In much of the world this is boxing day. Many Americans think this means it is a day to pack up boxes or to return packages to the store for exchanges or refunds. Reduced
to it’s simplest essence, its origins are found in a long-ago practice
of giving cash or durable goods to those of the lower classes. Gifts
among equals were exchanged on or before Christmas Day, but
beneficences to those less fortunate were bestowed the day after.
We can be happy that it is an archaic holiday and celebrated in name only!!
Around here it is left-overs day. I don’t cook and we hope the kids didn’t take all the left overs home with them! We had Lisa’s excellent lasagna for lunch along with Christmas cookies. Tonight we will have the left-overs from Christmas dinner.
Lisa left for home yesterday. Here she is Christmas eve. Oh and the next picture is Steve masquerading as Santa:
I have not posted many pictures of my son. He is quite handsome as you can see. He looks a lot like me, except he is very tall!!
He brought his new girlfriend Jaymie. We had never met her. She is
a lovely young woman that Mark has been dating for a few months. She is from Tempe, but works in San Jose now. She is a lot younger than Mark, but is very mature. She is quitting her job in June and going to take pre-med classes at San Francisco State. Here they are together:
Mark said they had an escape plan in case Jaymie was not comfortable with us. I am happy to say, it was not needed. They stayed until this morning!!
Here are the pillows that Steph and Lisa made for Mark. They used the same fabric:
Here are some goodies that I received that I love:
Click on photo to see it enlarged.
OK, that should be really neat tote bag from Lisa. Mrs. Mel, do you have an NPR map?
Steve is calling me to go out to K-Mart to get some big plastic totes to start storing my studio stuff while the house is on the market. We have and appointment with the Realtor on January 15th. A strange thing happened yesterday while we were sitting around in the living room. A very well-dressed woman drove up in a fancy schmancy Mercedes. She got out with a camera, walked in front of our house and took a picture. What was that about? Here is my fantasy. The work is out that we are selling the house. She represents someone who really wants a house here and they are going to show up at our door next week and offer us an insanely high offer without my ever having to clean a closet or empty my studio. What do you think the chances of that are?