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Archive for the ‘Solo Show’ Category

In Limbo

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

I don’t know about you, but I will be so happy to have Wednesday, November 5th arrive. I hope to get my life back. I have been on this political adventure for two years. I go from ecstasy to fear, depending on the latest poll that I have read. I have never been so invested in a campaign. For the sake of our country, I hope that our long nightmare is soon to be over. Today, I was looking at a slide show of the Obama family. It made me so happy to see these smiling, loving people who are poised to become our first family. Here is a link.

Mr C just left to take Steph to the airport for her flight to Portland, ME, where she will spend the week with Maria and have a book party and gallery reception out there. She is taking a red-eye. Jack leaves on Wednesday, and I am gearing up to host M & M for the rest of the week — packing lunches, driving to and from school and meeting all the other important needs of two rambunctious kids.

I have been plugging away on the sunrise quilt. I finished quilting it, but I am not really happy with the sky. The fabrics are all silk, under tulle, and I encountered some slippage, but I think I can do some corrective work on it. It is just that I have reached the stage where I want to move on. Maybe I should just let it rest for a while.

Tomorrow morning, I have Columbia Stitchery Guild board meeting. Then I have to do homework for my class. So there goes Monday. Then, we have Tuesday to get through. I’ll make it.

Reception at Life and Limb

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Twelve of the diptychs from the book, A Year of Mornings, were enlarged and beautifully framed. If you click on the photo above, you can see the photos better. We bought the top photo on the left. It has the back of Mia with her braid.

This little gallery/shop has lots of great stuff and they specialize in cacti!

That wall with the trees is really amazing.

Here are Steph and Jack chatting with a patron!!

And here is the adorable MAV — Maria — the co-conspirator.

Mia and Miles were playing out on the sidewalk. I took this photo through the glass and so you see a reflection of the gallery.

I enjoy being the mom of the artist. I am so proud of what the two girls have accomplished.

I found the perfect thread this morning for quilting the water. I wanted some teal and orange. I found a Superior King Tut that was perfect.

I started the quilting of the sky which is a little more complicated, but I am loving how it looks. I may have this finished and ready for binding or facing by tomorrow night.

Feeling Frazzled

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Last week, I was working in a very calm, neat studio. Life was great. Things change. This week, the piece I am working on has required me to audition and cut bits of fabric and now, everything is in chaos. On top of that, I dyed several yards of fabric this morning so I and my clothes are dye stained. I had a leaky wash basin and a leaky plastic baggie. As a result, I spent a lot of time mopping up my little wet studio. I did several shades of brown. The landscape and architecture of Israel is very neutral and requires a lot of brown. Lisa Call had some Kaufman pfd Pimatex fabric for sale on her blog. I bought 10 yards. I am anxious to see how this dyes.

I finally have the Sunrise piece ready for quilting. The sky was very difficult to do. I have pieces of tulle and organza. After I have done the thread work, this will look more integrated. I will add some more clouds on top of the current layer, I think. Doesn’t the water look fantastic?

I have been enjoying my morning and afternoon walks so  much. We have had sunny days in the 60s. I really should take my camera with me. The colors this fall are so spectacular.

I am trying not to get too excited about next Tuesday’s result. But, I have a feeling!! Won’t it be nice to be done with all the political advertising?


Friday, October 24th, 2008

Well, you knew that my happy high would not last. Got some news today that has me in tears and worrying for someone. Perhaps at some point I can share the details, but, for now, we are in the stages of discovery and coping. Don’t worry about Mr C or I — we are just fine — just sad.

I spent the morning at WW and shopping. I am at an impasse with my diet. I gained over the celebration time and now I just can’t get back with the program and losing. I switched meetings and am happier with the leader and group so I hope I can get motivated. I have to start journaling my food intake again, which I just finished doing. I had a good day.

M & M had no school today and Steph needed to do a Trader Joe’s run so she dropped them off to spend some time with us.

Miles and Mr C found a paper airplane site on the web and started folding.

Mia came down to the studio with me and decorated a t-shirt with T-Juice markers. I forgot to get a photo. I kept working on the Galilee Sunrise.

This is what I did today. For the mountains: the top reddish fabric is one that Jeanne gave me for my birthday. That glowing bit in the center was perfect to be under the sun.

I am covering this with organza to tone it down.

I have this delicious piece of shibori silk that will be the base of the sky. I am covering parts of it with organza to give it that reddish/golden glow.

So here are my fabrics laid out on the cutting table. I think I am making progress. I apologize for the photography. I had to take these photos from overhead the piece is on my cutting table and the light is not that great.

Tomorrow, I am going to the Oregon critque group. We meet twice a year. This time, we are meeting in Eugene, a couple of hours away. Terry is picking me up at 7:30 am. I have my quilts packed and my outfit selected. I am not very good in the early morning. I have to be organized. I guess I better set the alarm, too.


Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

This is a photo of the sun rising on the Sea of Galilee. It was taken by one of the photographers who accompanied us on our trip. I want to interpret this with fabric.

I painted this silk shantung organza last summer.

I rotary cut it into strips which I laid over a reddish orange dupioni silk. I want some of the dupioni to show through and look like the sun reflected on the water.

I then laid a layer of green tulle over the fabric pieces.

Then, the tulle gets pinned down. I am running out of pins. I bought a new package, but I can’t find them!!

Once the whole piece is assembled, I will stitch the heck out of it. This piece will be about 28″ X 38″.