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Archive for the ‘My creations’ Category

Finishing Work

Monday, June 29th, 2015


I have been so busy finishing quilts, getting them photographed and doing my SDA work.

The redwood tree piece just about did me in. It is 40 x 40 and is made up of lots and lots of little bits of fabric. The pieces of fabric were all over The Congdo! This was to fulfill an assignment for my master class where we simplified a landscape photo. This was a difficult photo to simplify, but I wanted to do it. As a reminder, here is the original photo, looking up through the redwoods in CA.


Here is a detail:


I got a pretty good critique in my online class. I also entered it into an invitational juried show, with the theme, affinity. It did not make the cut, but I am not surprised. I just didn’t have time to something else and tried to make this work. I am not sure I will ever do a confetti quilt again – not really my thing!!

Here is the other quilt I finished and I love it. It is titled Ode to a Tree. It is 28 by 52 inches.


I used the letters I made in the workshop with Cynthia Corbin. They spell tree. I put them in a vertical format to represent a tree.


Here is a detail:

View More: http://hoddick.pass.us/gerrie

I had fun using the fabrics I created in the Judy Robinson workshop last summer. All the beautiful photography was done by Kayley Hoddick, here in Portland.


Thursday, May 28th, 2015


This mess is what I have been working on this week. I am trying to create the redwoods photo in fabric. I am doing the confetti collage method where you use bits of fabric and then cover it with tulle, pin it down and quilt the heck out of it. I am using a lot of my hand-dyed fabrics to get the special effects of sunlight through the giant trees. Here is the original photo.


I have set it up on my sewing table which is not quite the full size I need. I so miss my old work space at the big house, but I am adapting. I am using the ironing board for my cutting surface.

Last night was my last art quilt class. I didn’t get a lot of photos, but my students did such a super job. Last night. I gave them the opportunity to make a fiber art postcard. Here is my sample, not finished.


Here is a student postcard. I took my sewing machine in so that I could zigzag stitch the edges.


And here is am art quilt done by one of my teenagers. I love how she did the curvy landscape.


The stove in The Congdo is falling apart. It has cheap plastic parts that are cracking and breaking. To replace the parts. it will cost quite a bit so we decided to get a new slide in GE range. Can’t wait for it to get here.

So now you know why I have been a slacker blogger.


Upcycling or Repurposing?

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015


I am in the process of creating my piece for the outdoor exhibit. I am creating four panels which will be stitched together to form a 3D piece with steel rods in each corner that will be stuck in to the soil. Remember the first piece I did which I titled Taking Leaf of My Seasons? You can see it here. I removed all those leaves and remade it. You can see that one here. For some reason, when I took those leaves off the first quilt, I put them in a paper bag and hung on to them. When I was thinking about what I wanted to do for the outside exhibit. I knew I wanted to 4 panels and making a seasonal piece seemed to be the way to go. So, I am upcycling these babies.



I  put misty fuse on half of a two yard piece of lutradur. Then I placed leaves and ephemera with the leaves and fused the whole thing together. Next, I may fuse a few more pieces of ephemera to the outside of each panel. Then I am going to stitch them and give them a coat of Golden matte medium. The piece at the top is the fall leaves. Here is winter:




And summer:


I am happy to report that Lisa and Clay have found their forever home, here in Portland. They will not be able to move in until June 21. After 4 offers that were refused, needless to say, they are very happy.

Oops! Missing in Action

Sunday, April 19th, 2015


This may be a record for me! Seventeen days since my last post. I don’t have any exciting reason. I got a really nasty sinus infection with the worst vertigo. Ended up in bed for a few days. Then, this past week, I had a hectic schedule. On Monday, Mr C and I helped to hang the SAQA Oregon Exploring Layers show at the AIR Gallery in Pioneer Place, downtown Portland. It will be there through May 17th. The Gallery is open Thursday – Sunday, noon to 6 pm. That is Walking with Scooter and Mr C hanging at the show.

On Tuesday, I got caught up with some SDA work. On Wednesday, I joined a large group of SAQA members for a docent tour at the Portland Art Museum of Italian Style, a comprehensive look at Italian fashion from the end of the Second World War to the present day.  It was fantastic. I had lunch with friends and then took the street car back home.

On Wednesday night, I went to Trinity for the latest art short course. This month, we are screen printing. I could, of course, teach this class, but it is fun to be a participant. We used torn and cut paper to make our designs. First, I cut craft paper into rectangles in a pattern. by folding and cutting.


Then, I cut circles in freezer paper.


Her is my first print from the rectangles.


Then, I printed magenta circles.


We printed on paper. I am quite happy with this.

On Thursday, I got my neglected hair cut an colored. I felt so much better. Mr C and I took the street car downtown to a symphony concert. It was a one hour free concert for donors, educators and other community folks. It was at 6 pm and and then we stopped at one of the breweries for supper.

On Friday, I got lots of errands done. I found some steel rods to use for my 3-D construction and have started work. Hopefully, I can share some progress tomorrow. I also produced the Constant Contact newsetter for Columbia FiberArts Guild and got it sent Friday night. Whew!

On Saturday, I met a friend at 8:30 in the morning and we drove down to Silverton for our Oregon Critique group meeting. This was the beautiful view of the Silver Lake reservoir from Carol’s deck. So pretty and peaceful.


Our critic was an artist from Salem. I thought she was a bit too complimentary of our work. Didn’t really get much out of it. I did enjoy seeing the work the others have done.

Betty and I left, Silverton and then went to Pioneer Place to set up for the opening reception of the exhibit. Hung out there until 9 pm, when Mr C came and picked me up. Today, I have been trying to recover from the week and to get caught up on SDA work! Here is a shot from the show. It looks great.


So, now we are all caught up. I hope I can get back to my regular blogging schedule again.

Ta Da!

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015


This thing has taken over my life and is all finished but the facings. It received a very favorable critque from EB. I was very frustrated with the quilting. I thought I might have the patience to do evenly spaced quilting lines, but it quickly became apparent that I am not OCD enough to do that. EB thinks it looks better with my wonky lines, anyway. So I am relieved and happy.  Let’s just say, there were a lot of threads to bury! It is 24 X 42 inches.

I thought I would turn this 180° to see how it looks, but I think the top one is better. Now I need a title.


Great news! Lisa and Clay made the drive from Oakland today with two angry cats and Wilfredo, their dog. They had to stop half way and get a second cat carrier. They are settled into a temporary rental while they look for their Portland home. It will be so great having them here. I am a happy Mom.