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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

A Bounty of Goodness

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

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We have been having a wonderful time with the family here for the holidays. Paige Ada has added so much joy and fun to our celebration. She arrived with a cold and ear infection and on antibiotics, but has been such a happy little girl through it all.

This was the calm before everyone arrived.



I had purchased some baby friendly toys for Paige and she loved knocking over a tower of the soft blocks. She is so fast on her hands and knees, now.


Don’t you just love the little tutu? She loves Scooter and chases after him and sneaks up behind him and grabs his tail. He is a little frightened of her, but she is not scared of him, one bit. So cute.


Later in the day, the Portland family arrived. Here is Paige with her Daddy and Aunt Stephanie.

Here is beautiful Mia with her new asymmetric hair cut. She is 5′ 9″, now.



Paige was quite taken with her cousin, Miles and climbed onto his lap. He didn’t know quite what to do with her.



She quickly got into the whole idea of opening presents.



It was a wooden ring game from the Portland cousins.




Another photo of the cutie, Miles.





We gave her this small version of a Radio Flyer wagon. She enjoyed going for rides in it.




In the morning, she got to see what was in her stocking.




She really liked the knitted dolly that a friend of mine made.



And then, she promptly fell asleep with it.



Later, we went to  Stephanie’s for a delicious brunch. She set up a little play area for Paige with the heart quilt that I made Mia about 10 years ago.



We made a big dinner for the family back at our house with beef tenderloin and delicious side. Stephanie made brioche which was delicious.


This was taken when she woke up from a nap this afternoon. Love those big blue eyes.




Lisa and Clay and Wilfredo arrived safely today and didn’t have any trouble with snowy or icy roads. We all went out for Vietnamese food – which works for the meat eaters, the vegans, and the grandkids who love Asian noodles. Then we had another Christmas, opening gifts with them. I got some great stuff, which I will share in a later post.

The bags that I created for everyone contained a black or navy blue J. Crew sweater. I hope to get a photo of the whole family wearing them. Paige and I are the only ones who don’t have one. They don’t make them large enough for me or small enough for her so we will fake it.

Here is yesterday’s 3 x 3. I am running a bit behind.

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Christmas is a Comin’

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

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I am so excited because our sweet Paige Ada and her Mom and Dad are arriving tomorrow morning. I have all the gifts wrapped. I finished her stocking. This is before blocking.



I ventured out to the grocery store and the fish monger to get all the ingredients for our celebration. Tomorrow night we will have seafood chowder with clams, shrimp and salmon. On Christmas Day I am making a beef tenderloin with roasted potatoes, the family broccoli-cheese dish, roasted brussels sprouts and a fennel, arugula, and apple salad. There will be lots of small sweets – cookies, mint brownies and mini-pumpkin cheesecakes.



The Amaryllis is going to be in full bloom by Christmas Day:


Santa has multiplied on our neighbor’s porch:


I am caught up with 3 x 3’s, but will probably fall behind over the next couple of days.

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I will be back on the other side of Christmas with some cute Grandchildren photos!! Happy Holidays to all of you.




All Wrapped Up

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

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I am trying so hard to stay calm and organized and to enjoy the holiday preparations. Yesterday and today, I accomplished some goals. I was late, but I mailed my cards and Christmas letter yesterday. I also started work on creating personalized bags for each family member.

I stenciled their names on the bags, first. Then, I stenciled a design over and around the names. I used metallic silver paint on some and white on others.




On the back of each one, I printed a heart because I love them all so much.


These are the stencils that I used.


Stephanie’s name is the longest so, I finished printing it on the back.



Each bag contains the same thing, which I can’t divulge now. I wrapped each gift in tissue paper.


And here is a grouping under the tree.



Paige and her mom and dad are arriving Christmas Eve by plane. Lisa and Clay are driving up on Christmas Day, staying in Ashland, and then driving the rest of the way on the 26th. We are really concerned about the nasty weather and road closures and hope so much that they will be able to make the trip, safely.

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Busy, Busy

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

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I am busy, busy getting ready for Christmas. I have phone calls, e-mails and text  messages going back and forth with the California peeps so that I know what to have around for the vegans and the baby. I have been finishing my Christmas shopping. Tomorrow, I am going to personalize and decorate brown bags for gifts that every one will be getting from us. I am looking forward to getting messy with some paint.

I thought I would share this poem that was written by a member of Trinity and was read at Lessons and Carols last week-end. I love all the artsy references.

God Uses Everything

On the stout slanted trunk of a great tree
God is painting with shadows and light,
with dry and damp, moss and bark,
falling needles and swaying boughs
set against dark poles and slivers of sky.
Beside the trunks low bend,
half-naked shrubs with slender stems
lift their few tattered red leaves –
remains of autumn glory
still useful to God the artist.

It’s been rumored that God’s an Impressionist
who savors iridescence, a Colorist
charging blue into shadows and gold into sunsets,
a master of rainbow reflections
enamored of shimmer,
glazing with dazzle and sparkle.
That’s true as far as it goes,
but actually God’s the founder
of the Ashcan School.

God sees the beauty in everything:
rusted iron and peeling paint,
faded cotton and wrinkled silk,
curdled milk and spilled ink.
Everything’s grist for God’s mill,
everything’s paint for God’s brush:
galaxies and electrons,
horses, seahorses, and horseflies,
wheat and chaff,
the blazing and the burnt,
trees like poles and trees that are bent.

It’s easy to brighten a canvas
with scarlet and crimson and ultramarine,
but God creates color and splendor
from smudges and stains, streaks and spatters
that I’d leave out or scrape off or cover up.
God omits nothing.

I’m one of the pigments God chooses;
I’m a patch in the pattern God paints.
I contribute my all to the vast composition –
my very few talents and many mistakes.
Although I can’t see the Big Picture
and frequently salt my small corner with tears,
God cheerfully scumbles in even my fears.

— Ames Dee, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR

A Birthday

Monday, December 17th, 2012

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Mia is officially a teen-ager – thirteen!! She really wanted a Wacom Bamboo tablet. I had one that I have never used so now, it is hers. She was really happy.


Isn’t she a beauty? In this photo, she looks so much like her mom when she was younger. Miles came over and spent the day with us while Mia and Steph had a girls day out.

Tonight, we went to Papa Haydn’s for dinner. They are known for their desserts. Mia chose a pecan brittle cheesecake for her treat.



We had a great time with the family. Only one week until the rest of them show up! Look at this sweet child! I can’t wait for her to brighten our home.
