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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

A Tisket A Tasket, A Felted Basket

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Tomorrow is Columbia Fiberarts Guild annual luncheon. We were told to bring something for the table that we had made. I wanted to take my felted eggs so I made a quick felted container tonight. I took a square of blue prefelt and needle felted it. Here is the bottom –

Here is  one side.

Here is today’s yellow 3 X 3:

I had a busy day. I did a couple of Constant Contact e-mails for SDA. One was to the entire membership to announce Diane Sandlin, a friend, as the new executive director. I am so excited for her. I know she will do a fantastic job. I had a Trinity Arts meeting tonight. This afternoon, I did some work on my next quilt. I am going to interpret this photo of a charming little village of Tobermary in Scotland,  on the Isle of Mull.

There is actually a whole row of colorful buildings, but I like these three, with the one up on the hill.

Coasting or Wasting Time?

Monday, March 12th, 2012











After finishing that big quilt, I have found it hard to get back in the groove. I finally finished cleaning my office. Lots of recycling and organizing and sorting through archaeological layers.

That is a photo of the gorgeous scarf that I purchased from Rayna Gilman. I love it so much. I wear it as often as I can. I get so many nice comments about it, most people assume it is something that I made — I wish.

Today, I had thought about my son becoming a father. In my mind, I saw him holding his little girl, and I started sobbing. I am so happy for him and Jayme. I can’t wait to see what our little girl will look like and what they are naming her. I keep my iPhone with me all the time — I want to know when things are happening.

Here are the two latest 3 x 3’s:

So, tomorrow, I will start work on my next piece. I printed a photo to use as inspiration. More about that tomorrow.

Plans Change

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

I finished this piece and photographed it for submission to an invitational show on rituals. I was going to clean up my two spaces and get started on my next project.

I did get my studio in better shape. But, I really need to clean up my office and computer desk. It is a gigantic mess. Instead, I felted Easter eggs today.

Well, they sort of look like eggs. First, I shaped aluminum foil into an egg shape.

This was probably the beginning of my problem – not very eggy! Then you wrap it in roving and stuff it in a stocking and tie it tightly.

This is then thrown in the washing machine with a load of  stuff that is washed at a high temp and then it goes in the dryer. There are other ways to get the egg shape. Wind wool yarn into an oval shape. I had trouble doing that. I think you can use one of those plastic eggs, too. I think I will just call these colorful rocks and try again for the egg shape.

I have two more yellow 3 x 3’s.

Here is my yellow stuff, waiting to inspire me.

Good Day Sunshine

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I’ve got something I can laugh about,
I feel good, in a special way.

It was a glorious, warm, full of sunshine day. As I was driving this afternoon, I saw Mt. Hood gleaming in front of me. It was Second Thursday at Somebody’s House (STASH) This time, we were at Suzy’s and she made us a fabulous lunch. I’m still thinking about the desert.

My 3 x 3 for today, is an homage to the orb in the sky.

Today, I finished stitching the facings on the Mr C and Scooter quilt. I threw it down on my office floor and took this photo. Tomorrow, I will get a better photo for submitting it to an exhibit.

And so that was my day. Tomorrow, I will clean up the studio and start working on my next deadline. There is always a deadline in my world. Keeps me going.

A Quilting Day

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Here is a long detail shot of the quilting on this piece. I have spent most of the day doing rather monotonous quilting on this. All the stitching runs horizontally. I am changing colors of thread for each season. I just have fall left to do.

Here is winter with gray thread.


And summer:

This piece relies on photos that I have taken of Mr C, Scooter and my neighborhood landscape. Even the screen was created from a photo. Today, on the SAQA list there was much ranting and raving about whether using photos in your work is real art. Since lots of people do it, you can imagine the brouhaha this caused. But, it didn’t bother me. I have put a lot of effort into this. I didn’t just take a photo and print it on fabric. I had a vision for what I wanted this to be and worked with the photos to make that happen. I think it is art.

Working with yellow is not as difficult as I thought it would be. Tonight, I did some needle felting because I didn’t want to rethread the sewing machine.