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Archive for the ‘Paige Ada’ Category

Happy Days

Saturday, April 13th, 2013


We made it to San Francisco on Thursday afternoon. We had beautiful weather for driving. We stopped in downtown San Francisco so that I could run through some stores to see if there was anything I might feel like wearing to Lisa’s Wedding. We received our invitation before leaving town.




It was a very discouraging venture. I found only one thing that I felt like trying on. It was too big. I could find nothing that would fit me that I liked.

Fortunately, our next stop was at Paige’s home where we found that smiley face up there. What a delight she is. She is on the verge of walking and is learning new words every day.

On Friday, we got to spend most of the day with her. Here she is chowing down on yogurt at breakfast with us.


Later in the day, we took her on a walk to the park. We pushed her in the swings and played on the slide.



Some sights seen in the neighborhood as we walked through the neighborhood.

Love this chartreuse home.


And the names of these two enterprises.





Friday night was our daughter-in-law, Jayme’s, graduation from the Master’s program for her medical studies, a joint program between UC Berkeley and UCSF Medical School. The graduation took place in Berkeley. We went over to the East Bay early so that I could check out a boutique in Oakland. I think I found my mother of the bride outfit. It is very un-mother of the bride and very artsy and me. Maybe I will talk about it more at a later time. Lisa gave her blessing.

Here is the lovely courtyard of the venue for the graduation.



Here are Clay, Lisa, Jayme’s Mom, Karyn and her Grandma, Joyce.



This is Jayme taking part in the program.


And here she is with the class of 16 students. Each one had such interesting backgrounds and experiences. Paige was cited as their 17th participant since Jayme had her while in the program. They all love her so much.



We are so proud of her!!! In two years we will celebrate her becoming an M.D.

I leave you with one more photo of the sweet Paige. Today, we celebrated her first birthday. Lots of fun ensued. More later.





Paige is a Year Old

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013



Hard to believe that our little sweetie is a year old today. Here she is with her Mama at the daycare wearing her birthday crown. And just look at that set of teeth she has! She has brought so much love and light into all of our lives. I can’t wait to see her next month when we will all gather in San Francisco and celebrate her birthday and her Mom’s Master’s degree in Public Health.

It was a bad day for me on the work front. I had a big e-mail to do for SDA which is going out in the morning to all members, but the worst was an e-mail for one of the reps which was corrupting the template that I use for the Constant Contact e-mails. It took a while, but I finally found a long url which was forcing the block to expand and look all weird. I was so happy to get that one out. I get more tired and achy when I have to sit with the computer all day than when I am up and about doing other things.

I finally made it down to the studio tonight. I had a surge of energy and almost have the X and O quilt ready to fuse and quilt. Here are a couple of sneak peeks.





I love these colors – make me so happy as I work on this.

Tomorrow, I am getting fresh color on my hair. It really needs it. I think I will go back to the more coppery color for spring and summer.

Here is my drawing of the lounge chair in my office.

drawing 3-26-13


I have decided that my drawings are like my quilts – kind of organic and whimsical and not at all precise!!

A Good Idea

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013



I posted a photo of my 3 x 3 assemblage on Face Book today. Someone asked how I was going to attach them. I said I thought I would just tack the corners to keep from adding more stitching to the small pieces. Someone commented that I could put a bead between each piece as a spacer.  My first thought was, egad, what a lot of work. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I started the assembling tonight and it goes quite quickly. I am using my bead soup to find beads to blend in with the colors and beading thread which is strong and can hold up to the beads. I had  saved the plastic cover for something I bought at Costco, I think. It is perfect for holding my supplies.





I think I will enjoy the meditative aspect and handling each little piece.

Here is my drawing from today – my keys.


Our sweet little granddaughter, Paige, has had one ear infection after another. Today, she had tubes put in her ears. Surgery was successful, and, she woke up smiling!



There’s Always Something

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013



Here is our sweetie, Paige, who appeared on my iPhone tonight, to wish her Grandpa a happy birthday. We had a low key birthday celebration today. Sunday night, we went out to dinner with the Barnes family and had a wonderful time. Tonight, I made Steve salmon roasted on a bed of potatoes and red onions. It was his last meal for a while. He is having a colonoscopy on Thursday so the liquid diet starts tomorrow.

I am so frustrated. I finally got my life in order and made it down to the studio today and took some photos and was committed to getting back to creating and blogging. But, my apple photo program is not working. It keeps crashing and I get an error message so I can’t retrieve any photos from the camera on my laptop. I will have to use my desk top tomorrow.

I am hoping to get a quilt done in a week for the SAQA Metaphors on Aging. I have had an idea of what I wanted to do since the call for entries was announced. More on that later.

I have been really busy trouble shooting some problems with the SDA registration. After a hour and a half skyping with the web manager, I think we have ironed out most of the problems. It something I really like to do. I find it challenging rather than troublesome. It makes me feel pretty good when I figure out what the software is doing. We have a brand new system so I am sort of test driving it.

I was able to scan my latest drawings. I have a Kindle book on sketching. He starts out by showing the difference between a drawing and a sketch. It made me feel much better. Sketches are not supposed to look like a finished product, ready for framing!! Basically, you are looking for lines and shapes which you render with pencil and paper.

1-19-13 drawing

1-20-13 drawing

1-21-13 drawing

1-22-13 drawing

So my next challenging thing is to figure out what happened to iPhoto. I think that is going to mean a trip to the Apple Store.

Tired, Busy, Happy

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

yellow-green 28


I am coming to you from The Congdon Infirmary and Day Care. Jayme is quite sick with a head cold and cough. Mark is doing a little better. Neither of them is getting enough sleep. Paige, on the other hand, is having a good old time, keeping us and the dogs on our toes.



Tonight, she was in rare form, and was not ready to sleep at her normal bedtime.


Mr C and Mark took turns walking her around, and she finally got sleepy.

I keep running out of food. I am not used to feeding so many folks. I made a huge pot of soup tonight and it was gone. Clay helped me make vegan apple crisp. Just means that you use vegan margarine instead of butter.

I thought I would share some of my great Christmas presents. This is a lovely little hanging of Chinese zodiac animals with wonderful embroidery on them. My sister-in-law, Ann, got them when she was in China last spring.



I collect ethnic and folk art crosses. Steve’s brother and wife gave me this one. It is Haitian — made from a steel drum and then painted. It is really wonderful.



Lisa gifted me with some great fabric. Indigo cotton from some friends in Oakland who dye and sell fabric.



She also gifted me with a set of fat quarters of Jay McCarroll’s design. He was the first Project Runway winner who designs fabrics as a sideline. I am in love with the colors and patterns in these.



This is my favorite because I think I would love to make a quilt that looks like this.


She also gave me this lovely striped and very soft wool stole/wrap. Love the colors.


Stephanie and family gave a beautiful woven stole. I love the colors in this too. I guess I will be staying warm and stylish this winter.


Scooter is a little bit jealous of the time I spend with Paige. Sometimes, he just comes and sits by us and stares with those eyes you can’t see!! Then he will come up and try to put his head on my lap next to her. She loves him and loves to grab his fur and ears and tail. Overall, he is very gentle with her.



Here is today’s 3 x 3.

yellow-green 29


Only two more to go. Then what? I have some ideas, but have not settled on one thing yet. Sometimes, I think I should give the daily thing a rest for a year.