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Archive for October 13th, 2008

The Celebrating is Winding Down.

Monday, October 13th, 2008

Steph made a delicious dinner last night. We had artichokes for dipping before dinner and beef stew with noodles and salad and bread for dinner. I picked out my own birthday cake at Baker and Spice, a bakery owned by the daughter of our friends, Cheryl and Dave. It was an almond cake with mascarpone frosting. It had 7 candles. Isn’t that a cute cake bearer? The cake was delicious.

I need to rewind back to Friday. I had been to critique group with Terry, June and Mary. When I arrived home, I found a pile of packages. Here is my embarrassment of riches.

Judy, one of the co-conspirators of my birthday blog, sent me one of her fabulous Complexitees. I stood in the kitchen, whipped off the top I was wearing and put this on.This is not a great photo, but you can see it on Judy’s blog, where she says it is for a sale at her church. Ha!! Thanks, Judy!!

In the next package, I found this wonderful little house quilt wall hanging from my doppelganger friend on Long Island, Dee. I just love the colors in this — brown, turquoise and lime green. This is going in my bedroom. Thank you, Dee!!

Last, was a box containing a multitude of delights for a fiber artist. It was from another of the co-conspirators, Jeanne, who does not have a blog. She lives up in Washington State. There was a fabulous, embellished felted bowl with beads and yarns and beautiful buttons. I thought about trying this as a hat because it is so cool!

There were gorgeous hand-dyes.

And vintage Japanese fabrics. These will all be put to good use. Thank you, Jeanne.

On Saturday, Mr C and I drove out to the Erath Vineyards for the Cellar Society tasting and picked up our wines for this quarter. It was a gorgeous drive. We could see Mt. Hood from way out on the Western Side. You can just barely see it, if you click on the photo, it is just left of center.

Here is a closer view. But, it is only half of the Mt. there on the left!! Ha!

OK, now here is a great shot taken on the drive home.

I love taking photos of the elusive mountain.

On Saturday night, Mr C took me out for a nice dinner.

Thank you to everyone for making my birthday special.