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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category


Friday, January 13th, 2012

It is Friday the Thirteenth. Do you have a fear of Friday the Thirteenth? Then, the title of this post is the name of your phobia. Today was just another Friday around here. We did sign our names a gazillion times as we refinanced at a nice low interest rate. However, our payments won’t go down because our homeowners insurance is costing us a lot and we can only get $5000 deductible. I could use some pretty foul language here, but I will resist. The fact that we were loyal customers of Allstate for many years for our home and car insurance with hardly ever a claim — nothing on the house— until the two burglaries. The fact that we spent a bundle on making our home secure from any future intruders meant nothing. We are trying to let go of our anger an move on.

Today’s 3 X 3 is red linen with a linen indigo moon. Since we have a nice full moon this week, it seemed appropriate.

I have received some nice gifts over the past couple of months. Time to share them. This is a gorgeous ceramic plate from Steve’s brother, Mike, and his wife, Ann. I love the wonky shape and the colors that the artist used.

Ann told me this about the artist:

She’s a lively eccentric, who lives on a homestead far from the rest of civilization, and who delights in finding unusual clays and minerals for glazes along roadsides in her travels, and waxes euphoric about the results of her experimental firings.

I hope you are having a wonderful week-end. We might get some snow!

Thursday This and That

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

This is yesterday’s 3 X 3. I enjoyed doing another machine felted piece. I find it very relaxing as long as the needles don’t break.

Here is today’s which was completed in less than half an hour this afternoon. It is a collage of some little squares of fabric with that black doodle.

I then did some free motion doodling. I have a very difficult time doing the free motion quilting on such a small piece. I need to remember to make something larger and then cut it down to size. It seems a bit wasteful, however.

Today was STASH day at Reva’s. Just sitting and chatting and sharing work. Reva prepared a delicious lunch. It was very therapeutic for me. I need the stimulation of friends for my well-being.

Here is another project I am working on.

This house used to be a 12 inch square, but I wanted to turn it into a 12 x 16 inch quilt for The House Quilt Project. So I cut it out around the house and I am going to mount it on a 12 x 16 inch background. This is made from indigo fabric scraps.  It has to have an American Flag so I need to get some flag fabric so I can fussy cut one.

I have also been working on inspiration photos for the Quilt University class with Elizabeth Barton — Inspired to Design. I am a bit behind, but I will catch up. I need to select a photo for a quilt and then reduce it to simpler lines and shapes for making a quilt. I found some great photos in my archives tonight.

Busy, busy!! My studio is still a mess. Life is good.

Best Laid Plans

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

I was going to accomplish a whole lot more today than I did. However, I don’t want to beat myself up over it. I do feel that I am doing a whole lot of procrastinating, and I really need to get busy creating some new work.

I was able to fit all my paints and inks and other media into the new storage system. I really like it. I have another day at home so maybe I will make some more progress in rearranging and organizing my creative space.

Here is my 3 x3 for today. I followed my heart – yuk yuk. I really don’t know how I got here. I was doing a freezer paper circle applique and decided to machine stitch it. And then it looked boring so since I am working with red, a heart appeared. The heart is painted using a freezer paper stencil. I guess having the paint on my radar was involved, too.


Monday Mash UP

Monday, January 9th, 2012

Today was a mixed bag for me. I had a meeting at Trinity at 12:30 which means getting my rear in gear and walking the dog early so that I can eat lunch early and then hit the road. Just before I left, the mail arrived with bad news. Allstate canceled our homeowner’s insurance because of the two thefts last year. Argh!! Mr C got on the phone and started tracking down some other insurance with no good results — we are damaged goods!

While I was at my meeting, he went over to our Wells Fargo Office. They hold our mortgage. A very nice employee did some research and found a company that may do business with us. This just makes me so furious. I hate that this saga seems to have no end.

Anyway, the meeting was great. I am part of the three amigos who are coordinating the annual Artists Among Us Fine Art Show and Sale at Trinity which happens in May. I am doing all of the computer work. Our resident graphic artist did a fabulous poster for us. We met with all of our other committee chairs and we are on the way to a successful event.

On the way home, I stopped at Office Depot to pick up some sheet protectors and a new binder for a class I am taking. (More about that later.) While there, I checked out their storage items. I found something that is perfect for my paints, inks and other printing supplies. I brought it home and after giving up on the instructions, which were drawings, I used my intuition and got it assembled.

The bins can be pulled out and taken to my print table, plus, I can easily see what is in the bins.

Oh and the 3 x 3 for today is fused and stitched.

This and That

Sunday, January 8th, 2012


Here is today’s 3 X 3. This was needle felted, by hand. Am I going to get sick and tired of red. We shall see. I will certainly continue to discover all the ways that I can design a small piece of art. I want it to be fun and no stress.

We were awakened between 4 and 5 this morning by Scooter barking. As you can imagine, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. It was one year ago this week-end that we had our first burglary. There was no intruder. Scooter had pooped in his bed. We let him stay upstairs on his bed in the family room. When we got up, he had pooped in the living room. Steve took him out for a walk and he did another gigantic poop. We wondered what was going on because he had normal movements for the last few days.

Then, I remembered the box of dog bone biscuits we bought at Costco. They are pretty big biscuits — bigger than we usually get him. Mr C had left them on the floor of my office. Last night when I was down there, he didn’t seem to want to come back upstairs. I thought I should put the biscuits up, where he couldn’t reach them. It turns out, it was like shutting the barn door after the horse got out! There are 40 biscuits to a layer and there were only 10 left when Steve counted them. We have had a big laugh about it all day. Fortunately, he did not get really sick, just felt lethargic all day.

We are looking forward to the return of Downton Abbey on PBS tonight – how about you? Our young priest even used the show in his sermon this morning!