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Archive for the ‘My creations’ Category


Monday, August 26th, 2013


I finally got the blue moon quilt stitched to the pre-felt and ready to shrink. But, oops, it really shrunk. I should have tested a small piece of organza to know what was going to happen.

bluemoonshrunkThe blue pre-felt totally felted through to the front. I think this can be saved, but will not be what I imagined. I stretched it on my ironing table and blocked it by pinning it as I stretched it. I decided not to put it in the dryer.


Tomorrow, I am going to test a small piece of organza by just getting it wet and wringing it out and then put it in the dryer.

I think I will have time to do that. We have dinner guests, friends from our neighborhood so I have some cooking and cleaning to do. We enjoyed some time with the Portland contingent of family last night over pizza and ice cream.

Here is the progress on the chemo cap I am knitting. I am loving these colors. I have just 4 rows done on the pattern so it is hard to see how it will look. It is not just stockinette!


Such a Good Day

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013


Some days are like that, you know. The stars align or your karma is on the upside. I did some SDA work in the morning and then hit the studio. I want to get started on another moonstruck quilt with the indigo organza. The first thing I do is get the organza pinned to the wool pre-felt. Then I stitch around the moon shape to define it.


Then I do the stitching vertical and horizontal for the texture when it is shrunk. I am using a  blue to white to yellow variegated thread. I think it will give some nice color to the moon.

Tonight was the opening reception for the Sur(face) Forward juried show at the Corvallis Art Center. It is housed in a sweet building, a former Episcopal Church. This photo is a bit blurry, but it was raining and I was afraid of melting.


There was a large turnout for the show, many of the artists were there as well as local art lovers.


My piece, Kelp Dance, was at the far end of the room on the stage area. It was very well lit and I was happy with how it hung. It is the one on the right.

kelpdance atsurfaceforward

There were many pieces juried into this show, all of high quality and such a wide variety of textile work. It was exciting  to see. I do love being in a show of this caliber, meeting the other artists and feeling so good about it all.

Here are three of my friends with work in the show: Jae, Barbara and Janet. That big piece behind them is a weaving.


And here are two good friends from Portland, Bonnie and Jill.


Here is Bonnie talking about her work with the delightful juror, Barbara Pickett.


After the reception, Mr C and I went out for a nice dinner before our hour and a half drive back to Portland. When we left the restaurant, we were treated to this beautiful sunset.


The Lost Week-end

Monday, August 19th, 2013


I invited Stephanie to come and play in the indigo with me on Friday. We had lots of fun.


She did this beautiful cotton gauze scarf.


She dipped a couple of pieces of clothing for herself and these socks for Miles.

indigosocksI rehabbed a couple of butt ugly pieces of hand-dyed fabric. My favorite is the one at the top of my post. Here is the other.


I also dipped this piece of raw silk. It lost a bit of color in the wash which disappointed me, but it is still quite lovely. The dots at the sides are where I clamped the folded fabric.


I dipped another white shirt. This one was a rayon/linen blend. I didn’t get a photo, but it looks great.

We went out to dinner on Friday night and had a great meal at a new to us restaurant which was totally gluten free. On Saturday, I did a shopping list to get food for the week-end. We were planning to have the Portland peeps over for dinner on Sunday. I also got some work done on a symmetry/asymmetry presentation for High Fiber Diet.

I planned to go to two store. My first stop was Trader Joe’s. By the time I finished shopping, I had such a raging headache that I thought I would burst into tears. I went home and did not finish my shopping. I spent the rest of the day in a daze with the bad headache and some intestinal gas pain. I made dinner and ate a normal meal.

The pain in my stomach got worse as the night wore on. I  finally had a major purge, if you know what I mean. At any rate. it was 5:30 in the morning when I finally got relief, but I was done in. I spent Sunday in bed sleeping, drinking sips of gingerale and taking bites of gelatin. By evening, I could stomach some chicken broth and a rice cake.

I feel much better today, but have severe abdominal muscle pain from the retching. So, I lost a couple of days of work in the studio and some quality family time. I hope this phase is coming to an end. After feeling so good for so many months, I am not happy about this turn of events.


On Again, Off Again

Thursday, July 11th, 2013


My website and blog have still been under a cyber attack. So, it comes and goes. These guys should get a life!! I have been working away, mostly, getting my studio looking good again. I had never hung any art after Mr C painted it last year. What a difference it makes to have some of my art hanging on the walls. Above is the little storage system I bought at Target where I store my hand dyes by color. I hung my then and now self portrait above it. The top has random sketch books and blank paper, I think.


This is my sewing area with some wire storage of quilt backing fabric, wool roving, commercial silk and organza fabric and pfd fabric. My Scorched Earth piece hangs on the left and a couple of small 12 X 12s on the right.


My ironing table is just to the left of the drying rack. The table has my collection of large and small irons. Fiesta, the orange 12 x 12, just came home from the SDA member’s show. The other cloth is a Japanese batik piece that I bought for a $1 at a garage sale. It has 3 pockets at the bottom. Not sure what its intended use was.


This is my main design and photography wall. After 7 years, the felt is showing its age so I think I will replace it. The table with white felt is my print table and the ironing table is next to it. On the wall is the latest Cruciform piece and a poster with my photo which was used in Susan Lenz’s Decision series.


The storage unit on the left is for my Japanese vintage textiles. I really don’t use them that much any more so am thinking of bagging them up and finding a new home for them. On the wall is a framed piece of my felted “Frippary” pieces and an old piece with fabric printed by me with some commercial fabric. I called it Pathways. I don’t think I ever entered it in a show. It was fun to find it and hang it in my studio.

I have lots more purging and organizing to do. I have really refined what I do in the studio and it is time to get rid of stuff I no longer use. (Someday!) For now, I am happy with how it looks.

I have to finish up here before the website goes down again. I am off to a STASH meeting with my Portland friends.

Heat Wave – Cool Studio

Friday, June 28th, 2013



We are having a heat wave. The temps went from the 60’s to the 90’s in about one day. I had a busy day in the studio and on a day like this, I am thankful for my cool basement studio. A bottle of ice water and Scooter kept me company. I finished the under quilt for the pomegranate photo collage. I think it looks pretty good. I like that is a bit different from my other work. You never know what a juror is going to like.

For the moon quilt, I found a piece of linen that is quite substantial for the backing. It needed something a little stiffer than regular fabric. I have used facings to finish the edges – I am almost finished handstitching them.



I will have the three quilts done a day ahead of schedule. I am very happy about that. I don’t have to turn them in for the jurying until the middle of July, but the person doing the dvd for submitting to venues, wants our photo by June 30. I have been so busy for the first 6 months of this year that I was not sure I could make this deadline. Feels good to be finished and to have good work to submit.

I have so enjoyed this week of time to be in my studio and let the creativity flow. I have some new ideas to keep me going for the summer. There are some big deadlines coming up at the end of the summer.