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Archive for the ‘Dyeing’ Category

Abstract Painting with Snow Dyeing

Saturday, February 8th, 2014


I decided to make the most of the unusual Portland weather — snow and more snow — and do some snow dyeing. With snow dyeing, there is no control, only serendipitous results. I love all of the results that I got.

I have a lot of the wire basket storage containers that are currently empty. I used four in the downstairs tub. Two upside down and two on top, lined with plastic. This setup would allow the melting snow to drain into the tub.

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I soaked fabric in soda ash, wrung it out and placed it in the containers. I have cotton in the left hand bins and silk — mainly chiffon scarves in the right hand bin.

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I piled snow into tubs and brought it into the bathroom and covered the fabric.

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I had some procion dye concentrates in squirt bottles that I have had for a while. I decided to see if they had any life left and squirted several colors over the silk bin.

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This is what it looked like later in the day.

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For the cotton bin, I donned my respirator and sprinkled dyed powder on to the snow.

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It looked like this later in the day.

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I covered the bins with plastic and left them for 24 hours.

Today, I rinsed them in cold water and put them through a hot wash with synthropol. You can see one of the cotton pieces up at the top. Here is another.


And the third piece of cotton. Hard to believe that this was in the same bin!


I had two cotton scarves that I put in that batch. I got totally different results on these, too. The scarf is so big that I folded it and photographed the two sides.



Here are the two sides of the other one.



I also had a piece of cheesecloth in the mix.


Here is a detail.


The red dye concentrate took over in the bin of silk scarves. A little purple showed up, but I basically got a rosy pink. I am planning to do another big pink quilt and will use some of this for that, so it is all good. (Big pink is the tall building in Portland that looks pink most of the time.)


Tonight we are getting freezing rain so, I don’t think there will be anymore snow dyeing, but I am happy that I got a chance to try it.

The Printed Fabric Bee and Orange Circles

Monday, November 4th, 2013


It is so exciting to have our first reveal for the Printed Fabric Bee. Above are 6 inch squares of each fabric created and you could win them. You just need to hop on over to Queen Bee Lynn Krawczyk’s blog and leave a comment or leave a comment on our FB page (just click on the logo in my sidebar). There will be one more square added to the group as Pokey Bolton was busy at quilt festival in Houston and will have to catch up with us.

Here are the pieces that Lynn received from each of us.




I thought I would let you know how I printed my orange circle piece. I didn’t have a lot of time because of other stuff going on in my life and true to my usual MO, I decided to do something I had never done before. I wanted to use the Jacquard product called Color Magnet. The jar I bought was for screen printing. I did not realize that there was another consistency because this was a thick gooey substance and very difficult to work with.


The substance is yellow so that you can see where you have used it. The premise is that wherever the substance is on the cloth, the dye color will strike quickly and become a darker color. I wanted to stamp and draw circles. These are the objects I used for making marks.


The syringes did not work because the substance was too thick. Here is the fabric drying before I dyed it.


I used two different orangish dyes – tangerine and rust orange.


Here are my results.




orangecircles1The tangerine fabric needed more work which I did not have time to do. So I chose from the rust orange fabric. Here is what I sent to Lynn.


This was fun – especially the reveal of all the beautiful printing done by the other bee members. Next month, we will be doing blue spirals. I have some ideas percolating. I am thinking soy wax!! Now, be sure to go leave a comment to win some fabric.

Here are links to all the blogs of the other bee members; check out how they made their orange circle.

A Productive Day

Monday, October 21st, 2013


I finished cutting and fusing my 4 seasons background. Next, I am going to add a layer of collaged painted organza. I have some in my stash, but need a few more colors. I was too pooped to paint tonight.

My first project for The Printed Fabric Bee is due at the end of the month so I started working on that. I can’t share what I did until the reveal on our FB page, but I did dye some orange fabric today. I did tangerine and rust orange.


The rust orange bag had a hole in it so I ended up with a red hand.


Tonight, I sat and relaxed and stitched more 3x3s together.


