I don’t know if it is spring, the longer days of light or Vitamin B12, but I seem to have more energy for getting work done. Of course, now my studio is a mess.
I am playing with this hand-dyed fabric and some hand-dyed cheesecloth. I am thinking that I would do some beading and hand stitching on the puckered cheesecloth.
I spent quite a bit of time today getting work together for The Gathering of the Guilds this week-end. The Columbia Fiberarts Guild is participating for the first time. We are renting space from the Weaver’s Guild. I have Shibori dyed silk scarves and some small pieces of wall art. I had to print and fill out special tags for the work.
We had a great time yesterday, celebrating Easter. I made a delicious dinner and Steph brought rhubarb crisp which was delish. Here are Mia and Miles in their Easter Bonnets!! They are glued to the TV.
Saturday was a glorious day. It was in the low 70s and sunny. I planted some peas, arugula and some herbs. Now it is chilly and rainy again. I can’t really complain as it seems bad weather is a problem all over the country.
Today on our walk with Scooter, I noticed that we had lots of chartreuse snow.
It really is pretty here in Portland this spring. This is our cherry tree that hangs down off the back of our property.
The colors are really glorious.
Tomorrow morning, I have to go down to Trinity to help take down the Back to Nature show. I also have to get organized to go to the beach on Wednesday with my STASH group. We will take some hand work and games and have lots of fun. I am ready for some R & R!