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Archive for the ‘High Fiber Diet’ Category

That’s Better!

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

We finished cleaning and purging my studio. Mr. C washed the floors for me tonight. I feel like a big weight has been lifted. I am hoping to have a big revival of creativity.

High Fiber Diet is doing a show with the elements theme — earth, fire, water and air. I already have an earth piece done. I have an idea for air. Fire and water should be no brainers. I do, however, need to get to work.

In case you have forgotten, my Beneath the Surface quilt will be my earth entry. It traveled with Dinner at Eight and then with SAQA. I think it will enjoy another bit of traveling.

PS: If you tried to link to the Janome article, I had a bad link. I fixed it after I was notified. Here it is again, if you are interested.


NW Vibes Show in Portland

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I had a busy, fun day. This morning I joined the STASH group at Beth’s for coffee and catching up. Then, we took Gale out for lunch. Five of us had the roasted eggplant sandwich at Ernesto’s, near Beth’s house. It is so good.

Back at the house, I did some more sorting and purging. I have a sizable amount of unfused scraps which could be used for scrappy quilts. I am happy to say that I have found a couple of charity quilt groups which will take them off my hands.

Next, we were off to downtown Portland and the ArtReach Gallery at the First Congregational Church where our High Fiber Diet is displayed. I was so thrilled to have several friends show up for the show. I think this is the first time that I have had non-quilter friends attend a show reception. It was great. Here are a couple of shots of the show taken with my iPhone.

That is my quilt, second from the right.

It is a very nice space and the quilts were hung very nicely.

Then, we were off to have dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Lauro Kitchen. Oops! It is closed. The owner just decided he has had a nice run and sold it. Another restaurant will open there in the fall. We will miss it. So, we backtracked and went to Nuestra Cocina, an upscale Mexican restaurant. We had a very delicious meal and will be going back.

Another 3 x 3:

I am quite enjoying the orange!!

Today was Tuesday

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Some days, I just can’t think of a catchy title for my blog!! This is today’s 3 x 3, stitched while I was at a High Fiber Diet meeting. I hadn’t been to a meeting since October, I think. It was fun catching up with every one. Two of our members did a very informative talk on value with great visuals.

I painted the background for the neighborhood walk quilt.  Fortunately, I have two backgrounds because I think I messed up the first one. I hung them outside to dry and then noticed it was raining. I think I am on the right track because there will be more layers. It may be that the first failure will work best.

I made some more thermofax screens. I like these twiggy trees.


This gnarly old tree is probably too dark. I think I need to lighten up the copy and try again. We have lots of trees like this in our neighborhood.

Ignore those blobs on the right – this is my test fabric with other images.

Tomorrow, I am going to work on printing out my blended photos on my large Epson printer.

NW Vibe — High Fiber Diet

Friday, August 5th, 2011

We went to the opening reception for the latest High Fiber Diet show — NW Vibe. That is my Red Sky at Night up there, my rendition of Portland at night looking West from our side of the river. If you click on it, you can get a better view. That is Terry’s piece at the bottom which is a view out the window on a rainy day with her sewing supplies at the ready. Sorry, the photo is a bit blurry.

Here is another overview of the show. I am not particularly fond of venues where the quilts have to be stacked like this, but sometimes that is a necessity.

Here are some individual pieces:

The piece on the bottom has sold. So happy for Chris!

The venue is a cafe/coffee house with a gallery area and beautiful vertical gardens on the exterior located in Oregon City. There was very enjoyable live music — a nice coffee house vibe for our NW Vibes.

Here is Terry and her daughter and some other folks. Terry’s grandchildren are gorgeous children.

I was very enamored of the vertical gardens. I have always wanted a vertical succulent garden on the side of our garage.

This is a newly planted vertical garden. They put carpet padding on the side of the building and then cut into it to place the plants. They are watered from above.



There is a free seminar of planting and caring for vertical gardens on Sunday  afternoon, I may have to go!!


Back to Normal

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Well, sort of. It is just Mr C, Scooter and me. I almost forgot to make coffee this morning because Mark has been making it for the last two weeks! He made it home to San Francisco at 10 pm last night, and I  know Jayme was happy to have him back.

Mr C is continuing with the additional work on the deck. I have been doing some cleaning and organizing around the house and finishing the little tree sketches. I decided to use yellow silk for the smallest one. It doesn’t look that wintry now, but if was fun to change it up a bit. That one is 7 X 8 inches.

This one is 9 X 7.5 inches and the larger one which I finished earlier is 11.5 X 9 inches. I need to get them labeled and ready for hanging. I got an e-mail from a friend who wants one of these so I will only have two to take to the show.

Tomorrow, I have to do some pre-cooking for lunch for the STASH group. They were supposed to come last Thursday, but things were to chaotic so I suggested we meet this week. In the evening, I have High Fiber Diet meeting.  It will be a busy day.