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Archive for the ‘Paige Ada’ Category

A Quiet Week-end

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

I mainly puttered around the house this week-end, doing odds and ends of stuff. We had a great dinner on Friday night. I am still savoring it. After doing our household chores yesterday morning, we headed for downtown Portland to look for new chairs for our kitchen. The chairs we have were purchased when we lived in NY and are Hitchcock chairs with stenciled backs. They are wonderful chairs, but don’t really work with our more modern aesthetic.

We saw that Design Within Reach (named Design Out of Reach by our kids) was having a sale. We found some chairs that we really liked and now are waiting for them to be shipped from Kentucky.

I had nice phone calls with all 3 of my kids. Look at this wonderful photo of Mark with Paige. I just love it.

I also had time to keep up with my 3 x 3s.

I have 3 days to get some work done in my studio before I leave for 3 days in Long Beach for International Quilt Festival.



What a Great Week-end

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

I think that Miss Paige really enjoyed meeting all the Portland peeps. She was all smiles and giggles and regaled us with cooing and singing.

Here she is with Aunt Steph:

And she thought Uncle Jack was quite funny!

I got lots of hands on time with her and loved every minute.

I took them to the airport this morning and it seems so quiet around here. I probably won’t see her until November when I go down to SF to help take care of Lisa when she has foot surgery. She will have to stay in bed for two weeks, getting up only to go to the bathroom with help.

I did manage to get back to my studio to finish up the orange 3 x 3s.

(I had to do a sun because we need some!)

And, ta da, the color for July is Magenta (red/violet)


My Very Special House Guest

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Sorry, Kerr, but this little girl trumps your visit!! I picked up the family at the airport at 8:30 this morning. Paige was all smiles as she had slept for most of the flight.

I am really tired because the house alarm went off on its own at 2 am. I hate that — the noise is excruciating and then there is the panic that it might be real. So, I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I woke up just in time to hear the SCOTUS decision on health care. That was a great start to the day.

Mark says that he has not seen Paige as engaged and happy and smiley as she has been with all her Portland peeps. This photo was taken with the photo booth on my laptop.

She is such the perfect little baby. I got some great photos of her while Mr C was holding her this afternoon.

And this guy was jealous!!

I got the quilting finished on the fire quilt, but forgot all about making a 3 x 3. I also got a nice request to have my work featured in a magazine. I will divulge more later. Lisa got asked by someone in the White House to be part of Obama’s Design Team for the campaign. It has been a good day in Congdon land.

Easy Being Green

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I have spent the week-end working outside, doing laundry, shopping for staples and being a bit lazy. I am having a bad arthritis flare-up and so I am not pushing myself. The new planters came. Mr C lined them with plastic and filled them with soil. Yesterday morning we went to the Portland nursery and I bought herbs and veggie and tomato starts. I really like how these look. I put some nasturtiums in the  for some color and adding to salads. For now, I have some lettuce starts in with the herbs. When they are larger, I will not need to fill in the space.

Here is the new veggie garden sans the overgrown herbs.

It is a nice sunny spot on the side of the garage. Last night we had a mighty thunder storm and it gully washed up several of my plants. We got them back in the soil and I hope they will get some strong roots before we get a rain like that again. I have room to plant a few more things.

Here is a recent photo of Paige. She is now 2 months old!! What a special little baby she is!

Here are the recent green 3 x 3s.

This one is in honor of Pentecost Sunday. I guess tomorrow is a holiday. The family is coming over for dinner. I am going to make a rhubarb and berry crisp, but I don’t know what else.


Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Look at little miss personality!! She is starting to smile and react to Mark and Jayme, showing a delightful personality.

And, oh, how I love this photo of Daddy and his little girl. I may have to make a trip to SF, soon!

When last I checked in, Thursday, I think. I thought I was making good progress with the Filemaker data base for our art show. Unfortunately, on Friday, I found some major bugs in our system. One major problem was that the scanner was not connecting to the database properly. I create bar codes for each piece of art. When someone brings it to the sales table to buy, we want to scan the bar code on the art and have the artwork detail open up to show that it has been sold. It was not working and my consultant and I were both tired and cranky by Friday afternoon. I felt so defeated and dissolved in tears — total melt down. Mr C calmed me down and asked if he could take a look at what was happening. Every bar code begins with 12 for this year, and he figured out that the software was only reading the first number and would open up the first work of art no matter which bar code was scanned. If I pasted a whole bar code into the the slot, it would work perfectly. I e-mailed this bit of info to my guru who fixed it and two hours later, it was working perfectly. I went to bed, a happy woman.

The other problem is with the gallery labels, but I think I can fix that by doing a data merge instead of using the labels generated by Filemaker. Last week was a very difficult week for me as I had to be in left brain mode most of the time and it is not my best MO!!

I took some bits of time to work on my map for the Tuesday reveal and to make some 3 x 3s. Tomorrow will be dedicated to machine quilting my map piece.

Here are two more purples:

Only one more purple day. What will may be — green or orange?