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Archive for November 6th, 2006

Art Quilt Tahoe Day 2

Monday, November 6th, 2006

I am in that blissful state of being creative a

nd enjoying the creativity of others. My class with Jeannette Meyer is just what I needed to jump start my qult making. Out first exerise was one that I have done before, but have always enjoyed. She cut a poster in to 12 pieces and gave us each one to recreate – paying attention to the nuances of color ande value.


My section was the top left piece.

Next, working with black and white paper we were to take a simple shape and make 4 designs with the shape in a different place. You can see that some people in the class didn’t quite get it.



With the help of Jeannette and the class, we selected our favorite design and worked in fabric – using various criteria.

Here are my first 3:


The top 2 are contrasting value – that is close, but you can still see the design element and also a contrast in texture and fabric design – done 2 ways. The third is to contrast a very grayed color with its pure color. I used tow fabrics for the design shape. I am working on another variation of this – picture tomorrow. Hey, I am working in a series!

Here is more of the eye candy for sale -some gorgeous art cloth:


And, of course, the dessert du jour:


I am missing mucho rain in Portland. Mr C e-mailed me to tell me how bad it is. He also gave me a list of all the things he is going to accomplish while I am away. What a great guy!!