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Archive for the ‘Paige Ada’ Category

Diebenkorn, The Berkeley Years

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013


Many years ago, we saw an exhibit of Diebenkorn’s Ocean Park paintings. He has always been a favorite of ours. The Ocean Park paintings are flatter and more linear than the paintings done during his Berkeley years, which are on view at the De Young. We were so excited to get to see the drawings and paintings of his earlier work.

During his years in Berkeley, Diebenkorn was deeply engaged with the unique setting of the Bay Area, saturating his works with color, light, and atmosphere. More than 130 paintings and drawings, beginning with the artist’s earlier abstract works and moving through his subsequent figurative phase, display his profound influence on postwar American art.

I was fascinated with his drawings of the human figure. The gestures are fluid and unrestrained.



His early abstract landscapes really captivated me with their wild colors and the organic nature of the brush strokes.



His work evolved to include figures, sometimes in interiors and often in landscapes.


To give you a frame of reference, this is one of his more spare and restrained Ocean Park paintings.


It was just a wonderful experience to walk among all of this work and marvel in the color and composition.

I love this entrance to the De Young, designed by Andy Goldsworthy which has a fissure that runs through the surface and rocks and meanders up to the entrance.



After lunch, we picked up the makings of dinner for Paige and her parents. We were allowed to pick her up early from daycare. I was especially happy to get to see where she spends her day and the wonderful care that she gets.

You can see her in the mirror, as she sits in her car seat.


She sang all the way home, even when we were stuck in traffic because of an accident. She enjoyed story time with Poppop.


Her Mama, got to come home early and so did her dad, since he didn’t have to pick her up. I made my veggie pasta sauce with rice pasta and Paige chowed down.



This is such a nice visit for us. Tomorrow, we might drive up to Sonoma County, where we used to live and get into some warmer temps for the day.

Thought I Would Check In!

Monday, July 29th, 2013


We made it to San Francisco and have been very busy since, getting in lots of time with Paige over the week-end. She is back in day care today and Mama and Papa are at work.


I always love driving over the Bay Bridge and seeing the SF skyline. We stopped to see Lisa and Clay in Oakland before we went over the bridge. They were married at Oakland city hall on Friday morning and so they are legally wife and wife!! We are so happy for them.


Paige or Peesh (as she calls herself) was excited to have company. She is one of those kids, like her Grandma, that gets energized being around lots of people. And then we crash!


Saturday was Jayme’s birthday so we went out to brunch in the morning. We are staying in a live/work loft in the mission on Harrison and  20th. More about that in another post.


Here she is enjoying something silly on my phone. And with her beautiful Dr. Mama.


On Saturday night, I made a birthday dinner for Jayme and Lisa and Clay joined us for the evening. It was lots of fun and we ate everything. I think there were two pieces of the vegan cake left over.

Yesterday, Jayme had to be at the hospital for her 12 hour shift. We spent the day with Mark and Paige. Here is Poppop (her name for Mr C) reading to her. She loves books and running around outside.


On this particular Sunday, part of 24th and Valencia Streets were closed to traffic and people walked, biked, skooted, skated and generally had a good time in the streets.



Paige wanted one of these huge bubbles to come near her, but she is too short.

She loved hanging out in this tent, part of an REI display.



I love SF murals, particularly in The Mission.

After a while, we all got hungry. Here is Paige eating one of her favorite foods – ’tilla (tortilla).


We stopped at a lovely playground where Paige had a good time. She was determined to run through the spouting water.


She is tall for her age, but looks pretty miniscule next to her big Daddy!!

Our condo is next door to this restaurant. Don’t think they have anything gluten free, but we are all going there on Thursday. Mia arrived in Oakland yesterday to go to the Young Artist’s camp at California College of Art so L and C will bring her over to spend the evening with us.


Today, we went for a long walk in our neighborhood. Here are some photos from our walk.




A Special Guest and Some Quilt Talk

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013


I have been missing, but I have been busy! The best thing was having my art quilt daughter, Kristin La Flamme, come for a visit. She is one of the Twelves, but I first met her when we took a workshop with Sue Benner at Art Quilt Tahoe. I was so impressed with her work and told her she would be an art quilter to be reckoned with. I also adopted her as my art quilt daughter! She is a brilliant artist just like me real life daughters. She told me about a new series of quilts that she is going to do and I was so blown away by the idea and the intelligent thought and creative ideas she has developed for them. I can’t wait to see them.

