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Archive for the ‘Cooking and Recipes’ Category


Saturday, July 11th, 2009


This is finished. I quite like it and I hope the new owner will like it. Should I send it to her now or enter it in a couple of shows? (heh) I think she has been waiting long enough. I used the blanket stitch on my Janome to stitch the aspens. I varied the width and length so that it wouldn’t look too matchy. Here is a detail. I think the stitching fits the overall design of the piece.


I am feeling so much better and getting more energy every day. This morning I roasted some eggplant, Roma tomatoes and red onion to make a spread for a potluck dinner party tonight.



I also vacuum packed 8 pints of berries for the freezer – raspberries and blueberries.

One of  my biggest accomplishments was ironing all of my cotton and linen summer clothes. They were piling up on my dresser and I had nothing to wear, seriously.

Tonight we drove north over the Columbia river to Vancouver, WA to have dinner with friends from Trinity Cathedral. We set the GPS (Reva) to take us to our destination. She wanted to go on I-5; we wanted to take 205. She would not give up. We thought that once we got on 205, she would get a clue, but no. Fortunately, the GPS on my iPhone was more astute and so we followed those directions and got to our destination. Mr C and I were laughing hysterically by the time we got there.

I have a great idea for the Passion piece for the next 12 X 12 theme. I am going with the sexy interpretation, but tongue in cheek. Can’t wait to work on that. Then, I am going to have fun making a quilt for my great niece and I get to work with girly fabrics – can’ wait.

Hope you are having a good week-end, too.

Guess Who Came to Dinner

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009


…and is staying for awhile. It is my handsome son, Mark. He arrived yesterday afternoon to help Mr C install some new steps down to the garden from the front yard.


Here is a closeup!!


Tonight, we had a big family dinner. I made the roasted veggies up there and some other good stuff. Stephanie is flying to San Francisco in the morning to do a photo shoot for her friend Lorena’s catalog of things she sells. So M & M are here over night and tomorrow. They haven’t stayed overnight in a while so I am very happy to have them here.


Today was the last day of school and Mia is showing Grandpa her third grade yearbook.


Miles was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism. I love it when I can catch him in a happy, animated way.




Oops, he caught me.Wow, is he ever growing, right in front of my eyes.

I also had a lovely lunch with Terry, June and a couple of SAQA members who were visiting the area – Sheila and Joanelle.

Here are Terry and Sheila, who is from Sand Point, ID. I love this photo of Terry.


And this is June and Joanelle. I was sitting next to Joanelle, who is from Huntington Beach, CA, so I only have a profile.


They all went on to the Portland Art Museum to see the Escher exhibit and I came home to go to the Farmer’s Market and prepare dinner for tonight. I am going to take Mia next week.

Here are my couch potatoes taken while Mr C was walking Scooter, who had an exhausting day helping in the yard and playing with kids. They are watching Mythbusters, one of their favorite shows.


In case you are interested, here is a before picture of the area where new steps are going in. The new steps will be on the right and the old steps will be removed.


I Can See, I Can See

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

I picked up my new glasses yesterday. Here I am wearing the two different frames.


These are teal with lime green lining.


These are a very dark,  cool red. I really need a cut and color. I have decided that I can’t go gray just yet so the red is coming back. This will make Mia happy.

Last night I did some hand stitching while watching Slumdog Millionaire. It was much easier with the new specs. I undid the sewing I did down at the beach. I was sitting next to Terry and I think I was channeling her. I did stitching that was so even. Two rows of line stitching then one row of exes. I got home and said what was I thinking. I need to do random stitching on this. Here it is now:


This morning I made a key lime cheesecake with fresh key limes. I bought a bag of them and it took all 20 to produce enough juice for the recipe. It had a key lime custard as the first layer on the crust, then the cheese mixture and then a layer of sour cream for 10  minutes at the end of the baking. I served it with some fresh strawberries and it was delicious.

In the afternoon, I went out and bought a lot of tomato plants. I am going to try lots of varieties to see which does the best in the area that I have set aside.

We will have a quiet Mom’s day. Steph and family are camping. Lisa sent me a copy of the San Francisco Kitchens book, a Japanese publication. She is on the cover, with the adorable Wilfredo.


Hope you have a nice Mom’s day tomorrow. My Mom has been gone for a long time. She was younger than I am now when she died in an automobile accident. I am told that I have her fiesty personality. She loved to be busy doing things — crossword puzzles, knitting, cooking, making doll house furniture, painting and firing ceramics — there was always something happening. But I think the best thing she taught us was tolerence and empathy for others. I never heard any discriminatory comments from either of my parents. She did not know that she had 3 gay granddaughters when she passed away, but I have no doubt that she would have stood up for them and their rights and would have loved them unconditionally.

Fiber Art in About an Hour

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Here is Scrap 050709. These little pieces are taking me about an hour. I try to work quickly, not over thinking. I pull out a fused scrap and let it lead me to the design for the night. Tonight it was the background fabric that looked like a forest on fire.


Doing these little pieces is saving my sanity. I can do something fun and creative when I have a spare hour.

Today was play-date with Mia day. Miles has a special group thing on Thursdays. I get to have time with Mia and make dinner for the family. Tonight it was lamb moussaka. It was so delicious. Mia had a very rigorous field trip to downtown Portland where they toured city hall among other sites. She was too tired to do anything but veg in front of the TV.

A very rainy morning turned into a lovely afternoon and evening. I was able to get in two 30 minute walks.

Mr C hung the woodblock print that I purchased from the latest Trinity show. We hung it over the family room fireplace. The room has so many windows, it was hard to get a photo without reflections and a glare. Here are two views.



Tomorrow night is the opening reception for the Trinity Artist’s Among Us show and sale. I do not have work there, but I am working.

Still Cooking, But There’s More

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009


I got into the dye pot today. You must click on this piece to see it better. It was a piece that I underpainted with dye and wrapped on a pole at the class a couple of weeks ago. I brought it home with me because there was not room in the dye pot. I mixed up a teal dye bath. Here is a detail shot.


I also wrapped the violet folded piece from the class on a long skinny pole. Here is the result. I like it.


I didn’t have pvc pipes of the right size, so I wrapped some small pieces of fabric on wine bottles. these will be underpainted and dyed again.



I also got a great idea for the next 12 X 12 challenge and started working on it. I am so happy with the plan that I have. It has to be done early because I have a lot of conference stuff to take care of between now and the next reveal plus I am leaving for Kansas City on May 22.

Yesterday, I spent an hour working on my garden beds. I got all the old winter plants pulled out plus a ton of weeds. I was excited to find many of my herbs had survived the winter.

I had to make a dessert for a meeting tonight. In spring, my thoughts go to rhubarb. I love it!!


I made these Rhubarb Dream Bars — sort of a shortbread crust with rhubarb in a custardy topping. I had none to bring home. They were devoured in an instant.


Good thing I had extra rhubarb and I made a crisp for Mr C and I.


And here is the broccoli cheese recipe.

It is so easy!! Steve’s mom made it for every holiday/family gathering meal.
Dump into a large bowl and mix:

  • 1 large container of cottage cheese (32 oz.)
  • 6 eggs
  • 8 ounces mild cheddar cut into small cubes (I buy the slices because that is what she did)
  • 6 ounces butter cut in small pieces
  • 6 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 16 once package of frozen broccoli (chopped), thawed

Place the mixture into a buttered 9 X 12 pan. Bake at 350 (convect) 375 (regular oven) for 45 – 60 minutes until set in center and nicely browned on the edges.
There you go!