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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

I’m Not Crazy?

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

I got the fat e-mail today telling me that this piece, Alternate Universe, was juried into the SAQA show, I’m Not Crazy. It was juried by Sue Reno and curated by Kathy Nida, both very talented fiber artists. I am very honored.

I started this piece over a year ago when the psycho politics of this country was driving me crazy, and I felt as if I had awakened in an alternate universe. It has lots of hand stitching. The design was discharged using a design drawn on freezer paper with the circles creating one side and the holes used for the other side. I tried to show another universe which was in reverse and upside down. I spent a lot of time on this and never really thought of entering it in a show until this theme came up.

I am feeling a bit better tonight. I didn’t get much done today, but Mr C is home to keep me company and so I am feeling much better. We have 11 people for dinner tomorrow night – have to feel better.

Here is today’s 3 x 3:


Thursday, June 21st, 2012

This was the week when I was going to hit the studio running and start on some pieces for deadlines coming up next month. Mr C has been in Corvallis since Tuesday so I was looking forward to non-cooking and other partner time. Then, I started to feel blah yesterday and it was worse today.

I did get a drawing done for the mythology theme for the next Twelve reveal. I want to do it in batiks and pulled some from my stash, but I didn’t have just the right mix. This morning, I dragged myself to Fabric Depot and found a 20% off sale on batiks, and I also found the perfect fabrics for my design.

Here is the array of new and old batiks.

And here is a sneak peek. I actually got some fusing done and did some cutting.

And before I crash for the night, here is my 3 x 3 for today.



Put a Face On It

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

On the second day of our Deconstructed Screen workshop, Kerr paired us off with another member of the class and we were give 2 minutes each to share some things about  ourselves. Then, we were told to do a portrait of the other person, actual or metaphorical.

Above, is the portrait done by Kathy of me. I quite like it!!

Kerr had demonstrated using a syringe with thickened dye to draw on fabric and screens. For our portraits, she wanted us to draw on a screen. Oops! I missed that instruction, and I drew directly on the hanky that Kerr gave us.

So, I pulled out one of my deconstructed screens and drew the portrait again. I did 2 prints. The first was printed on a teal shibori fabric.

I thought this was a bit muddled so I printed it again on white fabric.

I am wondering how they looked when they were washed out. Hope I get to see them. Needless to say, Kathy is the only one who got 3 portraits!!

I have had a busy day, still catching up on things on my to do list. Mr C is in Corvallis for the week so Scooter and I are keeping each other company. Here is my hand stitched 3 X 3 for the day:

Now, I am going to stitch a sleeve on my Mr C and Scooter quilt so that I can send it to SoCal for the Dinner at Eight exhibit at IQF Long Beach.

Catch-up Day

Monday, June 18th, 2012

I spent most of today getting caught up on e-mails and SDA work. I still have some snail mail stuff to take care of, but I spent some time in my studio getting caught up on 3 x 3s.

This is one of my screen prints after I did the triple rinse and wash. The red turned more fuschia than I would prefer, but it has potential. Here is the other one:

There are a couple of small pieces of organza that I monoprinted by pressing them in the dye left on my print area. This is the larger piece of organza that I did.

I played with black dye in the syringe and also brushed some thickened dye on all these pieces.

Here is what they looked like before washing.

Here are some prints done by some of the other students.


This one has a nice leaf print.

Lots of beautiful prints and no two alike!! This piece shows what happens as you keep printing with the screen and the dye in some places releases and is used up in other places.

I prepared this large screen on the last day. I hope to have time to print it tomorrow.

Here are the 3 x 3s that I did today. I am caught up, again.

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Look! I am living life in the fast lane with Kerr Grabowski and yet, I have kept up with my 3 x 3s!!

Yesterday, after mixing up more print paste and dyes with print paste for today’s workshop, I took Kerr across the river to visit Oregon College of Art and Craft. We saw a couple of fun exhibits. One was these vessels made from plastic drinking straws.

After a tour of the fiber and book arts studios, we had a delicious lunch at their cafe. Then, we met Mr C and went to the Japanese Garden. Wow! We discovered an unexpected Japanese kimono exhibit.

There were gorgeous kimonos and scarves and fabrics that were batiked, woven, hand-painted and simply luscious.

Last night, we had to scarf down some simple fare for dinner and get to the venue for the Columbia Fiberarts Guild meeting where Kerr gave a fantastic lecture and slide show. She really wowed the crowd and almost received a standing ovation. It really was wonderful.

Today was day one of our workshop with her. We had to rise early and get our nourishment and get to the venue by 8 am so that we could get the tables set up and arrange all the dyes and materials.

One of the first things we did was to prepare a simple screen for printing, using a window screen with the screen removed and curtain fabric inserted.

Kerr had little mesh bags with supplies for each of us. They come with a recipe for BBQ shrimp! Some people emptied the bag and used it for texture for their deconstructed screen.

Kerr spent some quality time getting us up to speed on mixing dyes and the other stuff you need for this method and showing us samples of her screen prints.

Here is the arrangement of textures that I used for my first screen.

I got so involved, I kept forgetting to take process photos. But, after drying with a hairdryer, this was my result. The print is in the background and the screen is in the front.

I did some more printing on this and it is now batching back at the classroom. My next screen was prepared with torn paper on organza. No photos were taken. It, too is batching. I prepared one more screen which I will print with in the morning.

There is some truly gorgeous work being done. by the people in this class. This was done by guild president, Sharry –

This subtle gem was done by Karen Miller.

This screen was prepared with curten fabric that had a raised leaf and vine design woven into it. It is quite stunning.

This beauty was done by Maarja.

Here is a nice screen, drying in the courtyard of the church.

So, you can see we have had a busy and productive day.

Tonight, we went out for a margarita and some delicious Mexican food.  Now, off to bed for a good night’s sleep. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Here is one more 3 X 3: