Yesterday, Mark, Jayme and Mr C and I went exploring in Portland. First, we took the tram from down on the river up to OHSU. This was my first opportunity to take the high ride. It was lots of fun and we got on for free. As we were about to get our $4 tickets, someone with a Tram Escort badge asked us if we would like to be escorted and ride for free — duh! We were happy to take the ride with her.
Tram coming!
Portland from the tram.
Since Jayme will be applying for medical schools in another year, we were interested in taking a walk around this vertical campus. OHSU sits way up on pill hill in Portland. There was some interesting architecture.
This is the tram structure.
After we made it back down to the river, we headed over to the Pearl district to find the Tanner Springs Park. This is a 2 year old park that was created in the midst of high rises on what used to be wetlands, with a creek running through. Now the creek flows under the city through pipes, but is referenced in the park in small stream beds that end in a pool with koi swimming, happily.
I just loved the rusty, wonky fence that was made from old railroad ties.
Here M & J, hamming for my camera!
We then walked up to Jamison Park, where many children were enjoying the water on a very warm afternoon.
Then we went to this beautiful spot to check out the Farmer’s Market.
Such beautiful stuff:
Next on our adventures, was the 50% off sale at Patagonia. bought myself a fleece vest for the fall, with high hopes that it will fit by then!!
For those who enjoy my photography, you can see more of our day yesterday on this flickr set.
We had a lovely dinner out at Nostrana, but it is not WW friendly. I think it will be off my radar for a while.
Today, M & M are here. Right now they are soaking wet from helping Uncle Mark wash Jayme’s car. Tonight, we will have a family dinner. I love these times of gathering my loved ones close and enjoying their company.
Tomorrow, M & J will leave, and I will get back to work in my studio!! Lots of deadlines are looming.