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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Monday Mixture

Monday, March 5th, 2012

My mother-in-law used to take the leftovers from the big Sunday dinner and turn them into a stew or a casserole, and she called it Monday mixture. For me, today has been a mix of activities.

I did some catch-up on the computer, walked in the wind and rain and worked in the studio. The first thing I did was to make this cute little birthday  postcard for the soon to be 90 mother of my niece’s partner. They are having a card shower and asking people to send cards to her for her birthday on Monday. Many of you know that my favorite greeting is Hippo birdy two ewes. So here is the card I made. I downloaded some free clip art and printed it on fabric.

I made the leap and printed Scooter and Mr C on the quilt. I think the repeating images add to the sense of walking through the landscape and add some needed contrast. I did a check of the value contrast by making the photo in gray scale. It looks good.

Here is a detail.


Tomorrow, I will start quilting. I think that I have to keep the quilting clean and simple so it should go easily. My dilemma is how to finish the edges. I hate all the handstitching, but I think facings are the way to go.


Sunday, March 4th, 2012

We are home, feeling a bit tired, but rejuvenated. It is nice to get away with Mr C for some good food and art, and I get to indulge in some of my favorite activities.

This morning we stopped in for the member’s show. I was blown away with the luscious work on view at the Ballar Art Center. The center is the home of several artist’s studios. The work was hung along the hallways so it was difficult to get long shots. I love the many surface design processes that were represented so I have closeups of some of the work. The shot above is amazing — of course, I am highly influenced by that color. You need to click on it to see it better.

Layers of gorgeous printing.

Manipulation of polyester organza to create little pods.

Nuno felting detail.

I ran into Sally Sellers from Vancouver at the symposium. She is so much fun to be with. This is her piece in the show.

Peggy O’Heron is the SDA rep for Washington and had the vision for this event. This is her gorgeous piece.

This is a detail of a piece that shows how a simple design and use of colors can give great impact.

One of the members who felts, Leah Adams, opened her studio for us to visit. Here is some eye candy from her work:

This is a backgammon set – so cool.

Nuno felting in progress.

Here is today’s 3 X 3.

And I rephotographed 2 and 3.

We picked up Scooter from the K9 resort. He is a bit under the weather. I hope it is just exhaustion from running rampant all week-end with the other dogs.

In Seattle for Some Fiber Fun

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

I have stitched on a couple of yellow 3 x3’s. I will need to rephotograph these in better light when I get home.

We made it to Seattle, yesterday, after dropping Scooter off at the canine camp. We had a great time yesterday. We are staying in the University District and can walk to restaurants and shopping. The SDA conference was at a Unitarian Church that was close by.

Yesterday, we drove downtown to see the Gauguin exhibit. I enjoyed it so much. I like seeing a body of work from a famous artist and then reading the signage to discover how their work evolved. Gauguin was very influenced by the work of other artists and it was not until his later years that he was freed to find his own voice.

Today’s conference was jam packed with good stuff and great surface design work. The conference started off with a panel discussion of surface design then, now and the future.

Barbara Smith, on the left, was moderator. The panel was Marci Rae McDade, new Surface Design Journal editor, Lou Cabeen, Professor of fiber and art at Univ. of Washington and Jane Dunnewold, new president of the SDA board of directors. The conversation amongst the panel was excellent.

I attended 3 break out sessions. One on felting, one on Awakening the Creative Spirit and one by Jane Dunnewold on exploring your visual language. All were different and inspiring. Stefano Catalani, director of the Bellevue Art Museum gave the key note address. He is Italian and a charmer. I always love hearing him speak.

Tomorrow morning, we will go to the reception for the member’s show and then head home.

One of the special things at the symposium was the selection of surface design swatches donated my members. Here is some eye-candy.

Nuno felt


An assortment of goodies.

Indigo shibori

Printed swatch

More shibori

Another fun nuno felted piece

This piece was knitted, felted and shibori dyed.

We were all gifted with some nice gifts in a burlap goody bag. I am so impressed with how well this symposium was organized and presented. Congrats to the Washington State SDA group.

I am tuckered out. Time for bed. Ta!


Mellow Yellow

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

It is March! I am loving March already. I will be a Grandma again. Mark’s little girl is due to arrive sometime around mid-March, and I can’t wait to hold a Congdon baby again.

In my studio, it will be a month of yellow 3 x 3’s. I need to put away my pile of blues and start pulling out the yellows. The first is up there to welcome you to March and spring.

Before I forget, here is the last blue 3 x3; a leap year 3 x 3!

And here they are, all together.

I want to thank those of you who made the nice comments about the big piece I am working on. I made it through a very hectic day yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I got to spend with M & M, who are growing up right before my eyes. They are such wonderful and thoughtful young people. I am so blessed to have them in my life. We managed to get to school right on time this morning.

I came home and put my feet up for a bit and then finished the documents that I needed to send to the accepted artists for the Trinity event in May. Once they were approved by the committee, I sent them off.

Now, Mr C and I are getting ready for our week-end in Seattle. I am going to the Washington State SDA symposium on Saturday and on Sunday, we have the opening of the SDA members exhibit at Ballard Works. I have one of my Aspen pieces in the show. Tomorrow afternoon, Mr C and I are going to the Seattle Art Museum to see the Gauguin exhibit. It will be a fun week-end, seeing old SDA friends (like Jane Dunnewold) and meeting some new friends, eating great Seattle cuisine and enjoying the many facets of art.

I might be able to check in with some goings on; we shall see.


I Can Do This

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

I was on the verge of a meltdown tonight.  I have a very full schedule for the next two days. An important Artists Among Us coordinators meeting. I had to put together a slide show from all of those who have expressed an interest. We will be doing the jurying tomorrow. There are documents to go to those who get in that have not been approved, and I am supposed to send an e-mail to those who get in by March 2nd. I am leaving Friday morning for an SDA symposium in Seattle.

I want so much to have undivided time to work on my neighborhood walk piece. I am behind on my timeline for that. I have the elements fused (see above) but no screenprinting has been done.

Add to the mix that I have to pick up M & M from school tomorrow and supervise homework, make dinner and get them to school with lunch on Thursday morning. Oh, and then I have a dental hygienist appointment sometime on Thursday -can’t remember when.

I got the slide show done and printed an excel file of all the entrants before dinner. After dinner, I thought I just want to curl up and watch junk tv. But, I went down to the studio and made a 3 x3, committed to the layout for the Mr C and Scooter piece and lightly fused it. Hung it up on the design wall. Took it down and made some adjustments. The printing and sewing will have to wait until next week.

I worked on some of the documents for AAU and printed out what I have done so far for my partners in crime to look at tomorrow. And…..sighed a sigh of relief. I can do this!!

Here is todays blue 3 x 3: