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Archive for the ‘Just for Fun’ Category

A Gory, Yet Funny Story

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

This morning, I got out of bed and jumped into the shower. I use a color enhancing shampoo. It is red. As I was rinsing my hair, I looked down and the water coming off my head was really red and the more I rinsed, the redder it got. What the? My first thought was I had a cut on my head, but no, I had the mother of all nose bleeds. I turned off the water and grabbed one of the brand spanking clean white towels and pressed it against my nose. Dripping wet I walked out to the bedroom to summon Mr C to come to my aid. He toweled me off and still holding the towel tight against my nose, I put on my robe and got in a prone position on the bed. Mr C went for a bag of ice. I usually get one of these every winter and sometimes it takes hours to get them to stop. They are caused by extremely dry conditions combined with my sinus problems.

Fortunately, it was over fairly quickly. I went back into the bathroom, and I kid you not, it looked like someone had been attacked by an axe murderer. There was blood on the shower walls and the base, on the floor and the rugs and in my sink. We finally got it all cleaned up. I have made it through the day without another one, thanks to some petroleum jelly lining my nasal passages.

Our guest, Olivier, arrived last night, in his very classy duds and his violin. He is really a sweet guy. Mr C and I are ready to adopt him. He is the single father of a little boy. His young wife got bored and left him to go back to the city. He lives in the country north of Montreal. He is French Canadian and speaks with a lovely accent. he declared my messy studio to be a happy place!! he saw my two sewing machines set up side by side and wondered if I had them going at the same time! He has been at rehearsal most of the day. Mr C just left to pick him up.

I am getting nervous. I think my quilt on the SAQA auction may not sell. They go down to $150 tomorrow and $75 on Friday. I hope I don’t have the embarrassment of being sent to the bargain basement.

I wanted to do a piece about Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in old urns in caves. In my UFO pile, I had a quilt with urns that I started in a Robbi Eklow class. So I got it out and did the quilting on it. I love the background fabric. It is one I bought from Judy Robinson.

I need to cut and stitch the binding for the cross quilt. Then I will clean up my stuff again and start on the collage pieces.


Thursday, November 20th, 2008

It is Some Thursday At Somebody’s House. I am off to Reva’s in a bit. She is making us lunch. Yummy!

Before I go, I wanted to share this site where you can have your blog analyzed — Typealyzer.

This is what it says about this one:

ESFP – The Performers

The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead – they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.

The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation – qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.

I tried to paste in the part of my brain that it says is dominant when I am writing, but it won’t cooperate. Suffice it to say that it is the sensing and feeling areas. You can see the image here.

My political blog has this analysis:

ESTP – The Doers

The active and play-ful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities.

The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.

Woo hoo! I finished my 12 X 12 challenge a week early. The reveal is December first.

Feeling Grumpy

Monday, November 17th, 2008

This is my worst allergy time. I think it is from the mold that develops from the combination of falling leaves and falling rain. Today they were scooping them into piles and picking them up in big trucks to haul them out of our neighborhood. I think I should have stayed indoors because I am sure the mold was permeating the air. Anyway, I have a bad sinus headache.

Here is my other headache. I finished the quilting on the hillside houses. I was not thrilled with the color of thread I used for the sky. I wanted to use all heavy weight cotton and none of my shiny synthetics. Well, it looks like I will have to pull it all out anyway. Don’t you love unquilting? Here it is finished (I thought).

Now look at the back. This is a piece of Marimekko fabric I bought at Crate and Barrel:

See all those snarls at the top? Here is a close-up:

I didn’t notice this until I was all done. The problem is that wherever the snarls are, the quilting comes unstitched. I don’t know why this happened just in this section. You can see the line where I cut the back to make the pillow case turn. The sleeve will cover that. So I think I will head out tomorrow to find a better thread since I have to requilt it.

I think I am feeling out of sorts because I have been spending too much time by myself. I always get this way  just before it is time for STASH! I have this self-imposed work schedule to get enough pieces done for my solo show. I have been reading blogs of all my friends who are travelling, going to art gallery receptions, attending quilt shows, taking and teaching workshops, and I am feeling left behind. I know, I know — usually I am having great experiences. Thursday is STASH and Friday is Crit group at my house. That should feed my need for some social time.

I just have to post this link for all my knitting friends. You probably have seen it, but I think it is quite hysterical — knitting graffitti.

Mental Health Break

Monday, November 10th, 2008

I am here. I am not getting much done. Catching up on blog reading. Shopping for food for the week. Sketching a new piece I will start working on, very soon. Doing my homework for my class tonight. We are leaving the dreaded Middle Ages behind tonight and moving into the Reformation and the Renaissance. (Did you know that Renaissance is Michelle Obama’s moniker for the Secret Service. Obama is Renegade!!)

Taking care of M & M is not so much a physical strain as a mental/stress kind of strain. You always have them on  your mind, even when they are at school. That kind of stress really wreaks havoc on an old body like mine!!

I have a hint for other Grandmas. Do you know about Hoops and YoYo? This is a Hallmark sponsored site where  you can send cards, etc. But there are these two animated characters who have little animated videos of their antics. It will amuse a child for at least half an hour.

All in all, it was a fun time. I picked up a couple of gems from Mia. She told me that McCain did not want Palin for  his VP, that he wanted Lieberman. Keeping my composure, I asked how she knew – well, she heard it on TV, of course. When we were at the Rhodie Garden on Saturday, she saw a large tree that had fallen across the stream and a fence, onto the golf course. She said this would come in handy for the golfers to come into the garden to join their wives for tea!! Miles entertained me by falling into the stream – fortunately, it was in a very shallow area and near our exit for out walk back to the house.

Didn’t you just love seeing the photos of the Obamas visiting the White House today. Wow, it is really true.

I love Andrew Sullivan’s  political blog. He had this video on under the heading – mental health break – today. I just had to share it.

Second Thursday

Friday, October 10th, 2008

STASH stands for second Thursday at someone’s house. Sometimes, we actually meet then! Yesterday, we met at Gale’s new home. She has moved back from Astoria on the coast. She has a serious medical condition that requires drug infusions here in Portland. We are so happy to have her back in the hood!! Her home is perfect for a wheel-chair — one floor — with easy access to her beautiful backyard.

The group treated me to a really lovely birthday gift. This book of photographs of creches from all over the world. I love it.

Terry gave me this lovely lily and Gale gave me some roses from her new backyard.

I finally got around to giving Reva her gift from the APNQ show. She couldn’t go with us so I promised her a pressie. It was a half yard of this fabric. She said her husband thought it was hysterical.

Gale’s new home is near the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts (OCAC) where there is wonderful cafe. We went there for lunch. I couldn’t resist a photo of this fence in the parking lot. I don’t know about you, but I see quilt!!

I have to run; I have crit group in an hour and I am not even dressed.