Since yesterday was a holiday for the USPS, I received a pile of birthday cards today. Amongst them was this delicious post card created by my good friend Karoda.This is so beautiful with text, paint, handstitching, yum! Thanks!
And this arrived from Hawaii from my virtual quilt daughter, Kristin. Isn’t this the cutest pin cushion? Thank you!!
It is sitting on a pile of books in my studio. I am going to take these to Powell’s book store to see what I can get for them. I am in the midst of rearranging my studio. I am liking the new arrangement, but it is taking me forever to get it done. I hope to get it in order to start some creating tomorrow afternoon.
Remember this scary site?
Well, look at who showed up on the UPS truck today. She looks like a brand new doll. She had her hair done and got a cleaning plus getting her new arm. She is wearing a hospital gown and wristband and is carrying a get well balloon. How cute is that? Miss Mia is coming after school tomorrow to take her home. Mission accomplished!