We are still having sunny and crisp fall days with no rain  quite unusual for us. We are having to put a new roof on the house before we sell it and since we have a forecast of good weather for the foreseeable future, they are going to start next week. That should be fun — not!

SAQA Auction

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013


The annual benefit auction for Studio Art Quilt Associates has been going on for a couple of weeks. I have been remiss for not blogging about it. I acquired this wonderful piece by Sherri McCauley during the first week. I  really love it. It has some wonderful surface design and the quilting is very creative. I also love the touch of color to enhance, but not overwhelm the design. Sherri lives in Texas and I was not familiar with her or her work, but I am so happy that I snagged this piece. Here is the back. You can see how creatively she quilted this. She has a very nice label, but I blurred her personal information.


My piece is going on the auction block tomorrow in the final group. You can find it in group 3a. I am a bit nervous because this is a departure from the work I have donated in the past. I have been honored to have my work purchased early in the bidding cycle. Here is my piece, which is one of my discharged silk and shrunk pieces. All of the pieces are 12 inches square.

Montanas y Lunas copy

Four other members of the 12 x 12 group have quilts in this group, you can see them all in a lovely blog post by Deborah on the Twelve blog.

My whirlwind of activity over the past month is winding down. I need and want to get some studio work done. Yesterday, I picked up the 20×12 quilts and 4 of my quilts in the High Fiber Diet Show from Quilt Expo. I did a little shopping the day before. I bought some pre-wound bobbins and titanium needles from Superior threads and this lovely handdyed fabric from my friend Maureen Schmidt from Santa Rosa, where we used to live.

The first bundle is titled Truffle.


This set is Eucalyptus – so gorgeous.


Fall arrived today and so did our fall weather. It rainy, cold and windy. I had to pull our warm clothes and wear socks – ugh! Lisa is flying into Portland tomorrow to spend a week with us. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with her.

Mood Indigo

Thursday, August 15th, 2013


I frittered away most of today. I can’t remember what I was doing up until 2 pm when I headed down to the studio. Yesterday was a long day getting the Guild newsletter formatted and sent out. I knew that If I just got myself started, I would be a happy camper. Being creative is so energizing.

I mixed up some Jacquard indigo out on the patio and let it sit for an hour while I worked on the blouse that I am making. It was too big so I had to do some alterations. I also grabbed some  other fabrics to put in the indigo. The main reason for mixing up the indigo was to dye the shantung organza. I want to do another moon piece stitched to prefelt and shrunk. For my other piece, I discharged a circle. For this one, I wanted to create a circle resist. I drew a circle with a wash away pencil and then stitched it with a sewing machine basting stitch. I pulled the thread as tight as I could without breaking it. Then, I put a plastic bag over it and used a rubber band to close it tightly around the stitched circle. You can see it in the photo below. I folded the organza so that I have two sided to make two more shrinky dink quilts. I was very happy with the depth of color, too.


Here is my bucket of indigo.


If you have not done indigo dyeing, you might not know how it works. It is important to keep oxygen out of the dye mix so you must be very careful to not stir it or muddle with it. When the fabric comes out it is green.

indigounoxidizedAs the indigo oxidizes, it becomes blue. The more times you dip it in the indigo, the stronger the color.


This is a cotton gauze scarf shibori wrapped on a pvc pipe. There is also a scrunched bundle of fabric held together with a rubber band.


Here are the other results. The first is the cotton scarf – turned out really pretty.


These are the same fabric which was a wimpy yellow green color with some other colors in some areas. I particularly like the accordion pleated piece.


These were two different hand-dyes that I overdyed. The bottom piece had lots of green in it.


This was cotton shibori wrapped on a pole. I didn’t tie it, I just scrunched it.

polewrappedcottonI had dyed this shirt (originally white) when I did indigo dyeing with Stephanie a while ago, but the color was wimpy and not even. I really like it now.


I found some photos from our trip on my camera. This is what the sky looked like when we drove up I5 to Grant’s Pass. The smoke from the wildfires made the sun red and the sky gray.


I also found this photo of Paige. She had just discovered that she could put the little attachments on and take them off. Mark said she used to just throw them!! Such a wonderful age.
