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Archive for the ‘Eating out’ Category

Exploring Portland

Friday, August 24th, 2007

Yesterday, Mark, Jayme and Mr C and I went exploring in Portland. First, we took the tram from down on the river up to OHSU. This was my first opportunity to take the high ride. It was lots of fun and we got on for free. As we were about to get our $4 tickets, someone with a Tram Escort badge asked us if we would like to be escorted and ride for free — duh! We were happy to take the ride with her.

Tram coming!


Portland from the tram.


Since Jayme will be applying for medical schools in another year, we were interested in taking a walk around this vertical campus. OHSU sits way up on pill hill in Portland. There was some interesting architecture.


This is the tram structure.


After we made it back down to the river, we headed over to the Pearl district to find the Tanner Springs Park. This is a 2 year old park that was created in the midst of high rises on what used to be wetlands, with a creek running through. Now the creek flows under the city through pipes, but is referenced in the park in small stream beds that end in a pool with koi swimming, happily.





I just loved the rusty, wonky fence that was made from old railroad ties.


Here M & J, hamming for my camera!


We then walked up to Jamison Park, where many children were enjoying the water on a very warm afternoon.


Then we went to this beautiful spot to check out the Farmer’s Market.



Such beautiful stuff:

pfmberries2.jpg pfmflowers.jpg

pfmpeppers.jpg pfmcauliflower.jpg

Next on our adventures, was the 50% off sale at Patagonia. bought myself a fleece vest for the fall, with high hopes that it will fit by then!!

For those who enjoy my photography, you can see more of our day yesterday on this flickr set.

We had a lovely dinner out at Nostrana, but it is not WW friendly. I think it will be off my radar for a while.

Today, M & M are here. Right now they are soaking wet from helping Uncle Mark wash Jayme’s car. Tonight, we will have a family dinner. I love these times of gathering my loved ones close and enjoying their company.

Tomorrow, M & J will leave, and I will get back to work in my studio!! Lots of deadlines are looming.

Happily Exhausted

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Lisa left this afternoon to go back to San Francisco. I am very tired, but a good kind of tired. I realize that I do not have the stamina of a thirty-something!!

Today, on the way to the airport, we stopped at a couple of up and coming neighborhoods on the north side of Portland — Mississippi Street and Alberta Street. We had lunch at Grand Central Baking, thank goodness they don’t just serve sandwiches on their great bread. I was able to get a salad with chicken. Steph and M & M came along for the outing, too.

We stopped in at Bolt, and some reddish brown burlap caught my eye. I bought some as a possible background for the bamboo fence quilt. I think it works, but now I have to decide how to finish it. My inclination is to stretch it around foam core.


Yesterday, we had a girls day out. We went to Oregon City to take Mia to the Museum of the Oregon Territory. She loves anything about pioneer life. Here she is in her sunbonnet, bravely getting weighed in front of everyone.


I loved the reproduction of the pharmacy with walls of bottles and tins.


There were several quilts at the museum. Some were displayed on beds and they looked good enough to crawl in to for a nap.



These log cabin quilts were my favorite. The bottom was made from silk scraps.


We also did lots of antiquing and thrift shopping. In the afternoon, Lisa and I checked out NW 23rd. She loves all the trendy little boutiques. Last night, Steph made fish tacos for all of us. It was a delicious end to the day.

It was great having Lisa in the house. She took lots of walks with Maggie and I. We sat on the sofa and watched HGTV and read our favorite blogs together. She even dieted with me. I don’t know why she thinks she needs to lose weight, but I guess that when I was that age and weight, I always felt like I needed to lose 15 pounds. I am going to drag my tired old body off to bed.

Discharge Workshop Day One

Saturday, June 30th, 2007


It was a beautiful day in Portland today. Here is Reva at work in the fiber studio at the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts.

This is my first piece, discharged with some syringe writing and stamping with some circles.


It was a spectacular day for drying the discharged pieces.


We did discharging with a paste made of sodium alginate, thiox and soda ash. You can stamp, paint, screenprint, etc. The fabric is allowed to dry and then steam is applied with an iron or steaming in a big pot. You do not need a respirator until heat is applied to the paste. Here is Reva looking quite elegant in her’s.


Here is a piece that I did with the skinny masking tape. I taped a design on the fabric and then brayered the paste over it. You have to wait until tomorrow to see the result.


This is a screen that I prepared using torn masking tape. I did two pieces using this. One of them was a weird brown fabric that I had dyed ages ago. The discharged areas turned purple and it is really cool.


I did several other pieces, but no photos. After the steaming, they went into the wash. So, we will have the final reveal tomorrow. I love the camaraderie of a class like this. I am always so productive when I am in a group setting.

Lisa arrived safe and sound. It is so good to have her in the house. We took Maggie for a half hour power walk when I got home. Tonight, she took us out to dinner for a belated Mom and Pop’s day treat. I saved some Weight Watcher points for the dinner so that I could have wine. I ate no bread or dessert. I had a gorgeous mista salad and lamb and fava beans. We went to Nostrana, a happening and fairly new Italian restaurant. We have never been there and we will go back. It was good!