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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category


Monday, March 19th, 2012

I have been cutting and stitching and quilting the details of my wonky houses. I had hoped to finish today, but I have one more to do. I need to start putting fabrics away — my studio is a gigantic mess, again.

I was so intent on working on these that I almost forgot to do a 3 x 3 for today. So it is very simple – just letting the silk fabric speak.

We awoke to a sprinkling of snow on the roof tops and some on the lawn. Basically, it was a cold, rainy, Oregon winter day. Spring officially starts tomorrow; but we are in for temps in the 40s and rain, rain, rain. OK, enough complaining. We do want to keep Oregon green.


A Crazy Sunday

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

We are having weird weather, sleeting, followed by sunshine, then more sleet. The day ended quite nicely, but we are expecting snow overnight. March is a difficult month in Portland. The trees turn pink, we get warm sunbreaks, but mainly we are inundated with cold rain and dark skies.

This morning, Mr C and I were on our way to Trinity. We left early because I was scheduled to help with the art class. We suddenly found ourselves in a huge traffic jam caused by  people in silly green outfits running across town in the Shamrock Race. We literally sat for an hour and barely moved. We finally got onto a street that would take us over a bridge and back home. Not a nice way to start the day!! I was really upset when I realized I had left my iPhone at home so I couldn’t let anyone at Trinity know where I was.

I did have some quality time in the studio after walking Scooter in the sleet with intermittent sunbreaks. Today’s 3 X3 represents how we felt after getting stuck in traffic! I did a redo on yesterday’s shamrock and decided it needed some rainbow seed stitching.

I got a lot of the quilting done on the wonky house piece.

I think I can get it finished tomorrow — my goal. Thanks for the comments I got on this wonky house quilt.

That Was Fun

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Not cerebral, at all. I just sliced and diced and fused. I still need to add some architectural details and some vegetation. I hope to get it nearly completed tomorrow.

I made some corned beef and cabbage with egg noodles for dinner tonight. Not very exciting, but tasty enough with a beer, not green.

I made this homage to St. Patty’s day for my 3 x 3. I think I need to redo the machine quilting – pretty bad.


Lesson Learned

Friday, March 16th, 2012

I was having so much trouble with my motivation and energy, trying to use a photo as my inspiration. I had to do something else.

Here is the story. I showed these fabrics a while back:

They are part of a line of fabrics, Coral Tree, printed in Africa and represented by Magie Ralph in the UK. Helen Conway, part of the Twelve by Twelve group, asked us if we would be interested in receiving a set of fabrics from Magie and then making a quilt to hang in her booth at UK quilts shows. Terry Grant, Diane Hock and I, plus Helen, volunteered to participate.  We each selected a different pattern. You can see Terry’s quilt, here.

When I first received my fabrics, for some reason I flashed to buildings of some kind. The colors reminded me of the colorful buildings in Tabermory. So, that is what I settled on. I enlarged my photo and made patterns and started cutting and laying it out yesterday. I was not enjoying it. I am not a realistic, pattern kind of quilter. I like to work improvisationally. I wondered if these fabrics would work with some of my funky commercial prints. I decided to go in another direction and create a little village of wonky houses. I think it works.

I was so happy that I didn’t want to leave my studio, but we had an early dinner reservation and so I had to leave. I can’t wait to work on the landscape for this tomorrow.

Here is today’s 3 x 3:



Thursday, March 15th, 2012

I keep thinking about the arrival of the grandbaby and our trip in April. I really should be kicking it up a notch to get every thing done that I need to do before we leave. I talked to Jayme and Mark tonight, and they have assured me that there will be a baby and soon!!

That is today’s 3 x 3 up there. And here is yesterday’s. which was 3.14!

I have been plugging away on the Tobermary piece. It is one of those things that I agreed to do and I am not doing what I want to do, but I think this will be nice when it is done.

Yesterday was Columbia Fiberarts Guild. We had a wearable art fashion show and some of the members had good stuff for sale. I bought some hand-dyed fabric and some curly roving. Here are some other goodies being offered.

Dye painted roving:

Dye painted yarn:


This is a jacket made by a member. I love how she does this stitching on a lot of her work.

Bonnie Bucknam was in Guatemala and brought back these beautifully embroidered tops to sell. She has them for sale, here.