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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Indigo House

Friday, July 20th, 2012

I am finally getting this house quilt finished. Some of my readers may remember when I cut this house out of a finished quilt.

I wanted to use the house in a quilt for a program I found out about on Jamie Fingal’s blog. The project is The House Quilt Project. Click the link to read about patriotic house quilts made for the walls of rooms for individuals in the Wounded Warrior Battalion and Habitat for Humanity. Each quilt must have an American flag and the size is 12 x 16 inches.

Most of the fabrics in this quilt are indigo dyes by me or prints from Kristine LaFlamme.

I made a background for the quilt. The grass is the only fabric not dyed by me.

I added the sidewalk and some plants and then quilted it. I added the house and used an applique stitch on my Janome to stitch the house and trees to the background. You see the finished quilt up at the top of this post. I still have to finish the edges. I will deliver this to Jamie when I go to Long Beach for the quilt show next week.

Here is today’s 3 x 3.

Now, I am off for a dinner out with Mr C.




Thursday This and That

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

Not much excitement around here today. I vacuumed packed 5 pints of berries for the freezer this morning. I actually spent most of the morning photographing quilts to burn to a CD to make a magazine deadline. I was contacted earlier this month and asked to send in high quality photos of some of my work. Not sure if it will be a feature article or included in a theme article or maybe nothing at all. It is nice to have been asked!

I found out this morning that all 4 of my element’s quilts were juried into the High Fiber Diet show which makes its debut in September. That was nice to hear. I was surprised that there were so few entries this year, but I think it will be a good show.

One of my blog readers asked for more information about our hanging system. Our show goes to more galleries than to quilt shows so we need to be able to hang them with whatever gallery system they have. Sometimes, the hanging system has wires on two sides. Sometimes, there is one hanger and the quilt needs to hang in the center.

We use a lath or wood slat cut to the length of the sleeve. Screw eyes are attached to the top edge of each end.

Here it is in the sleeve with a wire attached. For the two part hanging system, the screw eyes can be used.

When the quilt needs to be hung from the middle, we attach the wire to the wood, through the sleeve, with staples. Then, the quilt can be hung from the wire without the wire showing above the quilt.

I hope this makes sense!

I have been a bit distracted as I have been watching Season 10 Project Runway. Looks to be an interesting season.

A Better Day

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Want to hear a funny story? I have felt kind of lousy for the last two days — achy and a bad headache. This morning when I made coffee, I forgot, (again) to put the pot in the coffee maker. So, we had coffee all over the counter and the floor. We cleaned it up and I picked up the container to make more and what to my wondering eyes do I see? — decaf! Well, no wonder I was brain dead for two days. All better now.

I finished getting my elements quilts ready to deliver to the jurying committee. This meant making a trip to the big box store to get some new lath for hanging rods, screw eyes and picture wire.

Here they are, all packed up with their picture labels, ready to go.

I delivered them at the High Fiber Diet meeting. We are meeting in a new place, much further from my house. I was supposed to meet some friends for dinner at a nearby Thai restaurant. I had to pick up my CSA veggies at 5. By the time I got on the road, the traffic was miserable. I was stopped at a stop light and texted Terry and told her to order me some shrimp rolls. I love technology.

The meeting was great. We had two more excellent presentations on design elements — Rhythm and Underlying Shape/Compositional Structure. I am so happy that we are doing this. It is a great refresher for seasoned artists and excellent information for new artists.

Tomorrow, I am hosting a SAQA parlor meeting tomorrow, and then I think the excitement is over for a bit.

Finishing Details

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Today was a day for tying up loose ends — i.e., sewing sleeves, making labels, cutting slats, etc for the 4 quilts that are to be delivered tomorrow night for jurying into the High Fiber Diet elements show.

I have been having a problem with my right knee. I think I twisted it on a walk last week and over the week-end it was a real pain, especially at night when I am in bed. The only thing that helps is wrapping it with ice. I can’t get a Dr. appointment until next week. Mr C suggested I stop taking long walks with Scooter. Whadyaknow!? It is feeling better after two days of rest.

I really enjoyed the SDA meeting yesterday. It was very busy here with laptops whirring as we uploaded head shots and images of work for about 8 SDA members in Portland/Vancouver area. Susan Taber Avila was here to help. She is an amazing fiber artist from Oakland and on the SDA Board. She also teaches at UC Davis.

And, I am caught up on 3 x 3s.


I Love Summer in Oregon

Friday, July 13th, 2012

I had another very pleasant day, just being.We are having those perfect summer Oregon days — warm and breezy. I hosted an exhibit opening at Trinity tonight, 6 – 8 pm. We stopped and picked up some grilled salmon and tabouleh salad at New Seasons and ate on the deck in the lovely summer air with the dwindling light. It was lovely.

I noticed that I had gotten a wonky photo of Persephone so I rephotographed her today.

I also finished the edges on the water quilt and made a sleeve. Tomorrow, I will finish the sleeves and labels and make the hanging devices and get everything photographed.

I need to look at some calls for entry and start work on some new projects. I hope you are having a lovely week-end, too.