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Archive for April 4th, 2007

Doing My Martha Thang

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

I saw this method for decorating Easter eggs on Martha’s show this week. I had to try it. So I tootled off to the Goodwill to find some cheap silk ties. I brought them home and threw them in the wash. I then cut squares large enough to wrap around an egg. I also used some silks from my stash.


After wrapping the egg in silk, you must wrap it again in a cotton cloth, such as an old sheet. I used muslin.  Use a twist tie to hold the fabric around the egg. Put them in an enamel or glass pan, cover with water, add white vinegar, bring to a boil and simmer for at least 20 minutes.

Here is the luscious result:


And a close up.


You can apparently reuse the fabric to do another batch. Here is a link to the directions. 

Tomorrow, my STASH group is coming for our monthly meeting, followed by lunch out to celebrate Terry’s and Linda’s birthdays. So Mr C and I did some much needed spring cleaning. I even tried to straighten up the studio. We are also expecting spectacular weather.