M and M and their parents are leaving on a jet plane in the morning — off to visit the other grandparents in North Carolina. Mia told me that it is hot there – really hot. I told her that I knew this to be true from personal experience.
This morning, I turned my self in to Weight Watchers. I get a really good deal through Kaiser Permanente so thought I would give it 12 weeks. I am saying this out loud to all of you as I need your support. I am not going to tell you how much I weigh, but I will report my weekly loss or gain, right here for you all to see. We also get a free health club membership, so that is next on my list to do.
I came home, had lunch and headed to Westmoreland for a hair cut. Hi, Tonya!! I ran into Tonya, the daughter of the owner, who looked at me as if she knew me and she did — at least the blog me. Turns out she is one of those crafty young women who follow my daughters’ blogs and so checks in on me occasionally.
I offered to help Steph get ready for her trip by entertaining M & M this afternoon and making dinner. She dropped them off mid-afternoon. Miles hung out with Grandpa while Mia and I went to the farmer’s market and the grocery store to shop for dinner.
Here are our baked goods: apricot tart, mini chocolate bundt cake, two kinds of bread.
Mia selected the veggies: green beans and carrots.
This lettuce was so fresh and lovely – 3 heads for $3.
Mia couldn’t wait to chomp on the carrots. She ate four, before dinner.
For dinner we had, linguine with shrimp, arugula and lemon oil, green beans, fruit salad with raspberries and blueberries from the farmer’s market, and bread and dessert from the farmer’s market. Yummm!
Thank you all for the good wishes for surviving my latest allergy attack. I am still suffering from vertigo in the morning. By later in the day, I feel much better.