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Archive for the ‘Construction series’ Category

Art Every Day in a Book

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

This arrived from Amazon today.I saw it on another blog a couple of days ago and ordered it immediately. The book has 10 different topics that rotate through the book — from color psychology and aesthetic philosophy to the proverbial argument over whether cats and elephants really can paint. I did some marathon reading tonight to get caught up to day 6. They are really just short thoughtful readings with occasional step by step directions for an art exercise.

Interesting fact from the book: did you know that da Vinci was a vegetarian and bought caged birds so that he could set them free?

I accomplished quite a bit of editing and fluffing of my chapter for the Twelve x Twelve book. I am about ready to send it to the group for their critique.

I also made a lot of progress on green flash and hope to finish it tomorrow. I had hoped to finish it today, but spent more time writing than I expected. I am contemplating an additional design element, but am fearful of  over-embellishment taking over again.

I really need to finish it because I have another piece I am yearning to do plus I have the blue, white and a touch of black to do for the next Twelve challenge.

Life is full of possibilities.


Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

As  I have mentioned, I have a plethora of things to get done in the next few weeks. Today, I felt like Maxine and her computer. I spent most of the day at the keyboard. I was sending out e-mails to guild members and typing up the guild website edits for the web-mistress. I spent most of the morning working on my chapter for the Twelve x Twelve book. It was more fun filling in details and editing it once the rough draft was done.

I spent some of my afternoon in the studio working on Green Flash. I am happy to announce that all that glitz is gone or covered up and I have it squared up. I trimmed off the satin stitch binding. I think I need to rip out some of the quilting lines and then I can do the final quilting and edging. Here is how it looks today. Just another wonky Gericon quilt!!

Revisiting Green Flash

Monday, January 4th, 2010

After (so far)


(You probably can’t see a lot of difference in these two photos.) I loved the fabrics in this piece — the gorgeous shibori, the fabric I painted and the beautiful silks. I had a great idea and then I over-thought and over worked it. I decided to make the green flash really flashy by adding mica chips and glass beads in gell medium. What was I thinking?

Another problem was that the bottom edges. Even though the edges were uneven, the outer edges needed to be squared.

So today, I decided to see if I could rehabilitate this puppy. First, I started trimming the edges to square it up. Next, I started scraping off the gel medium with the beads and mica chips. My hope is to get the surface smooth enough to fuse new fabric to the top and just let the green silk work on its own as the green flash.

When John Hopper titled his blog post about my work. “The Quiet Stillness of the Textile Work of Gerrie Congdon”, I was glad he had not seen this piece. I also thought I could take it back to be more representative of the landscapes that I love to do.

I think it is worth trying to save.

I only had part of a day to work in my studio because I had the Columbia Fiberarts Guild board meeting at my house this morning. We accomplished a lot of good stuff. I am really happy with how things are going and not regretting that I took on the job.

One Down and One to Go

Monday, September 28th, 2009


I am not sure how I am feeling about this piece. I love the colors. I think it evokes a gorgeous sunset. I had some trouble with my green flash, using just the mica chips, so I ended up embellishing with some glass beads in gel medium. It looks better in person than it photographs.

Here is a detail:


I don’t have time to dwell on this. I learned a bit about adding mica chips. I have to move on.

Next on my agenda is the final 12 X 12 piece in the current round. Terry selected twelve as our theme. I have known what I want to do, but not exactly how. Last night it hit me!! I have already started working on the images as it required quite a bit of computer work. Now I have to decide whether I want to print the images from  my computer to fabric or to make thermofax screens and print them. I am leaning towards the thermofax screens. I am very excited about my plan. I better be because it has to be done by Thursday morning.

I am bordering on exhaustion. Mr C is not able to do much so I am doing all the dog walking and training, and the work around the house that he usually does – which is quite a bit. I almost had a melt down at the puppy training class yesterday. The exuberant Scooter, who loves all other dogs and any person he encounters, was almost beyond controlling. He weighs well over 50 pounds and just about did me in trying to play with the other dogs and jump up and hug the humans.

Tomorrow morning, I have to take time away from creating to take Mr C back to the Dr’s office to have the catheter removed. I think he will feel much better after that. I am waiting for things to return to normal. I may have forgotten what normal is!! LOL!

Getting Back in the Groove

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009


It was good to get back in the studio to do some work today. I got the green flash piece constructed and fused to the batting. This is just the bare bones. The stitching and mica painting will make add to the design and complexity, I think. I found this great fabric in my stash for the back.


I decided that my cruddy feeling yesterday was caused by my seasonal allergies returning with a vengeance. It was very windy and dusty yesterday. I started my ritual of saline rinses and sudafed and felt somewhat better.

Mr C is having his surgery early tomorrow morning. We  have to leave the house around 5:30 am. Steph is going to come over and walk Scooter, who seems to have some kind of tummy problem going on. I hope it is not serious. We have been giving him some new food for the training exercises. I think that it is not agreeing with him. Just one more thing to worry about.

If you live near Scranton, PA, you might want to check out this show. I have a piece in it. The show opens September 25th.


I keep forgetting that I need to get my 12 X 12 piece done by next Wednesday. I  know what I am going to do and it is going to be fun, but i wanted to get the green flash further along.

I am not sure that I will be checking in tomorrow. Mr C is staying in hospital over night and I will probably hang out with him unless Scooter needs  me.