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Archive for March 14th, 2007

I Feel a Rant Coming On

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

I am getting so weary of the stuff going on in Washington. The misuse of the Patriot Act (didn’t we see that coming). The Blue Dog Democrats who are holding back action that needs needs to be taken to halt the actions of an immoral administration. The abuse of the injured soldiers when they do make it home.  All those people running for president so early in the year.

But what put me over the edge to ranting today was this interview with Hilary Clinton that I found on this political blog:

I also asked her about the comments by General Peter Pace that homosexulity is “immoral.” Clinton has opposed the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, so I asked her if that law — signed by her husband in 1993 — was a mistake, and if homosexuality is “immoral.”

“General Pace has clarified his remarks, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is not working,” she said. “We are being deprived of thousands of patriotic men and women who want to serve their country who are bringing skills into the armed services that we desparately need, like translation skills. And one can argue whether it was a good idea when it was first implemented, but we now have evidence as to the fact that we are in a time of war — when we really need as many people as we can to recruit and retain in an all-volunteer army — we are turning people away or discharging them not because of what they’ve done but because of who they are.”

But is it immoral?

“Well I’m going to leave that to others to conclude,” she said. “I’m very proud of the gays and lesbians I know who perform work that is essential to our country, who want to serve their country and I want make sure they can.”

Oh, Hil, you have shown your true colors. You are just one of those politicians who waltz around this issue hoping you will garner a few votes from the Christian right. I  happen to have a gay daughter and that anyone thinks she is immoral is abhorant to me. That you could not bring yourself to come out and say it, too, is denegrating to all the homosexuals in this country and their families. You should be ashamed of yourself. You will not get any votes or support from me and I intend to work hard to make sure you do not get my party’s nomination for president.