I have to do an errand this afternoon. It is a beautiful day in wine country. Come along for the ride! This is what vineyards look like in the winter:
Here we are at our destination:
This is the Red Barn Store AKA as Oak Hill Farm at the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market in San Francisco. Here are some interior shots. I think they thought I was nuts – well, I am! Can you guess what I cam here to purchase?
After making my purchase, I went to the video store and rented 3 chick flicks. I am watching Melinda/Melinda right now – an erudite Woody Allen movie. Then I bought a filet mignon and a big Idaho potato to go with the fresh greens I bought at the Red Barn.
Back at home:
Ah! Now it is looking a lot like Christmas!
A final touch:
PS: I am feeling grrrreat, tonight!!