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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Popping In

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

This is a piece of orange silk which was discharged with corrugated cardboard.

I picked up Kerr mid-day and brought her back to our home. I made us grilled eggplant and portobello mushroom and fresh mozzarella sandwiches (yum). Nancy Dasenbrock, the guild workshop chair, stopped by and chatted with us for a bit.

Then it was down to my studio to mix up print paste to check the consistency and amount of alginate needed for our water. After some well-deserved resting, we took Scooter to the Rhodie Garden.

After dinner, back to the dye kitchen to mix up more print paste and dye mixed with print paste. I got my fabric for the workshop soda ash soaked, and it is hanging to dry.

I am having such a good time with Kerr. She is an extremely easy person to be around — so much to chat about.

She says she has about 3 hours of work in the morning, preparing more stuff for the class. We are going to try to get to the Japanese Garden in the afternoon. Tomorrow night, she does her lecture. Busy times!

Monday Melange

Monday, June 11th, 2012

This orange 3 x 3 was made with one of the little fused scraps that I received from Melody Johnson, eons ago. They come in handy when I am brain dead!!

Today was a day of cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking. A special house guest is arriving tomorrow, and I am very excited.

Kerr Grabowski, surface designer extraordinaire, is flying in to Portland tomorrow, and I get to entertain her (or vice versa) until Sunday morning. On Wednesday evening, she is doing a lecture for Columbia Fiberarts Guild and Thursday and Friday, she is teaching deconstructed screenprinting. I have been wanting to take a workshop with her for so long.

I just rewatched her dvd, to get myself psyched up. Now, I won’t be able to sleep, I am so excited.

I am planning some fun trips with her during our free time: Japanese Garden, Oregon College of Arts and Craft, Contemporary Craft Museum, a drive out to Multnomah Falls and lunch in Hood River. Gonna be fun. I may not be blogging much or making 3 x 3s — all depends. I think we are going to have a week of fairly good weather. Since she lives on the Mississippi Delta, she will probably appreciate some coolish Portland weather.

So, now you know where I am, if I am not here!!

That’s Better!

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

We finished cleaning and purging my studio. Mr. C washed the floors for me tonight. I feel like a big weight has been lifted. I am hoping to have a big revival of creativity.

High Fiber Diet is doing a show with the elements theme — earth, fire, water and air. I already have an earth piece done. I have an idea for air. Fire and water should be no brainers. I do, however, need to get to work.

In case you have forgotten, my Beneath the Surface quilt will be my earth entry. It traveled with Dinner at Eight and then with SAQA. I think it will enjoy another bit of traveling.

PS: If you tried to link to the Janome article, I had a bad link. I fixed it after I was notified. Here it is again, if you are interested.


Powered by Janome

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Last month, someone from Janome e-mailed me and said that they would like to feature me on their website since I am a happy Janome owner. I agreed and I was asked me to answer the following questions:

1. How did you learn to sew?

 2. How did you discover quilting/fabric art, and what do you enjoy most about it?

 3. How did you end up choosing the Janome 7700QCP, and what do you like about the machine?

 This morning, I checked on their site, and there I was. You can read the article here. I was very pleased when I read it.

I am feeling like a huge weight has been lifted from life as I remove excess stuff from my studio. Here is the pile of stuff to be donated:

Here is the stuff going in to the trash.

And here is my pile of scraps to be saved and sorted by color.

Here is another orange 3 X 3.


NW Vibes Show in Portland

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I had a busy, fun day. This morning I joined the STASH group at Beth’s for coffee and catching up. Then, we took Gale out for lunch. Five of us had the roasted eggplant sandwich at Ernesto’s, near Beth’s house. It is so good.

Back at the house, I did some more sorting and purging. I have a sizable amount of unfused scraps which could be used for scrappy quilts. I am happy to say that I have found a couple of charity quilt groups which will take them off my hands.

Next, we were off to downtown Portland and the ArtReach Gallery at the First Congregational Church where our High Fiber Diet is displayed. I was so thrilled to have several friends show up for the show. I think this is the first time that I have had non-quilter friends attend a show reception. It was great. Here are a couple of shots of the show taken with my iPhone.

That is my quilt, second from the right.

It is a very nice space and the quilts were hung very nicely.

Then, we were off to have dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Lauro Kitchen. Oops! It is closed. The owner just decided he has had a nice run and sold it. Another restaurant will open there in the fall. We will miss it. So, we backtracked and went to Nuestra Cocina, an upscale Mexican restaurant. We had a very delicious meal and will be going back.

Another 3 x 3:

I am quite enjoying the orange!!