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Archive for the ‘My creations’ Category


Monday, January 27th, 2014


I finished the hand stitching on this piece for the SAQA 2014 trunk show. The edges needed to be finished so I fused it to a piece of black felt and did a simple hand stitched edge with the same perle cotton. I have named it Tranquility because it has given me some peace to work on  it during a turbulent time.

Here is a detail.


Most days, we have someone here poking around the house as the buyers decide what to ask for as a result of the inspection. It is mostly minor stuff. And we are happy to have the radon test come back negative.

We did not get the townhouse we made an offer on. It sat on the market for a couple of months. I think the price was dropped a couple of times. We thought we were golden. The great thing was, there was a large space at the end of the garage that we could turn into a studio for me with heat and plumbing. I was so excited. We were blindsided as two other offers came in when we made ours. So, I have been pretty unhappy for several days, now. Not sure what we are going to do as there is nothing, NOTHING, out there that fits our needs, physically and economically. Guess I just have to be patient.

I have decided that I need a mindless project – therapy sewing.  There are yards of each of these fabrics that Lisa designed for Cloud 9. She gave me the whole lot when I was in CA in November.

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I washed the whole pile and now I have to iron them. I think I will make a couple of kid quilts for Paige and my great niece, Abigail.


I also washed the Jay McCarroll fat quarters that she gave me last year. I love the colors and patterns in these. I will make a small quilt for someone special. Jay was the first Project Runway winner who is also a quilter.


This should help me take my mind off the stalled house hunting.

Stitching Again

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014


I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and exhausted from our selling and buying ordeal. The good news is that we are under contract. We met the buyers when they came to see the house because they came before it went on the market. They absolutely love our house and I am thrilled for them to be the new owners. Tomorrow, we have to leave the house for most of the day for all the inspections to take place. It means taking Scooter and finding something to do with him. For the open house, we took him with us to do errands and then to the dog park, but it was not as long. Stephane and family are in LA for a photo shoot that she is doing and we do not have the key to their house so we can’t go there.

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The deadline for the SAQA trunk show is coming up and I didn’t think I would have time to do anything. Then, I remembered that I had a remnant of one of my discharged and shrunk pieces. It has to be 7 X 10, finished which I was able to find. It helped to sit and do some slow stitching to take my mind off things. Here is a detail.


So, now we have to find a place. We hope we have, but it is complicated. More about that later.

I have to be up early to neaten the house for the new owners to come again for the inspection.



Thursday, December 12th, 2013


I love to make things. I don’t like to do production work, but I love to make a few things to give to friends. That is what I did last night. I followed the directions for Jamie Fingal’s Felted Flower Pincushions. She uses rectangle tins, but I am a devotee of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate triangles that come in round tins. I have been saving the tins to do something like this.

First, I lightly sanded the tins.


I used Washi tape to cover the sides. I love this tape with the scissors.


Here are some more photos of the ones I gave to my friends in STASH today at our Christmas lunch.



I used wool felt that I purchased at JoAnn’s. I threw in a hot wash and the dryer and it crinkles up nicely.

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I then cut one inch strips which I rolled together and stitched with a long needle and perle cotton.

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I am excited because tomorrow I am going to look at a possible studio that I can move into the first week in January!!

I finished sorting and ironing the Japanese fabrics today. I think I will be listing my fabrics for sale over the week-end or early next week.

Thanks for checking in!

She Did It!

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013


All things being equal, there are things I would have done differently on this, but I am finishing it tomorrow and will get it photographed. The title is ” Taking Leaf of My Seasons.” I struggled with the leaf component. One of the quilts in Quilt National this year consisted of leaves that were scanned and printed and arranged in a composition. In the end, I thought why not!?

I arranged and rearranged the leaves and glued them temporarily on the background and then stitched them and left them lose on the edges so they look as if they are floating.


For the back, I am using the big piece of fabric that I was gifted with in San Antonio. It has my name spelled out. I stitched two long edges of facing tonight. So all I have left to do is the top and bottom facings.


I am still dragging around with this virus. I wake in the morning and think I am ready to roll and as the day goes on, I get tired, achy and cranky. Having the roof work done is not helping. I wanted to crawl in bed and take a nap this afternoon, but they were working right over head and so that was not to be. It is dusty, noisy and I can’t wait for it to be over.

To add to our misery, Mr C’s jeep was broken into last night. We had to leave the cars out on the street because of the new materials and the roofer’s truck in our driveway. They broke a back window and took an old laptop that was with some other old computer stuff that Mr C was taking to the Free Geek recycle center. They no longer make the window that was broken so he had to go to a junk yard to find one and then have it installed. The good news is that it cost less than $100.

I hope that the next time I am back here, things will be looking up around here. I am tired of the plodding.

Will She or Won’t She?

Monday, October 28th, 2013


I am plugging away on this big piece while I am dealing with a nasty virus and men on my roof, making noise that hurts me to the core. This particular virus made its way through the Barnes family and then skipped over here to me. Fever, swollen glands, dizziness, sleepiness – ack! So, will I finish this in time to photograph it and enter it on line?

I got the background quilted over the week-end, in short spurts, a section at a time.









So far I have 3 layers – hand-dyed cotton, painted organza and thread. The next layer will be tulip tree leaves. I got the idea of making this quilt because when I walk around the neighborhood, I pick up leaves for their colors or shapes and bring them home and scan them. I love the shape of tulip tree leaves, they are kind of short and curvy, like myself!

I am trying to use up what I have in my studio and not go out and buy more stuff. I found this roll of Jacquard paper  backed habotai silk on a roll.


I played with my scanned leaves in photoshop and printed them on the silk. I  then fused them to cotton crinoline to give them some shape.


I have pinned them to the background and now I am deciding if I am ready to stitch them in place. I was orginally going to make thermofax screens and screen a layer of leaves and then add the silk leaves. Seemed like too much to me. Today, I almost bagged the silk leaves and was about to make screens and screen the leaves. I just don’t have time to deal with that and so I think I will stick with these. What do you think? You can click on any image to see it larger.


I need to crash. It has been a long day.