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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Happy, Happy!

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

I almost missed my 7th Blogiversary which was the 3rd of February. Seven years is a lot of blabbing and creating and making new friends. To celebrate, I have a gift for one of you. Just leave me a comment. I will do a random drawing and someone will receive this hand dyed silk scarf with a subtle shibori design.

It was a busy week-end. On Friday night, we went to the opening of Lisa’s show with her friend Trish Grantham — Wild at Heart. She sold a piece – always a good thing. On Saturday, she hunkered down and did many  more illustrations for the cookbook. On Saturday night, she, Steph and I put on a delicious meal for vegans and omnivores. Trish, who is a vegan, joined us. It was a fund evening.

Lisa left this morning and after church, I worked on my desktop Mac which had a disk problem  — I couldn’t open any files in Word or Photoshop – eek! I was able to repair it and everything is working again. So, I didn’t get much else done today.

Up above is yesterday’s 3 X 3 from silk scraps. Today’s is one of the stencil prints that I did with white paint on hand-dyed cotton.

The Twelves hatched a plan to gift Del Thomas with a 12 X 12 quilt from each of us with nature as the theme. We have kept them under wraps until now. Del was honored to have a gallery in the Visions Art Museum named after her. For the unveiling, they are displaying 40 of the 12 X 12 quilts that she has acquired. Some of ours are amongst those on display. I have previously posted my quilt, but did not say what it was for. Here it is, again, California Poppies. I am thrilled to have it on display.

Don’t forget to leave a comment if you would like to have a chance to receive the scarf!

Artist at Work

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Lisa is here and has set up a temporary studio in my office. She was a good influence on me today. She was up and at work early this morning.

She is working on a deadline of illustrations for a cookbook. It is fun to see how she develops the painting, adding layers and colors and definition.

I got a lot done, working next door in my studio. I am almost ready to start the quilting of my 12 x 20 piece.

I did some printing with white paint on blue fabric today to use later  for my 3 x3’s. I really am loving working with blue. I think this whole exercise will be an enlightenment for me. Here is today’s 3 x 3:

This is printed with my aspen leaf thermofax screen. I love the wintery look of it.

Tonight was the opening of Lisa’s small show with her friend Trish Grantham at Land PDX, a gallery and bookstore on Mississippi in North Portland.

It was a gorgeous day again today. The sun was out all day. The days are getting longer. I love it. Here is the sunset today as I took Scooter out at the end of the day. The sun is much higher at 4:30.

And lastly,  here are the first of the Helibores blooming in the Rhodie Garden.

In a Blue Mood

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Well, not really, but I am working with blue fabrics this month.  March will be yellow. Feb 1 is a felted piece.

Today’s 3 X3 just had to have some indigo.

I spent a good deal of time yesterday morning reorganizing the fabric in my studio — putting away the red stash, pulling some blues, folding and sorting my hand-dyes. It was good to take an accounting of what I have.

Then, I started in earnest working on the next Twelve by Twelve which is really Twelve by Twenty! I cut a piece of batting and was able to figure out how to put it together. I am making fused blocks of different sizes. I have two more small one before I can get every thing fused to the batting and start quilting.

This morning, I went to the airport to pick up Lisa who is here to hang a show with another artist friend. The opening is tomorrow night.  I made a delicious lentil/sweet potato stew for supper tonight — vegan, of course.

Lisa has lots of work to do so we are both going to be down in my studio and office working tomorrow, There will be one diversion — someone who does a style blog here in Portland is coming by to photograph Lisa for her blog. That should be fun.

A Productive Day

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

I did it! I managed to make a 3 x  3 for every day of January. I am ready to move on to a new color. I have decided to do the primary colors first, and then the secondary. So will it be blue or yellow for February?

Here is today’s 3 X 3, made from scraps of vintage kimono fabrics.

I spent the morning getting a Constant Contact mailing out for Trinity Arts Call for Artists for our May fine art show and sale. I have received 5 entries so far.

After lunch, I went out to The Pine Needle Quilt shop in Lake Oswego to beef up my batiks for my online class/Twelve challenge piece.

Here are my piles by color and value:

I am very pleased with the range of values.

The light values are the hardes, but I am very pleased with these.

Tonight, I cranked out 2 Constant Contact e-mails for SDA reps. When I signed up for the Trinity Arts Constant Contact, I received a phone call from a CC coach. I laughed and told her, I was not new to CC as I do most of the e-mails for SDA. They are really a great company to work with. They have recently made some great changes in their system, making it really easy to edit and send.

Tomorrow, I have to put away a mess of fabric and get to work on assembling my work of art. Never a dull moment!

Fabric Frenzy

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Wow, only one more day in January and then I move on to another color. I still haven’t decided what it will be. Here is today’s 3 X3:

I am having so much fun doing zigzag free motion quilting. Yesterday’s and today’s are kind of two sides of my quilting life — organized and contained and exuberant free for all.

I have a totally messy studio because I am auditioning fabrics for the 12 X 20 metamorphosis challenge:

As usual, I am having a problem with light fabrics. I will be off to the fabric store tomorrow to see what I can find I have to get this done and move on to the next deadline.