some, here is the link.

And here is another  3 x 3.


Breast Pockets

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

I spent most of my creative time today making breast pockets for Melanie Testa’s project. Melly underwent a double mastectomy last year and chose not to have reconstruction. She has developed a relationship with many women who have chosen to be “flatties.” She is using the idea of the shirt pocket, also called breast pockets to make an artistic statement about breast cancer and deciding to forego reconstruction. She has a reporter interested in doing an article if she can get 1000. She has enlisted all of her crafty friends to help. She needs the pockets by Oct. 22. You can read about the project here. I hope you will consider helping out.

I made my pockets out of some art cloth pieces languishing in a box in my studio. I have added a button and some simple embroidery. I will add the names of the people I am honoring — my sister Carole, Melanie and myself. I only get one pocket!

Here are my two latest 3 x 3s.

Still Under Water

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012


I am still under water with my quilting, that is. After getting the maverick fish out of the way, I went back to the kelp piece and finished the quilting tonight. I am right on schedule as the original due date was the end of this week, but PAQA South has pushed the date back to early November so I am really early – yeah!

A couple of details:

Now, I can’t wait to try my new overstitch edge on this.