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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Oregon Adventure Day One

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

So, here we are in hot, dry Sisters! We dropped Scooter off at the K-9 Resort this morning and then headed towards Mt. Hood.

Then, on to Rt. 26 headed east to Central Oregon.

We were soon into an area of Oregon we had never seen. The landscape is first High Desert – flat wit sagebrush. We could see Mt. Jefferson off to the South.

Then, the landscape became much more rugged with high mesas and deep canyons and gorges.

You can still see Mt. Jeff in the distance.

Then, suddenly, there is the beautiful Deschutes River. This is a blur because we were whizzing along in the car.

These cliffs above the river show many geological layers.

We made it to Sisters and went on to Camp Sherman, hoping to find Steph, Jack and M & M, but they got in later than we expected we will go to their campsite and find them tomorrow. We had a nice lunch at the Camp Sherman store and checked out the beautiful Metolius.

We checked into our little cottage in Sisters. It has no AC and the temps are in the 90s so we have all the fans going. We drove out to Black Butte Ranch for dinner. It was delicious.


Road Trip!

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Mr C and I are heading out tomorrow to check out some mountains and rivers and fossils and lakes in central and eastern Oregon. I have wifi at most of our stops so I hope to be able to check in most days.

Steph, Jack, Mia and Miles are headed back from California and are camping at Shasta tonight and will be at Camp Sherman tomorrow. Our first stop is Sisters so we hope to spend some time with them at Steph’s favorite place, the Metolius River.

I am excited to see Mia after her two weeks at the young artist’s program in San Francisco. Here is a photo that Jayme took of all my grandchildren together this morning.

Mia has turned into a young woman this summer. It makes me so happy to see the smile on Miles. Paige is keeping an eye on her toy to make sure that he  does not abscond with it!!

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Friday, August 10th, 2012


I made a visit to my neglected raised bed on the side of the garage. The warm weather has done its work.

This is what the yellow scallop squash looks like at first glance.

On closer inspection, I found these:

We had squash fritters for dinner.

My red and yellow cherry tomatoes are getting ripe. The yellows are so sweet. We had a cherry tomato and basil salad with goat cheese for dinner, also.

There are lots of future tomatoes including these Roma – there are a multitude of Romas.

We have harvested one green pepper, and I have one tiny eggplant – so cute!

Mr C doesn’t understand why I must have a vegetable garden. It is in my genes!


Feelin’ Groovy

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

I had a great day. We had a STASH gathering at Reva’s home, just up the hill from me. Mr C went to Corvallis today so I got to give Scooter his morning walk and then I took him to the groomer’s so that he will be in good shape to go to the Canine Resort next week. When his hair is longer he comes back all matted and then the groomer is not very happy with us.

Anyway, Reva made us a fantastic lunch. Beth gave us some gifts found on her travels to Finland and Russia, and she regaled us with wonderful stories of her trip.

I was feeling happy tonight because all of my children were together in San Francisco for the exhibition of art work done by Mia and her classmates at the California Academy of Art Young Artist Program. I wish I could have been with them.

Yesterday, I started planning my next quilt. I am making a piece for the PAQASouth’s Water exhibit. It will involve abstracted kelp. Here are a couple of ideas I have for blocks.

I think it will be another fun piece to create.

I showed you the Duffy boat postcard last week. I also made one for Del Thomas. We call her our angel for sponsoring our Twelve by Twelve exhibit at the IQF shows. She laughs that off. So, here is the card I made for  her. It finally got there. She says they were probably passing it around the post office for a couple of days.

Of course, she does not have a gold halo – she has a gold hat!

I am so pleased that I have been able to keep up with my 3 x 3s this month. Here is today’s.


Line Dancing Done

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

I got this sandwiched and finished quilting it last night. I have named it Line Dancing or maybe just Line Dance. It was fun and I am thinking of doing a series of this motif.

Here is a detail – I did a zigzag edge using the variegated thread I used for the quilting.

I also finished writing my article about the two aspen quilts I made. I am going to let it sit for a bit and then read it with fresh eyes and brain, later.

I am feeling pretty good about my work ethic right now. I seem to  have good energy and am able to keep up with the work I need to get done so that I can take a couple of weeks off, soon.

Here is yesterday’s 3 x3 and today’s.