Yesterday, I picked her up at the train station. She left the rest of her family in Eugene with her parents. We headed for Terry Grant’s house and hung out with her for most of the day. She brought 20X12 quilts from herself and Deborah Boschert. So we had fun looking at them in person. I am collecting all of the quilts so that we can prepare them to be displayed at Quilt Expo in September.


This morning, before I took Kristin back to the train station, we went to Mill Ends.


She has done a lot of quilts for her Army Wife series using camouflage, and they were stationed in Hawaii recently so she was quite amused to find Hawaiian camo.


The quilt up at the top came home yesterday. I had forgotten about it. I made it as a sample for The African Fabric Shop in the UK.  The owner sent Terry and I fabric covered notebooks as a thank you. They are made by a Primary School and use the batik fabrics from the shop. I love the fabric on this one.


I had good news last week. My quilt, Kelp Dance, was juried into Sur(face) Forward at The Art Center in Corvallis, and Moonstruck was juried into the Simply Red Show.

It has been a good week. On Thursday, we are heading to San Francisco to spend some time with family, especially, Paige. It is also Jayme’s birthday. We are going to stop in Grant’s Pass so that I can see the SAQA Sightline’s exhibit. Looking forward to that!

Conference Loot

Thursday, June 13th, 2013


Can you see my name in this fabric? Isn’t that cool? An SDA member from Houston made this for me in a workshop. She called me a while ago and was having a problem registering for the conference via her computer. I helped her and she wanted to thank me. I think this is so sweet. Her name is Peggy Sexton. She was one of our Texas volunteers, helping in hospitality and other ways. The Texas contingent of SDA members were fantastic and so welcoming.

At the conference, SDA holds a silent auction. There were some really awesome things available – big ticket items. I bid on some of the smaller items  and won a pack of beautiful hand-dyed and printed silk art cloth.



I particularly like this piece.



I also had the winning bid for Elin Noble’s book.



One of the vendors was Kristy Kun of Opulent Fibers here in Portland. I bought a large piece of red pre-felt as I want to do a shrinky dink red quilt.



Another vendor was Stencil Girl. I have several friends who have done artwork for them. He told me that one of their most popular artists is Terri Stegmiller, one of the Twelves. I bought some small simple stencils for my friends in the STASH group. We had our monthly get-together today so I gave theme each one with some wash away pencil markers that another vendor was selling.



I also placed an order with Thai/Exotic silks that arrived in the mail today. I have the supplies I need to get to work. I am feeling quite exhausted, but still very happy. I need to get to work in my studio — I know that once I get busy, the creativity will come. In the morning, we are going to Miles’ 5th grade graduation ceremony, then I can come home and get to work.

Want to see something really cute? Click this link to see a video of adorable Paige enjoying her first beach vacation.

Ready to Crash

Monday, April 15th, 2013



We are home, arriving at lunch time. I had to hit the ground running as I have mucho work to get done — an updated report for the SDA conference, Guild newsletter and many e-mails to answer. I realized when I got home that I had left the power cord for my laptop in the hotel this morning. Even if I get them to mail it to me, I can’t wait. So off to the Apple store. I didn’t quite finish the guild newsletter. I hope to have a clearer head in the morning. Before I crash, I thought I would do a quick post.

So, back to Paige’s birthday. There she is up above on the morning of her party. She loves to be outside and she was waiting patiently for someone to take her.

We went to the backyard and played in the sandbox.



I decided it was a bit chilly so I went in and found a sweater for her. She continued to amuse herself and watched her daddy cleaning up the grill and the patio to get ready for the party.



Later, everyone got in the act of preparing food. Her Grammy Karyn made two cakes  — a gorgeous carrot cake for the adults and a healthy baby cake with no sugar for the kids. My son grilled pork loin. I prepared slaw and asparagus for grilling.


Here she is with her Daddy ready for guests.



Here is Paige enjoying her cake.



She is just learning to use utensils and often likes to have two of them.



Later, she opened all of her presents — sort of — she has not quite gotten the whole present opening excitement, yet.



Her parents gave her a shiny red piano. I have an hysterical video of her playing it.



It was a wonderful week-end with plenty of Paige time. I got to see Lisa and Clay’s new home in Oakland, and we also stopped by the venue for the wedding in Mill Valley on our way back to Oregon, yesterday.

I am gearing up for a month and a half of lots on my plate as I continue with SDA conference registration and helping with Artists Among Us at Trinity. I need to get some small works done for the Trinity show and sale. I need the balance of some creative work.

My heart is saddened over the bombings in Boston. I am sending out good thoughts and prayers to all the victims.