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Archive for the ‘My creations’ Category

This and That

Friday, January 16th, 2015


This week at the drawing class, we reviewed drawing 3-D objects and then focused on drawing the human figure. The head that I have here is the last drawing of the night and I did not have time to “flesh”it out.We started with a sphere with a protuberance for the chin. We learned how to divide up the sphere to get the correct location for eyes, nose and mouth.  I only took a couple of photos because I was busy doing the drawing.

Here us the body in movement that I did. I quite love this. If you look closely, you can see how it was made up from a series of cylinders that were then fleshed out to become this lovely dancer.


Not sure how I will use this newly gained knowledge, but I am enjoying the process. It is the journey, not the destination, right?

Yesterday, I went back to Trinity to help clean and organize the studio with the kiln. Half of the space was taken away for a nursery bathroom. We are not going to have much space to have classes there, but at least we hope to get the kiln up and working and have a space for doing wet work for a few folks. I am going to use the space to create the large pieces of fabric for my solo show.

I have a load of stuff to donate to SCRAP today. We found this antique printing press for which we would like to find a new home.


I found a better photo online:


It is a big heavy thing. If you are in the Portland area and would like to take this off our hands, let me know.

Master Class with Elizabeth Barton

Saturday, January 10th, 2015


Regular readers of my blog may remember that I started a year long master class with Elizabeth Barton last year. Then, I had to drop out because the selling, buying and moving house took over my life. She said I could pick it up again this year so, I am giving it a whirl. Our first assignment was to make value sketches of 3 photos. Here is the sketch for the wind turbines photo. I really like this and want to do a piece with turbines. So this sketch will come in handy.


This is a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge that I took from Land’s End, near the Cliff House.


And here is the sketch. EB thinks this would be better as a painting because of the expansive sky and water. I have other bridge photos and I think I will try cropping in on just a portion of the bridge for a later work.


This is a photo that I took this fall and I pushed the colors in photoshop and loved the composition.


Here is my sketch. It is quite successful for a value study and I think it is the one I will work up in fabric.


I have been working away on the kid quilts when I get a chance. I really like the green sashing on Lisa’s fabric.


I am managing all my projects fairly well. I even got several rows of knitting done last night. My goal is to embrace my busy life and celebrate that at my age, I am healthy and able to do so many things.

The Printed Fabric Bee – Old World Maps

Monday, January 5th, 2015




Old world maps was the theme for December – given to us by Lisa Chin. This was a real challenge for me. I started by Binging old world maps. I saw a theme of symbols that were used, but I felt it was a graphic that would be used by others. I wanted something different and I like to try different methods of image transfer. In my search, I came across this pirate treasure map.


My creative brain kicked in and I decided to do a Citrasolve transfer and then color in some details with Inktense color pencils. First, I found a great fabric in my stash of hand dyes that resembled the map. Then I photoshopped the map to black and white, printed it in reverse and then made copies on my old Canon copier with carbon based toner.


Here is a very bad photo of my supplies: Citrasolve, bowl and cotton balls.


It is very easy to do this transfer. You put the toner side down on the fabric and rub with cotton ball wet with Citrasolve.


I did not take many process photos – sorry – I just got involved in getting it done because we were going to be in CA for the last week of December. Once I was happy with the transfer and it was dry, I colored in details with Inktense color pencils. To set the color, I dampened a piece of muslin with water, placed it on the fabric and ironed it until it was dry.

Here is the 9″ by 16″ piece for Linda:


Here is the six inch piece for the giveaway. For a chance to win this collection of fabrics, leave a comment on our Printed Fabric Bee blog or on Lisa’s blog.


Crazy Busy and Shooting Quilts

Thursday, December 18th, 2014


Today, I did something I have not done before, I had two quilts professionally photographed. All I can say is, I should have done it long ago. My problem is, I rarely have work done early enough to get it photographed before I need to enter it so I had my own set up. Now, I don’t have the space to do it myself so I am going to have to get my act together. Here are detail shots of Taking Leaf of My Seasons.



Looks so good. Here is Flying Through Sky Blue Pink.





A better camera and knowing how to set it makes a big difference. I get it now.

I have been incredibly busy. SDA is having an important and huge fundraiser. The organization may have to disband if we don’t get an infusion of cash by the end of the year. It has added a great deal to my work load. If you read this blog and are an SDA member, I would appreciate it if you could make a pledge. The money does not have to be paid until next hear and can be spread out in payments. Click here to check it out.

Then, to add to the craziness – it is December! Managed to get cards out, finished shopping, shipped some packages, attended to Christmas concerts and several holiday festivities. And this lovely girl turned 15, yesterday. We met the family for Thai street food, one of Mia’s favorites, followed by cheesecake back at their house.


At Miles’ school they get to chose a short class for the last week before they are off for the holidays. He chose metal working and one of the things he has made is this unicorn. Isn’t it fantastic?


So, today, I finally had some breathing room and did some more sewing on the two kid quilts which are not going to get done by Christmas. Tomorrow, I am getting a much needed haircut and hope to work on the kid quilts.

The Barnes family is coming over for Christmas eve; I am keeping it simple – fresh dungeness crab, salad, sourdough bread, Christmas cookies and homemade peppermint candy ice cream. On Christmas morning, we are heading to California to see the rest of the family. I love this photo that Jayme’s mom e-mailed me.


There is a new store down on NW 23rd called Arcteryx. They sell high end outdoor wear. We were in there with Scooter and they took his photo for their Instagram site, Barcteryx. He was the first dog photographed. Now, when we go in, they say “It’s Scooter!”

scooteresixI hope to be back in the next week, really!

What’s Blue to You

Friday, December 5th, 2014


Today, a few of us who have art quilts hanging at the Portland Airport, Concourse B, were escorted through a side door to view the exhibit. I must say that having the quilts all the same size made a big impact as you come upon it.




Here I am standing next to Blue Picasso Woman to give you an idea of the size.


Here is a view looking at the quilts from the other end.



Here are some of my favorite quilts.


This is by Carol Heist, titled Schooling Around. The bit of red she used is a wonderful accent and she has a wonderful s curve going on in the overall design. She has a talent for incorporating unusual fabrics.


This is Kimberly Connelly with her piece. I always love blues and oranges together. This has a pleasing design and great use of value as an important design element. Kimberly was on her way to Palm Springs and just happened to show up when we were there!


This is Terry Grant’s quilt titled First Day of School based on a memory of a new blue dress for the first day. So charming and evoking of a memory many of us have.


Across the hall from our exhibit are a group of art quilts representing Portland Bridges made by the Modern Quilt Guild.



This was one of my favorites.


So, there you have it. A report from my fun field trip for the day.