What is normal winter weather in Portland? Everyone keeps saying it is rainier, colder and now snowier than normal.
This morning around 8:30, this is what I saw. Big fluffy flakes of snow were starting to fall.

Not much later, it looked like this:

Then the snow stopped and the sun came out.

If you would like to see a selection of all my snowy day pictures, you can find them here.
Update on my art quilt for the auction. The winning bidder is Melissa from Minnesota. She is a knitter and a software tester for Adobe. She reads the crafty blogs and saw a link to the auction and my quilt and fell in love with it. I hope she likes it as much when it is in her hands.
While perusing the blogs that she linked to, I saw some negative comments about the auction. There were those who thought the fundraising was not necessary for someone who lives in San Francisco and probably had life insurance and other means. I think they missed the point ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù that this was a way for artists to share their grief with Kati who has been a wonderful supporter of emerging artists in the Bay area. We would all like to see her continue to keep the two stores open and if this money can help her do that, it is well worth the effort. But the fact is, we don’t care how she uses the money. No amount of money will ever bring James back to them and for that, we still grieve.
I have been trying to finish organizing and doing some cleaning up in the studio so that I can take pictures to put up here. I finally succeeded today so sometime in the next few days, I will have a studio tour on the blog.
I have also been organizing photos of my quilts for my website. I have to do a description, size, etc and then put them into folders for my galleries. So far, I have finished the abstract/geometric section which has been sent off to the design team. I should have gotten another set done today, but I am happy that I got the studio done.
Tuesday night was STASH meeting at Beth’s house. I love spending time with this group of women. Three of the six of us were knitting as we shared and chatted. We are moving our meetings to Some Thursday at Somebody’s House – in the day time. I am excited because I don’t enjoy going out in the evening that much unless it is a date with Mr C. We can also go out for lunch and have some field trips.
Tomorrow is critique group at Terry’s house. I haven’t decided what to take. I would like to take my latest piece, but June is one of the jurors for the show so I think that would not be a good idea. We have a watercolor artist joining us tomorrow. I think it will be fun to have an artist from another media.
Yesterday, Gabrielle talked about being able to play and create like a child and less wrapped up in the responsibilities of being a grown-up. In response, I said:
I am going to the studio to play with youthful abandon, but first I
have to clean up from the last project!! I guess there has to be a
happy, healthy medium. Good thoughts.
She e-mailed this to me and made my day:
You are the poster woman for what I was trying to say. Your youthful joy at all you do always brings a smile. After having lived in one place, you just pick up and move…and immediately explore the new city and all it has to offer. You’re my kinda woman…
Enought this and that for tonight.