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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Easy Being Green

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I have spent the week-end working outside, doing laundry, shopping for staples and being a bit lazy. I am having a bad arthritis flare-up and so I am not pushing myself. The new planters came. Mr C lined them with plastic and filled them with soil. Yesterday morning we went to the Portland nursery and I bought herbs and veggie and tomato starts. I really like how these look. I put some nasturtiums in the  for some color and adding to salads. For now, I have some lettuce starts in with the herbs. When they are larger, I will not need to fill in the space.

Here is the new veggie garden sans the overgrown herbs.

It is a nice sunny spot on the side of the garage. Last night we had a mighty thunder storm and it gully washed up several of my plants. We got them back in the soil and I hope they will get some strong roots before we get a rain like that again. I have room to plant a few more things.

Here is a recent photo of Paige. She is now 2 months old!! What a special little baby she is!

Here are the recent green 3 x 3s.

This one is in honor of Pentecost Sunday. I guess tomorrow is a holiday. The family is coming over for dinner. I am going to make a rhubarb and berry crisp, but I don’t know what else.

Getting My Mojo Back

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Did you ever wonder where the term mojo originated? I looked it up on Wikipedia:

Mojo is a magical charm bag used in hoodoo, which has transmuted into a slang word for self-confidence, self-esteem or sex appeal.

Works for me. At least, I have a better energy level. Every year about this time, my allergies get the best of me until I realize what it is. I sometimes think I am finally feeling my age – yikes!, I don’t want to do that.

Anyway, I am happily purging and cleaning my office and studio. I am shredding stuff and clearing my space of unneeded and unwanted crap. My studio and closet are next on the list.

I also got caught up with 3 x 3s.

Here are the other 3.

Sheila wondered if I am beginning to note repeated patterns, motifs, marks  and if it might tell you something about myself or my art. There are definite repetitions and repeats and I always find myself gravitating to dancing or crossing linear shapes. I sometimes have to stop myself and think of something different. Something that I am noticing and enjoying is how colors play with each other.

I was pleased and honored to have the Episcopal Church of the the Ascension in New York City ask to use my Pentecost Banner in their weekly e-mail newsletter. It was the first church built on Fifth Avenue in the city. I was given attribution with a link to my website. Here is the banner which I made for Church of the Incarnation in Santa Rosa.

Tantra Song

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Last Christmas, Lisa gave Stephanie this book. It is a book of paintings by Hindu tantra devotees from Indian cities like Jodhpur and Chomu, the anonymous heirs to a pictorial tradition that dates to the 1600s. They were painted on salvaged paper and were about 12 inches high. These colorful, simple paintings look so modern. I was so taken with the book, I had to order my own. You can read a NY Times article about them here.

Here are some examples of the paintings:

Apparently, the paintings were used during meditation and as a form of meditation. I find them mesmerizing.

It has been a dark and gloomy day here in Portland. I had to turn the heat back on. I also had to walk the dog in the rain. It is supposed to be nice this week-end. My new planters are arriving Friday so I am planning on some gardening time. Today was a bust for getting much done here at home. I had a couple of appointments and Mr C was in Corvallis for the morning so I didn’t get much done.

I did do some more catch up on green 3 x 3s. I do not spend a lot of time on most of these. I like to see what I can come up with in a few minutes.

Playing Catch-up, Again

Monday, May 21st, 2012

It was a dark and stormy day in Portland — a good day to make progress cleaning up my messy office. I decided to break up the process and not do it all in one day. This afternoon, I got back to work in the studio, to catch up on my green 3 x 3s. I am finding green to be a bit boring!


I also washed and ironed the paste resist pieces that I did on our STASH retreat. They were not totally successful because I used Dynaflow paints – to watery and Lumiere – metallic is a problem. I also had the added problem of paint leaking in the bag that I brought my supplies in so their were globs of sulphur green Dynaflow paint on all of my fabric.

Here are some phots:

The second piece was the most successful. It was an off-white background to start.



Monday, May 14th, 2012


I’m back, for a day or two; today was the last full day of work for the Trinity Artists Among Us show. Today, we dismantled the show and then checked out unsold art to the artists and purchased art to the new owners. I got home at 7pm and went out for Mexican food with Mr C – as I really wanted a margarita.

I am a bit exhausted and looking forward to some time away with my STASH friends on a retreat near Sisters. We are leaving on Wednesday. Tomorrow, I have to take my computer to the Apple Store to be shipped to the Apple Dr. My track pad seems to have a mind of it’s own. I will see if I can remember how to blog from my iPad.

That lovely jar up there is called A Prayer Jar. I fell in love with it when it arrived at the show. Mr C bought it for me for Mother’s Day. I am very lucky!

Here are some photos from the show. A view of the show with some fiber art. The pieces with the oak trees are by Karen Miller, a superb Katazome artist.

I really liked these screen printed pieces.

This painting really spoke to me – that is truly my color scheme!!

A grouping of metal sculpture.

And I M Bookman, created from books and stuff.

I love how dramatic the walls of Kempton Hall look with paintings from floor to ceiling on the beautiful wood paneling.

I decided I needed to get back into the studio so I managed to make one green 3 X 3 tonight.