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Archive for the ‘House and home stuff’ Category

Saturday Satisfactions

Saturday, January 26th, 2008

It has been a pretty darn good day for me. I have been sitting on my hands for a couple of weeks as I endured the behavior of our former President and his wife. Which one is running or are they a team. Anyway, I digress. I think their political tactics are reprehensible. I hope I don’t have to hold my nose and vote for her in November.

However, today, in South Carolina, perhaps something magical is on the move again. Obama won big. I mean, it was a rout. I couldn’t have been happier, unless the Clintons had come in third. Now that would have been seriously good. Tomorrow, Caroline Kennedy is endorsing Obama. That is good news. A big time New York Democratic woman is endorsing Obama.

This morning, Mr C and I ventured out in the freezing rain and went to the coliseum to check out the home show. It was pretty much a bust. So then we went to George Moreland to check out bathroom furnishings as we are planning a major master bathroom renovation. I discovered the Villeroy and Boch brand. Ooo la la. Here are a couple of examples of some cool vanities.



I wasted the afternoon doing some errands. I didn’t go for a walk because it has been very rainy. We enjoyed watching the SC returns come in. I made roast pork loin, roasted veggies and spinach salad for dinner. I worked on my sketch book for the design class, pasting my compositions in and labeling them. I was thrilled with the critique that Liz gave my work. I am trying very hard to be the teacher’s pet.

We watched a movie that Terry recommended. I think she loved it so much that she purchased the dvd. It is Once, a sort of musical set in Dublin. Mr C was a little leery, but we both loved it.

Then!!, I got to watch the ice skating nationals for women. This is another weird love of mine. There are some really wonderful young skaters.

So, it was all in all, a very satisfying Saturday. The only think that would have made it better would have been some M & M time.

P.S: did you know that Steph and Maria are doing a year of evenings at 3191? Click on the link in my sidebar to see their wonderful photos of their evenings.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Monday, January 21st, 2008

We have finally joined the rest of the country and have that frigid Arctic air mass over us. BUT, the sun is a shining so bright and cheery, that I don’t care!

If you have wondered where I have been, I just didn’t have anything really creative to share. Plus, Mr C and I have been accomplishing many tasks.

Speaking of Mr C, tomorrow is his birthday. Today, I took the family out to lunch to celebrate his birthday. We went to Papa Haydn’s, the restaurant known for desserts. They also have other great food. Mia thought she was going to Papa John’s Pizza, so when her mother told her she needed to mind her manners because we were going to a very nice restaurant, she was quite perplexed.

I found this photo of Mr C with his Mom and our kids. It was taken back in the 70’s. Doesn’t he look like “That 70’s Guy”? I never liked the mustache, and he didn’t have it for long. That suit is just classic. Look how the plaid in the jacket even lines up with the pants.


I am a very lucky lady because Mr C came in to my life 40+ years ago. He has always allowed me to have my space and truly indulges me, often when I am not worthy. We share a very warped sense of humor, which we passed on to our children. He is passionate about reaching out and helping the needy in our city. He is a deeply religious man, but not preachy. He is the best Grandpa to M & M. They love to do art and building projects with him and to hear his silly made-up stories. A great day for him includes a few hours with them. He thinks I am the best cook in the world. So a big “hippo birdy” to the man in my life.

The two of us have been pretty busy. I have been rather chilly down here in the basement. On Saturday, we went to Lowes and bought some shrink wrap for all the windows. It is rather unsightly, but it has helped immensely. We didn’t get it installed until yesterday. We had Sojourner’s potluck at 5:30 in Vancouver. I cooked my cheesy broccoli family favorite. We had lots of fun, and I almost got myself in trouble for bringing up politics! Steve started telling stories of all the times that I have gotten into political spats.

I also decided to move my computer desk away from the windows. I worked on that most of today. I had to unhook my computer and peripherals and get them all set up again. My studio and the office are still in disarray, but I am making progress.

I am taking Liz Berg’s online design class, Better Art by Design. We got our first assignment this week-end and so I have been doing some work in my sketch book. I am not going to show you much of what we do in the class as I think Liz wants to keep it on our Yahoo group. But here is a little peek. Please! No comments on my drawing skills.


Last night, Mr C went online to the GE store and ordered a new refrigerator for us. Since he is a retired GE man, we get a nice discount and rebate. We are getting a Monogram with all the bells and whistles. The fridge that came with the house has made us crazy. The plastic parts are breaking. The French doors never close properly. It does not have an ice maker. It has very poor design. So, it will go to the garage, and we will get rid of the energy hog that is out there. We have to raise the area over the fridge by 3 inches so I will lose a shelf that I could never reach anyway. Mr C started working on that today.

Finally, today, I turned my latest piece upside down and I think I like it this way. What do you think? Here is the first orientation:


Here it is, inverted.


