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Archive for June 9th, 2005

What Would I Do Differently and Stuff

Thursday, June 9th, 2005

Gabrielle asked What Would You Do Differently if you could go back and make changes. I do believe that of those of us sharing comments on blogs, I am the senior member. Sometimes I don’t like to think about how old I am because I get a panic attack thinking I will never accomplish every thing I still want to do. That being said, I wouldn’t change anything except to have discovered art quilting much earlier in my life. I have so many blessings. I am surrounded by family and friends whom I cherish. I hate to think that I might have taken another path and not ended up right where I am.

I am way behind in post cards. So I have been playing with Mrs. Mel’s scraps which ended up on my doorstep on Monday. It is quite a treat to have prefused hand dyed fabric in nice little shapes and pieces. But, all I have to show for it is this post card.

I seem to be going through a very fallow period. I am feeling very out of sorts. It must be the sun spots. But, I know this, too, shall pass. I think that is one of the finer characteristics of old age – knowing the ebb and flow and highs and lows of life come and go and life goes on.

Day Four of Twenty Days of Virtue Has it only been four days? Egads, what have I gotten myself into? Yesterday was rainy and miserable. I did go to aerobics and had a very good workout. I stuck to my plan all day. I had a tiny almost pure piece of chocolate after dinner. We went to see a local production of Guys and Dolls. It was really great. It was a fundraiser for The Living Room, a day shelter for at risk women and children in Santa Rosa. Stevie is on the board. I skipped the wine and goodies and really didn’t miss them. Today was a work day at the SDA office so I really couldn’t get into trouble, but I didn’t get any exercise except for stuffing priority mail envelopes with journals and welcome letters.