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Archive for May 23rd, 2007

Feelin’ Groovy

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

Just a reminder that I am still looking for some more photos to join our Virtual Iraq War Protest! I added a couple more today. Just click on the Endless/end this War bumper sticker in the side bar. I still have some bumper stickers left – if you want one, send me your snail mail on the contact above.

Today, I came down to the studio and, after shortening a pair of high-water jeans to cropped pants, I pulled out the fused silk scraps left from the big commission that I finished about a year ago. They have been under my cutting table, out of site. I was delighted with what I found.

I began cutting small squares and decided that I wanted to make a cruciform piece a la Mrs Mel and Liz Berg. Here is Red Crucis, fused to batting.


And here is is after a pillowcased backing and quilting and a close-up.



I did some of that wonky satin stitching on it. I really love doing that with the variegated thread. This piece is not that large – maybe 12 inches square.

Here is my thread doodle for today. It is of my mini-iron. I clearly need to spend some more time at this!

