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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Working on Values

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

I am selecting fabrics for the next Twelve by Twelve challenge which is to be revealed on Feb 12th. It is the result of one of my exercises in Elizabeth Barton’s class. One of the things we are working on right now is value. I have done several value exercises, and I do know how important it is. The above colorway in silk is one that I am considering. Here is the grayscale showing the nice value variation:

I really want to use this beautiful fabric that I bought from my friend Judy at the APWQ show in August, but I can’t work out the values.

I need another color to work with this cotton/silk blend. That blue gray is just not doing it. I tried painting some silk charmeuse, but didn’t get the color I wanted.

Here are the latest 3 X 3s


The above is painted silk with some free motion quilting fun.

I found some Japanese fabric with reds in my stash and did an applique with some zigzag free motion quilting.

We went to see The Descendants tonight. An excellent film. I cried. Much of it was filmed on Kauai, a favorite place of ours. I think George Clooney could win an Oscar for this.

Hope you are having a great week-end.

A Beauteous Day

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

I had to get up early this morning to walk Scooter since Mr C spent the night in Corvallis where he has been for 3 days starting his new consulting gig. It was a beautiful morning and the birds were singing. I took this photo which was an omen of the beautiful day to come.

Later, when I was washing dished in the kitchen, facing SW, the sun was so bright, I felt as if I needed sun glasses!! However, when I took Scooter out again, just before lunch, this was the scene to the south.

The clouds looked menacing, but  dissipated. At 4:30 pm, when I took Scooter out, there was a beautiful sunset from the Rhodie Garden.

Mr C arrived home, just as we walked back to the house. Scooter was very happy to see his other person. He kept running back and forth between us!

I can’t believe that I am running out of days for red 3 X 3s. Today’s is up at the top and here is yesterday’s-

I am trying to decide if I want to work my way around the color wheel or mix it up and do a random choice or go across the color wheel to the complement. I am feeling like I would like to go to the cool side for awhile.

Happily, the cold I thought I was getting did not materialize. I saw my dermatologist yesterday for a check-up. I had to have a suspicious mole on my upper chest biopsied. It was a tiny little thing. I hope it is negative. Then, I went to Kaiser Vision Center and ordered some cool red glasses. I have missed having red glasses! Today, I got the color on my hair refreshed. I am looking good!

A Quickie

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

I was hoping for a day in my studio, but it did not happen. I am also behind in my online class homework. What did I do today? I spent most of it creating a banner for our Artists Among Us Constant Contact e-mail. Our graphics person on the committee is very demanding, but not able to do much on the computer so we have been e-mailing back and forth until I got this done the way he wants it. He is also going to be our featured artist so the artwork in the banner is his. This basic design will be used for all of our promotional material— postcards and posters.

Here it is. You can click on it to see it larger.

I feel like I am coming down with a cold — sore throat and headache. I am going to call it a day.


Saving Bits and Pieces

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Now,  I know why I have been saving all those bits and pieces of fused art cloth. It is just so much fun to dig them out of a bin and cut and snip and create a little composition. This base of this is red silk organza with black misty fuse over red felt. The strips of fabric are silk with a black spatter design – not sure if it was dye or paint. The dots are black silk.

I have had one of those days away from home for most of the day, that sort of exhaust me. First, I went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning, however, they were running late and couldn’t do the cleaning today, if I was going to make my 12:30 lunch meeting in downtown Portland. So, I have to go back in a month for cleaning. The good news is, my teeth and gums are in great condition for my age.

I am part of a steering committee for our annual Artists Among Us at Trinity. It is a fine arts show and sale for one long week-end in May. We have about 50 – 60 artists. It is a lot of work. It has been run by one person for the past 10 years. She retired from our committee and it is taking 3 of us to do the planning. We are making some major changes and I am really excited about it. We had a very long and intense meeting today involving decisions about a lot of the work I will be doing so I came home exhausted.

I decided I needed a change of pace so I took Scooter for a half hour late afternoon walk. It helped to get some of the cobwebs out of my brain.

I have another recent gift to share. This is a beautiful journal made my Nikki Wheeler, one of the Twelves. It is so beautiful, I am afraid to use it , but I do plan to do something great with it.

Each one of these was different. I love the details of the 12 insignia and the beaded  spine, not to mention the beautiful paper. Such a treasure.

Mr C is going to be going down to Corvallis for the next 3 days so Scooter and I will be on our own. I have a couple of appointments, but hope to have some good studio time.

Happy Days

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Today is Mr C’s birthday. We celebrated yesterday with the Portland contingent of the Congdon Clan. We had a great time at the Mythbuster’s tour and then out to dinner at Jake’s, a Portland seafood restaurant that is an institution.

Today, was church and the Forty-niner’s football game. They lost, but it was a great game and brought back memories of all the years that we have watched the Niners. Mark braved bad weather to get back from Tahoe today just so he could see the game. My mom was such a football fan. She loved the NY Giants. She and Mark used to have some rousing smack talk on the phone when the two teams were playing each other.

I did venture out in the rain today to look for the latest issue of Quilting Arts which has an article about the Twelve x Twelve group. I keep getting e-mails from people who tell me they have loved reading it. But, alas, I could not find it in any of the stores that I went to. I will try Barnes and Noble when I am out that way later this week.

Up above is yesterday’s 3 X 3. While I was out, I bought a new darning foot or free motion foot for my machine. I think it worked better than the one that came with it, but I am still having problems on these small pieces. The green and the red in the two pieces I did for yesterday and today, come from the same piece of hand-dyed fabric. Here is today’s 3 x 3:

Here is the last of the nice presents that I have received. This is a bluebird by the very talented Teri Stegmiller, another Twelve. I was so excited when this showed up in my mailbox.

Tomorrow, is a busy day. I have a teeth cleaning and then a lunch meeting with the steering committee for the Trinity Artists Among Us. We have lots of territory to cover. Time is flying by too fast!!

I hope you have had a great week-end.