Powering Up

Sunday, December 30th, 2007

I want to get back to a normal mode of life, but today was not quite there. We didn’t go to church because we needed to take Lisa to the airport. First, we washed a lot of dishes which we could not face last night. Mr C washed; I dried and put away.

Then, with a sun break beckoning, we went for our first 40 minute walk in over a week.

We got back just in time to scarf down some leftovers and hop in the car to head to the airport with Lili and Willfredo ensconced in his little carry on bag.

We left the airport on the north side of Portland and headed south toward Tualatin to exchange my new rain jacket for a more Gericon color. I wanted the rusty brown, but alas it was gone so I settled for blue. I hear that blue iris is the Pantone selection for the color of 2008. My jacket is sort of a lighter shade.

While we were driving around, the skies opened up and it started pouring. At the airport, lightening struck the plane Lisa was to take, while it was sitting at the gate. She hastily made her way to the desk and got a flight to Oakland and stayed on schedule.

Back at home, I spent some time catching up on my blogging community and e-mails. I looked for recipes on line for use with my gift from Steph and Jack:


I found recipes for lamb and sweet potatoes and chicken and veggies and chickpeas. I can’t wait to cook up something Moroccan.

Tomorrow, I need to send Indigo Moons to the Carnegie Art Center in Indiana for the Form Not Function show so I used my new power tools to make a slat for hanging.


That little power saw was on my Christmas wish list and Mr C came through. It came with a screwdriver/drill and a flashlight. I feel so independent, now. I can never find his tools, and I hate asking and waiting. Tonight, I sewed the sleeve and it will be off to the show tomorrow. I just have to e-mail an artist’s statement.

I also started thinking about what I will do with this piece of fabric.


I received this from Jane Dunnewold for the Art Cloth Challenge II. I get to add some additional surface design to this and send it back mid-February. I am not allowed to show you what I do with it, but I will blog about it, and you will have to use your imaginations!! It is silk that has been dyed with mixing blue. It was tied with some rubber bands and scrunched in a stocking. Everyone got the exact same fabric so it will be fun to see the final results. Before I do any other surface design, I want to overdye it, possibly with orange. Does anyone know what color I will get? Or maybe yellow.

Tonight, we had more leftovers. They were even better today. Tomorrow, I am going to put the leftover sweets in small baggies for the homeless lunch program. They need the calories more than I do.

Thursday This and That

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

I read in the Oregonian this morning that Portland is second in the number of bloggers in the nation. Number 1 is Austin, Texas. I don’t think I know any bloggers from Austin. If you are reading this and are a blogger in Austin, please leave a comment and let me know.

Is this a result of global warming or a trick of Mother Nature? We have an azalea blooming in our yard.


What would you do? Spend $69 on a slip cover or buy a new sofa? We decided to give the slip cover a try. The Christmas pillows are really old. I made them from Christmas Pot Holders that I appliqued to a colorful pillow cover. The beautiful wool coverlet was a Christmas gift from Lisa a couple of years ago. This is Mr C’s office.


Project Runner continues. I did a nice decorative embroidery edge on this dupioni runner to match the decorative stitching I did in the center block.


I cut, stitched and started hand sewing bindings for the four Christmas fabric runners.


I ran out of green fabric for the runners with the green Christmas borders. So, I bound them in contrasting red fabric that was used in the center blocks. They look great.


I, who never owned and I-pod before a month or so ago, now have two. The Nano I bought did not have enough memory for all of our cd’s so I bought another one with lots more memory. It arrived today and so I uploaded all of our music and added the Christmas music which I had not imported to I-tunes, yet.

And so that is how I have been keeping busy today. Mr C, the great dad that he is, went to Steph’s today and helped her finish painting her dining room in preparation for Mia’s birthday party this week-end.

The Christmas Tree

Friday, December 7th, 2007

I put on my boots, and Mr C and I headed out to Christmas Tree land, near Oregon City. It was a very pretty drive, once we left the freeway.


Here is the Christmas Tree farm we chose — actually, it was the first one we found that was open today.


We were on the hunt for a Noble Fir. Mr C wanted a tall skinny tree. We found the perfect tree, very quickly. With precision, Mr C felled the tree.


To the victor, go the spoils.


The tree looked so pretty tied to the top of our red Jeep.


Mr C got it in the house and took care of doing the lights. M & M came over after school and began taking every Christmas ornament and decoration out of the boxes which had been retrieved from the basement.

Mia is an excellent decorator. She even climbed up on the step ladder, when needed to place ornaments on the upper branches. Look how tall she is getting.


Miles enjoyed arranging the nativity sets.


We worked until 5, and then we went to Laughing Planet for burritos and quesadillas. Back home, we had peppermint ice cream and watched “Charlie Brown Christmas.” They are now sound asleep, and we are watching “Waitress” on tv.