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Archive for October 9th, 2008

Digital Essentials

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

When this book arrived in the mail, Mr C said  — “Gee, computers and quilts — this is the perfect book for you!!” It is a book for which I have waited for what seems like a long long time! The author, Gloria Hansen, along with her London based partner, Derry, are the designers of my website. They are known as Gloderworks. Gloria is a one woman wickipedia of information about digital images, photo and graphics software, printing on fabric and creating award winning quilts using all of these techniques.

I got to know Gloria on the Quilt Art list. In addition to being a very knowledgeable resource, she has always been more than generous about sharing her knowledge with all of us. I am the kind of person that buys software and then flies by the seat of pants, trying this and that and picking up bits of wisdom and know how when and where I can. Now, I will feel as if I have Gloria right here in my office.

Digital Essentials will be a very handy resource, residing next to my computer. Gloria covers every thing from the tiny pixel to the big picture and everything in between. For those who are saving money by doing their own photography and submitting digital images for juried quilts shows, this book is a must. From calibrating the color management on your computer to removing the background from a quilt, it is all in this handy manual. She covers a variety of software and PC and Mac environments. Want to know how to print better images on fabric? It’s in there.

You can get an autographed copy of the book on Gloria’s website. The web page also has a nice synopsis of all the information that you will find in the book plus a free pdf of the chapter on image protection.