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Archive for July 23rd, 2007

The Pause That Refreshes

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Today was a great Monday and the start of a creative week for me. I did some more work on the Winter Bamboo Fence. I have the fabrics glued down and now I need to do some stitching to integrate the piece. I think I will do some hand stitching and some by machine. I wanted to add some red and just now, I decided that I had too much red and so made a final change.


I had to take a break in my studio work because Steph had to take Miles to see the doctor this afternoon. Miss Mia came over to spend the afternoon with me. We started work on a quilt for her American Girl doll, Kirsten. I bought a bed for her for Christmas last year. We were missing one square and Mia said she would like to do some embroidery. She is also learning cursive writing so she is embroidering Kirsten’s name in red. I love this photo of her:



Last week when we went shopping, I bought her a Kathy Kruse German doll. She looks sort of like this one, but she has 4 braids in light brown.


Steph says she takes her every place with her. So while Mia stitched, I made Melissa a nightie. Sorry, no picture. Steph came to retrieve my sewing partner before I could get a photo.

Tomorrow, I am taking Mia to an Art Adventure at our church. We are going to make Chinese puppets and possibly go on an urban letter boxing adventure.

On Wednesday, I start a 5 day shibori class at the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts. I am so excited about that class. I am going to have to weigh in at Weight Watchers in the evening. Hope that won’t be too depressing.